Half-Life 2 and E3 2004

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
It's quite possibly gone unnoticed, but I sent an e-mail to Doug and got a reply back.

Chris_D said:
Will Valve be making a presentation at E3 again this year?

Most likely, though nothing final to announce right now.

E3 is in May 2004. The hoped release for the game is April 2004. As Fragmaster has just pointed out on www.planethalflife.com; they never show released games at E3.

That means Vivendi's release schedule change was right and now the current release date is TBC 2004... We may not even see it until September 30th... again.

I'm not completely heartbroken by this though. As we all know, the history of HL1 followed a very similar pattern. They started making it, scrapped it, delayed it (by a year) and then released it; only for it to be the best PC game ever in terms of gameplay and lastability. If it gets delayed - it'll be for all the right reasons.
so we just got the year wrong? they meant sept30 2004?!?!
We like got so OWN3D!

funny how it turns sept30 was the right date...
Uh, just because valve is going to e3 doesn't mean they're showing half life 2. They could just show counterstrike: CZ again. Or maybe even show TF2 or CS2. Once again, the community is jumping to conclusions.
However, I've been banking on Spet 30th 2004 for a while now. I'm just saying your reply doesn't prove anything.
What CreedoG said.. you should've asked if we'll be seeing HL² at E³ again :)
Well this is the first thing I thought also...but i must say that it's also possible that they are just showing CS:CZ, or TF2...and that's not crasy talk; that could just as well be .... pfff the speculations... :rolleyes:
hey, well if HL2 is at E3 again, at least we can expect an amazing movie :)


EDIT - Gotta get rid of the xmas avatar... damn.
Chris_D said:
It's quite possibly gone unnoticed, but I sent an e-mail to Doug and got a reply back.

E3 is in May 2004. The hoped release for the game is April 2004. As Fragmaster has just pointed out on www.planethalflife.com; they never show released games at E3.

That means Vivendi's release schedule change was right and now the current release date is TBC 2004... We may not even see it until September 30th... again.

I'm not completely heartbroken by this though. As we all know, the history of HL1 followed a very similar pattern. They started making it, scrapped it, delayed it (by a year) and then released it; only for it to be the best PC game ever in terms of gameplay and lastability. If it gets delayed - it'll be for all the right reasons.

that only means Valve will be there.

they might be showing CS2.0 or TF2 or trying to promote steam to other companies.
Yeah, I thought that jumping to the conclusion that he meant HL2 is a bad one. Someone should send another email to confirm either way. (If they reply to it)

Anyway. I have thought for a while that they are likely to show TF2 at this years E3. Its about time don't you think?
Valve are ghey , How's that ? :angry:

No seriously they should clear things up. ID Softwares told us we wouldn't see Doom 3 before march, is it that difficult for Valve to tell us some info about Half-Life 2's status so we don't get all hyped up again for nothing ? I'm not asking for a precise release date, I just want them to tell us " If everything goes as planned, it's gonna be out in the next 3 months" or "It won't be ready before September" or something like that.

They are gonna show HL2 at E3 2004, that's what I think. :sniper:
Sigh, I tell you what. If it isnt out by september I might just start to symphasise with all these anti-valve people.

It is getting fairly rediculas afterall.... :x

I mean I will always support valve really. But you can't help but get slightly peeved at the way things are going can you?!

Hmm well I won't have access to practically ANY cash after June anyway since I finish my school years then :) And I haven't gotten a job yet... yikes :D
Maybe hes unsure because theres a good chance that they'll release HL2 BEFORE E3 or around that time?

If they were showing a game like TF2 or CS2 they would have been planning for a long time and wouldnt be undecided about weather or not they're going to show something.
By using by my incredible, clairvoyant capabilities, I predict HL2 will be released on the same date as......Duke Nukem Forever (cue Dr. Evil laughter).

What my psychic abilities can't do is figure out what they would show at E3. Gabe said that no new info about HL2 will be released until the game is on store shelves. So I'm not expecting an appereance by Valve at E3.
Why can't they actually clarify?! I mean, it's pretty obvious that anyone asking that question right now would want to know if they're showing Half-Life 2 again...
*gulp* looks like steelhed was right after all :( better take his quote outta my sig :/
Bah I say BAH!!!

Its getting to me now.

On a different note:
I didn't want to make a new thread about it. But It just struck me as I watched the tunnels vid again just now to see if I can re light my spirits... (didnt work btw)

Did we ever discover the easter egg in the movies that valve said they put there?

I can't remember there being a definate answer......

ARGH, Now thats getting to me too!!! ;(
Steelhed must've been an undercover VALVe employee! lol, be sad if he was right.. :(
People, itll be out when its out. Just let Valve work their magic. Its gonna be worth the wait.
*Sigh*... I wish people wouldn't ask things that bring up more questions than answers. How hard is it to ask specifically about HL2? Now we've got one more rumor to add to the collection.
PainLord said:
People, itll be out when its out. Just let Valve work their magic. Its gonna be worth the wait.

Yeah, have to agree. It will get done and be released at some point...that's a given, and there's not a thing we can do other than wait for it. Getting mad isn't going to help, so, we should sit back and relax and find other things to do until then. Doom3, Stalker, and various other games will be out before then, after all :)

If it IS delayed for an entire year, after being SO close to being done, I will be incredibly curious to find out just what happened behind the scenes.
Someone said:
Yeah, have to agree. It will get done and be released at some point...that's a given, and there's not a thing we can do other than wait for it. Getting mad isn't going to help, so, we should sit back and relax and find other things to do until then. Doom3, Stalker, and various other games will be out before then, after all :)

If it IS delayed for an entire year, after being SO close to being done, I will be incredibly curious to find out just what happened behind the scenes.

There's been no supporting evidence that Doom 3 will be out before HL2, the same goes for STALKER. At this point, I'll be even willing to bet FarCry gets delayed
Yeah, everything is getting delayed. To quote a grunt from Opposing Force: "The current situation is looking pretty grim."
*Enables Optimist Prime protocol*

Here's hoping Gabe's talking about a different project, and that HL2 is right on track.

*Default setting; Pessimistic Bastard*

The game is definitely not coming any time soon. Can't recall any released titles being displayed at E3. I might actually visit E3 this time round, just to see a HL2 demo directly. So I'd get some sort of benefit...
Shuzer said:
There's been no supporting evidence that Doom 3 will be out before HL2, the same goes for STALKER. At this point, I'll be even willing to bet FarCry gets delayed

Stalker release date have been said to be Sept2004.
Doom3 some Software stores say Late April .. nothing official..
i think it will be released before this summer. unless not.
However FArcry developers in the other hand already released a single player demo. so expect a Gold announcement in ~ 30-45days!!! .
vann7 said:
Stalker release date have been said to be Sept2004.
Doom3 some Software stores say Late April .. nothing official..
i think it will be released before this summer. unless not.
However FArcry developers in the other hand already released a single player demo. so expect a Gold announcement in ~ 30-45days!!! .

Yeah, but STALKER's bound to be delayed atleast once (if it's not, props to them)

As good as the FC demo is (IMO), it's still too buggy. Unless there's something held back in the demo, the game needs work. Optimization is the #1 problem, people will NOT be happy if the final product runs like it does for most. If they can't resolve the problems before the expected March release, I really hope they delay it. I'd much rather have a bug-free FC than a poorly optimized bug ridden FC :(
I really hope we some light shed on the ever shy Team Fortress 2. Hopefully it will still be set in a contemporary warzone. I know Team Fortress Classic fans will lynch me for saying this but I always thought TFC was a bit silly and not much fun to play. The modern day war setting is far better in my opinion.

Now excuse me whilst I dodge the incoming nailgun rounds from that large disgruntled mob of TFC fans (runs off). :E
hey fellas long time -

the more i think about it the more it seems like valve really did mean 04, and just never clarified it to make it a huge hype. but then the source code was stolen which they didnt expect and got things all in a tizzy. well, none of thats probably true, and it will be worth the wait.
ElFuhrer said:
*Sigh*... I wish people wouldn't ask things that bring up more questions than answers. How hard is it to ask specifically about HL2? Now we've got one more rumor to add to the collection.
I don't think Valve respond when you ask specific questions relating to release dates and such. You have to beat around the bush.

But now, after this E3 announcement, i think Valve should tell us what the **** is going on. Surely they'll know if the game won't be released before E3, just tell us guys!! It's stupid keeping so many people in this permanent state of anticipation, you turn cooky after a while :bounce:
WhiteBoy said:
The source code theft was true

Are you joking? It was all just a huge conspiracy to delay it further, if there was a source code leak then all the software companys would of knon about it and tried to get it.

Next thing you know they'll try to bring some more tales up and say that it'll be delayed on account of the programmers playing it too much and not making it. I know I would
Hmmm the seeds of doubt seem to be planted here all of a sudden.... :dork:

Slowly but surely, people will begin to realize and accept that HL2 isn't coming out till my oft predicted April 2005.

There is a secret Valve software doesn't want anyone to know and that is that the real HL2 (not the illusionary one shown at E3) sucks ass. Fixing it so that it is actually fun will take 2 years minimum. This parallels the development of HL1 except it won't be delayed for only one year, HL2 is a much more complex and ambitious game to make than HL1, so its going to take 2 years of delays before it is out.

"except for the fact that it's taken an unbelievably long time to do--Half-Life 2 has been a lot more fun for us than Half-Life" - Gabe Newell

The year 2003 in retrospect for Valve was a year of obtaining funds:
  1. engine sales
  2. video card packin deals
  3. showing the game to Hollywood execs in back in July looking to hawk the HL movie rights

all this to get cash in order to pay for the expensive HL2 development and the money draining failed CS:CZ development. All it took was pulling the wool over the eyes of a bunch of rabid fans with a phony release date (Sept 30) designed to create huge hype and awareness allowing them to obtain as much money as possible.

The year 2004 looking forward for Valve will be a year of silence mostly as they pull down the office blinds, ignore the world, and work hard on the game for its eventual 2005 release.

If they do eventually release a Ver 1.0 SDK for HL2 it will only be because they want to keep as much of the mod talent from abandoning them for Doom3 or Farcry. If you are working on a HL2 mod you really should consider jumping ship to a game that will actually come out this year. :imu:
zwingly said:
I really hope we some light shed on the ever shy Team Fortress 2. Hopefully it will still be set in a contemporary warzone. I know Team Fortress Classic fans will lynch me for saying this but I always thought TFC was a bit silly and not much fun to play. The modern day war setting is far better in my opinion.

Now excuse me whilst I dodge the incoming nailgun rounds from that large disgruntled mob of TFC fans (runs off). :E
zwingly said:
I really hope we some light shed on the ever shy Team Fortress 2. Hopefully it will still be set in a contemporary warzone. I know Team Fortress Classic fans will lynch me for saying this but I always thought TFC was a bit silly and not much fun to play. The modern day war setting is far better in my opinion.

Now excuse me whilst I dodge the incoming nailgun rounds from that large disgruntled mob of TFC fans (runs off). :E

(10 char limit sucks)
in my opinion if HL2 will last so long time to get to stores must be a very good game,whiout much errors,tested so many times that is a "perfect" game
or just the HL2 developers are very lazy
if someone wanna know what my signature say,traduce it
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Sigh, I tell you what. If it isnt out by september I might just start to symphasise with all these anti-valve people.

It is getting fairly rediculas afterall.... :x

I mean I will always support valve really. But you can't help but get slightly peeved at the way things are going can you?!


You mentioned Team Fortress 2 a couple of times up there.... Weren't you around when that happened? It only gets worse and worse from here on out. I mean, it's total deja vu. I was a chipper little fanboy (well, 23) back when Team Fortress 2 took E3 by storm, but then delay, delay, disappear. And Valve is one group of patient mutha f*ckas. They can wait years without saying a damn word. I really wouldn't be suprised at this point, if Keeson was right about april 2005. Who knows? It's like it's mental warfare with those guys.

When they finally do re-announce Team Fortress 2, I'm going to be just plain blown away. Probably faint at my desk at work. If they were originally planning on having HL2 out by Sept 2003, then I bet E3 2004 was when they were planning on announcing TF2. Well, the TF2 team has kept on working this whole time. I know probably some of the devs were pulled off to help finish HL2, but maybe they've got something to show? Gabe did say he'd be suprised if we didn't hear anything about TF2 before HL2 was released. Well.. that time would be E3 if HL2 is going to be done this summer. (please!)
I didn't read the topic, but halo was at E3 a bunch after it was released.

But it's more likely it means that half life 2 won';t be out before E3 2k4...
ehhhh...i can't stay pissed at valve for very long, i mean if for some insanely unholy reason it's going to be delayed until september all i can say is that it'll probably twice as good as opposed to if it is released earlier, as bad as this sounds i'm gonna have to go with "the later the better" :|
Haha, I laugh at these dates, let it come out Sept 2006 for all I care. I will be playing Farcry, peace.