Half-Life 2 Breakfast Cereal

That pic is hilarious. Now if someone could get little marshmallow Lamda Symbols and headcrabs.........

Hey, I'd buy it
Well, in my opinion cereal is the best food ever invented - healthy (usually), quick and simple.

Maybe on the back of the box they could have a cut out Gordon face, the sort you put on your head with elastic and poke holes in the eye bits?

Now you, too can enjoy the ONLY cereal endorsed by everyone's favourite ramboesque scientist, GORDON FREEMAN!

<Camera pans to background, where we see Gordon munching his way through a bowl of what looks like damp cardboard, an expression of extreme distaste on his face.>

HALF-CRUNCH is made of 100% reprocessed houndeye, and contains 100% of your recommended daily allowance of wierd yellow goop! What's that, Gordon?

<Gordon glares at the presenter>

THAT'S RIGHT! Kids, just send in forty-nine boxtops, twenty-six boxbottoms, three boxsides, ten barcodes, $18.50 and a filled out Removal Of All Responsibility contract (Found inside the box) to receive your very own TWO-FOOT RED UTILITY CROWBAR!
Checks will not be honoured. Be the first on your block to be JUST LIKE Gordon! What was that, Gordon?

<Gordon rolls his eyes.>

See? Even Gordon agrees: new HALF-CRUNCH is the 1337357 cereal in the entire world!

Don't be a headcrab, get HALF-CRUNCH!

<As the shot fades, we see Gordon's half-empty bowl of houndeye shavings heading at high-speed for the announcer's head.>
I was holding out for Gordon Freeman pajamas and headcrab teddy
Lambdas - the official breakfast cereal of Black Mesa Research Facility

Made from whole grain oats soaked in radioactive isotopes, Lambdas has an explosive taste!. Low in fat, Lambdas is the only leading ready-to-eat cereal that has been clinically proven to give increased strength, hyperaccurate aim, and muscle mass. Not even anabolic steroids can give you the boost you need and get from eating Lambdas first thing in the morning! Start your day off with a bang!

NEW! Special action lenticular motion cards - watch headcrabs jump right out at you!

*Disclaimer* Not for consumption by children under age 13, or for individuals with weak constitutions or mental problems. Frequent doctor checkups are recommended when eating Lambdas for long periods of time. Side affects may include hair loss, loss of vision, weakness in joints, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, agressive behavior, and general mood swings. See a qualified physician for more information.
A packet of fake Gibs and an inflateable headcrab at the bottom of the box, place the headcrab in your toilet, and spray the gibs around your bathroom, that will make your sister scream unnaturally. Not forgeting a free hafllife collectible in each packet