Half life 2 boring?



I dont want to make it sound as though I hated Half Life 2, but it was boring, compared to the first one. The first one had funner levels and alot more excitement all-in-all. IMHO

What do other people think? Dissagree?
Disagree.....what was boring besides some of the driving?
To sum up, i disagree. I had tonnes of fun. The buggy drivebys, big jumps on the mudskipper, gunship fights, strider battles, rebel team street fighting, being outnumbered, walking under a bridge above the sea had me on edge, and feel immersed in the world.

It sounds as if you sat down expecting the best, getting the best but not happy with it. You didnt connect yourself with the story or atmosphere the music and environments provide. And i think im right as the majority would agree.
Kind of agree. It wasn't boring, but it can't touch HL1.

Like i've said before, i'm into game creation/modding/level design etc, so it's like watching a magician when you know how all the tricks are done.

When HL1 came out I had no idea about all that stuff. I didn't even know what an OpenGL minidriver was.
Trav, give us your reasons! (and hopefully the people here won't be asses about it)
I love the game sooo much.

its the ebst game experience ive ever had.

its like acting in a movie. i dont see how anyone could find it boring
Well, i dont know how you can say that but hey, your opinion :)

Personally, i feel half life 2 was by far more exiting than the first. The street battles for one, and, pretty much all of the chapters were exiting, in open area's and were filled full of action.


Can't pleas everyone :D
I think many have the "idea" of HL1 built up in their minds. Play it again and tell me that Half-Life 2 is less exciting than HL1.
its kinda boring when about 60% of everything in the game you saw was also in the binks, and 20% was cut, so that just leaves us with 20% exciting content and something new

but HL1 was still more boring, maybe it started to get fun when you were actually in xen
By boring, do you mean really fun? If so, I totally agree.
Narcolepsy said:
I think many have the "idea" of HL1 built up in their minds. Play it again and tell me that Half-Life 2 is less exciting than HL1.
Half-Life 2 is less exciting than HL1.
Funnest, Addicting Game at the moment for me.. I don't find it boring at all..
If you found HL2 boring well.....what FPS games DO you like?

I just doesn't get better than this.

At least for the moment.....
the reason why half life 1 was so good because it was back in there day where there were barely any fps and hl1 was so revolutionary and hard to play cuz all of us were noobs, ever since hl1 came out and we play cs and shit we are all so leet at gaming that hl2 went by so fast cuz theres so many leet hacksores out there that pwn it up
slightlyretarded said:
the reason why half life 1 was so good because it was back in there day where there were barely any fps and hl1 was so revolutionary and hard to play cuz all of us were noobs, ever since hl1 came out and we play cs and shit we are all so leet at gaming that hl2 went by so fast cuz theres so many leet hacksores out there that pwn it up
Your name describes you well. :LOL:

The sad thing is, though, I actually agree.
Hey narc you're boring everyone. You're boring. Stop boring everyone
HL2 could potentially be boring if:

a ) The art direction, storyline and\or FPS gameplay don't appeal to your personal taste
b ) You're not very good at games and regularly can't figure out what to do, or die repeatedly, or both
c ) You had utterly rediculous expectations of how ludicrously brilliant the game would be.

Generally a ) shouldn't be a problem, since if a game like HL2 wasn't to your taste, you shouldn't have had any motivation to buy it (unless it was a peer pressure \ hype thing, which is quite possible).

b ) can sometimes be a problem for people who play very few games, or are new to computers. By the standards of most gamers though, HL2 was not overly difficult to complete, though it had it's tough moments.

I would imagine c ) is the most common problem. People work themselves up during pre-release hype, and raise hopes that the game will be better than it's even possible for a game to be. Demand too much of your games, and you'll fail to see the beauty in them. If played in the right state of mind, and appreciated for what it is, Half-Life 2 is the amazing, immersive experience it was hyped up to be.

Personally, I didn't find it boring at all. I loved every second of it (and replayability has gone up tenfold with garry's mod :p)
Hectic Glenn said:
You didnt connect yourself with the story or atmosphere the music and environments provide. And i think im right as the majority would agree.
I agree but I would also say that a great game should grab you & suck you in rather than rely on the player to connect themselves to what's going on. I think HL2 was a superb game but it certainly didn't suck me in in quite the same way as the first game did .......

slightlyretarded said:
the reason why half life 1 was so good because it was back in the day where there were barely any fps and hl1 was so revolutionary
........ And I think thats why. HL was a revolution in FPS's at a time when FPS's were still in their infancy! HL moved things forward when FPS's didn't know where they was moving too! It was uncharted territory & thats what made it so exciting. 5 years later & everyone's expectations are through the roof where as before we didn't have any expectations because we had no idea where it was all going.

In this day & age is HL2 such a revolution? Not by any stretch of the imagination. Obviously in some areas (Namely physics) it moves things nicely forward but HL2 is basically more of the same with knobs on! But at the end of the day thats what we really all wanted, Isn't it?
hl2 is brilliant
i could replay the various levels over and over
combine ai is not great but adequete
Tyguy said:
Disagree.....what was boring besides some of the driving?

I got to say, Nova Prospekt, although reveiling what the combine are doing, was boring but hard
dogboy73 said:
In this day & age is HL2 such a revolution? Not by any stretch of the imagination. Obviously in some areas (Namely physics) it moves things nicely forward but HL2 is basically more of the same with knobs on! But at the end of the day thats what we really all wanted, Isn't it?
Actually, I'd say that HL2 is in some ways revolutionary.. perhaps not in the sense that people will immediately go "WOW, I'd never have expected it to be like that!", but rather in the sense that it will be extremely influential, as the first HL was, in the areas that it pushes boundaries.

The obvious one is 'physics as gameplay' as opposed to 'physics as eye-candy'. Of course this was attempted by Trespasser years ago, but that was more or less a failed attempt from most people's perspectives. Half-Life 2 pulled it off so successfully, other developers of FPS games will be forced to use, and expand on, the type of physics integrated gameplay found in HL2 in order for their game to measure up.

The one many people seem to overlook, is HL2's emphasis on believable, human-like characters. Not cookie cutter action heroes, or large breasted women, but (virtually) real people, with their own personalities and emotions. Story driven FPS games that continue to use cliche characters and tiresome stereotypes will pale in comparison to HL2, and even those with decent writing will need to match the emotive facial animation of HL2 in order to compete. This will result in most major graphics-engines incorporating similar facial animation systems (based on real muscle groups etc), and many FPS developers taking the 'real rather than cool characters' approach.

It's not obvious that HL2 has revolutionised anything just yet, but in a couple of years, take a look at successful FPS games before and after HL2, and I'll bet the influence will not only be noticable, but rather obvious.
They both had exciting and boring parts of them, overall though i found hl2 far more exciting. Valve have spent alot more time and put more effort, thought and tech into this one and it payed off for me.

Its true i think alot of people overhyped hl2 and have also built up hl1 in their minds, this leads to thinking hl2 is a lesser game.

neway, answer to Q. = No.
Logic said:
Actually, I'd say that HL2 is in some ways revolutionary.. perhaps not in the sense that people will immediately go "WOW, I'd never have expected it to be like that!", but rather in the sense that it will be extremely influential, as the first HL was, in the areas that it pushes boundaries.
That's very true. It maybe doesn't have that WOW factor the original did because back then there wasn't so many FPS's around as there are today.

As for HL's influential quality - I think one of the most exciting things about Source is that Valve have made the tools readily available for the amatuer to get involved with the engines future. This is an inspired move on Valve's part because, Unlike the proffesional games companies, The amatuer developer/Modder can afford to take chances & experiment without the need to have a marketable product at the end of it. So all of HL/HL2's inspirations can potentialy come through without all the pressures & restrictions associated with game development at the proffesional level. the sky's the limit basically (Think of CS's origins)

The obvious one is 'physics as gameplay' as opposed to 'physics as eye-candy'. Of course this was attempted by Trespasser years ago, but that was more or less a failed attempt from most people's perspectives. Half-Life 2 pulled it off so successfully, other developers of FPS games will be forced to use, and expand on, the type of physics integrated gameplay found in HL2 in order for their game to measure up.
Tresspasser? Was that the Jurassic park game? That was hilarious. I remember I had a demo of that back when I had a PII 400 (Armed with a 12MB Voodoo2!). If it's the game I'm thinking you had to pick up & manipulate objects using your characters arm to give the impression you were actually picking asomething up! I remember pressing the 'pick up' button & this thing resembling a limb would extend from the screen & awkwardly try & pick up an object. It was bloody awfull.

HL2 physics by comparison ........... Well, There is no comparison. Certainly not compared to Tresspasser :) But as you say, The physics is intergrated so well into HL2/Source that it becomes second nature & completely convincing. It will be interesting to see how future games can exploit physics as well as HL2 does without the use of a tool/weapon like the gravity gun.

The one many people seem to overlook, is HL2's emphasis on believable, human-like characters. Not cookie cutter action heroes, or large breasted women, but (virtually) real people, with their own personalities and emotions. Story driven FPS games that continue to use cliche characters and tiresome stereotypes will pale in comparison to HL2.
Totaly agree with that as well. I've always admired the way Valve didn't play to usual video game stereo types where human characters are concerned. Having human characters that are, At the very least, Realisticly proportioned makes a world of difference to how they are perceived even without the amazing facial animation.
ughhh another of these...of course it wasnt boring...probably a halo fan or something
Half-Life 2 is the the best game I've ever played. Not a dull moment to be found.

dogboy73 said:
The physics is intergrated so well into HL2/Source that it becomes second nature & completely convincing.
This is an excellent point. I'll play games now and expect objects to react to my presence, and it can be a bit jarring when I realize that an office chair is inexplicably bolted to the ground.
ughhh another of these...of course it wasnt boring...probably a halo fan or something....

Halo - now that IS a boring game, and the sequel was even worse. Just constantly wading thru hoardes of enemies - single player Quake anyone? In fact, Quake 1 SP was better for the time of release in terms of a revolutionary advances.

It amazes me how highly regarded Halo is on the Xbox, when, quite frankly, it is a run-of-the-mill FPS which barely raised an eyebrow when ported to the PC.

I can't understand why anyone can see HL2 as being anything other than the best game ever made, to me there is no doubt, the games is so close to flawless it's unreal (no pun intended...).
Let's see in a couple of years how the games look and then we can say what influence it had.