Half-Life 2 and E3 2004

Stupid, stupid thread.

Where did Valve say they were showing HL2 at E3? Oh, that's right. They didn't

How do you know it's not TF2 they'll be showing? CS2? Something that you don't know about?

Pointless, ridiculous speculation based on people's apparent inability to read.
If people didn't speculate this forum would be quite dull.

It's interesting to read peoples interpretations of Valve announcements.
Yeah, I noticed that email... thought about making a thread on it myself when I read it, but I decided that I was too tired to do so. :P
Man i dont care about E3 too much gets spoiled there, i just hope the game will not be released late 2004.
Hmmm interesting. I would really like to see what TF2 has evolved into. I remember Valve originally saying the TF2 would not have any player controlled vehicles, but now that we have seen the fantastic buggy vehicle in HL2 I think we can assume we'll be able be seeing a whole plethora of military vehicles. Preferably equipped with real weapons, not DIY tools
Anyone who's seen the source code knows exactly what TF2 is about.
Will Valve be making a presentation at E3 again this year?

Most likely, though nothing final to announce right now.

Chris D, you might of ment Halflife2 being shown at e3, he might of known that you mean Halflife2 being shown at e3, but where in the above statement does it say "Halflife2 being shown at e3". All the above statement implies is that Valve might be at e3. Too be honest, we will just have to wait until closer to the date to find out if Valve will be at e3 and what they will be showing.
PiMuRho said:
Stupid, stupid thread.

Where did Valve say they were showing HL2 at E3? Oh, that's right. They didn't

How do you know it's not TF2 they'll be showing? CS2? Something that you don't know about?

Pointless, ridiculous speculation based on people's apparent inability to read.
Thanks for your contribution and your reading of the other posts in the thread.

Me said:
Next to DNF, TF2 is the biggest vaporware we've seen in the last 6 years; CS2 is pretty much unannounced and CS:CZ is having a simultaneous worldwide release planned with a ship date being announced in the next few weeks and advanced previews are being given to sites like Gamespy and probably IGN. Last I heard, DOD v1 is still being tweaked; and even if tehy have got the Source engine now, they won't have anything to show for it yet.

I'm not saying I'm right or you're wrong. I'm just saying that it's the most likely possibility.

And PiMuRho - Where did I say they were showing HL2 at E3? Oh, that's right. I didn't. I'm just saying it's a likely possibility. My comments are partly based on fact too considering that the "official" release date has been set back from April 2004 to TBC 2004.
Umm....it doesn't mean half life 2 is going to go to e3 this year, VALVe could not take it and such, and show off a new mod or something....you never know...
Uh.. Im guessing that the auther of that article is assuming that Valve will show HL2 at E3...
In the CNN article released today I thought he said that HL2 WILL be shown at E3 again this year!!!! I know guys that have worked for EA, I'ma see if I can get them to get me an E3 pass :D
OMG it's so freaking crazy ! The game will be shown again in may ... after april .

When we will play it ?! A year waiting ... it's stupid !

If valve won't make any revolution with it ppl will be so angry they can forget about HL3 :o
I think we gonna see HL2 and TF2 in E3 this year.
According to that article they are showing HL2 at E3 this year and they are hoping to complete the game in the Summer. Which probably means an Autumn release.
Chris_D said:
According to that article they are showing HL2 at E3 this year and they are hoping to complete the game in the Summer. Which probably means an Autumn release.

Autumn :flame: :x
Chris_D said:
According to that article they are showing HL2 at E3 this year and they are hoping to complete the game in the Summer. Which probably means an Autumn release.

Hahah so embarassing for valve..

(Valve at e3)"So yeah it will be realeased soon"
Yes, embarassing for Valve....but what I really find embarassing is the behavior of some of the people at this site. Talk about denial. People...Half-Life 2 is not going to be completed before E3, it WILL be there, and I for one can't believe one of the mods has the nerve to call this a stupid thread just because he has deluded himself into believing that HL2 will be out sooner than it will be, which is September 2004 at the earliest, you can mark my words.

I've heard stories about this forum, so I will most likely be banned or something for this post, but I'm just trying to help people snap themselves out of their delusions, which already lead to disappointment once and will only do the same thing again.
Chris_D said:
According to that article they are showing HL2 at E3 this year and they are hoping to complete the game in the Summer. Which probably means an Autumn release.

How about september 30th then?
Today, we announced to our retail partners that the release date for Painkiller is now April 12, 2004. We made this change due to the competitive landscape in March -- it is year-end for several publishers, so they're rushing their big titles out to ship in March. There are 5 or 6 other high-profile games shipping in March, while April is going to be relatively quiet. We feel it will benefit Painkiller to ship during a quieter period.

This is from Brian Gladman from DC Interactive. A publisher. 5 or 6 games? FarCry? Doom? Is there something we're missing here? Although the Doug quote kinda says HL2 wont be out before summer.
farcry, doom, soldner etc....cant remember all the names but i want them all.
Ruroni said:
This is from Brian Gladman from DC Interactive. A publisher. 5 or 6 games? FarCry? Doom? Is there something we're missing here? Although the Doug quote kinda says HL2 wont be out before summer.

FarCry, Battlefield Vietnam, UT2004, Deus Ex (in Europe) are high profile shooters. There'll probably be more games in other genres as well.

Anyway, do you have any idea who Brian Gladman is ???