Half-Life 2 Bug List.


Jun 2, 2004
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Maybe this is a negative thread. Hell it is a negative thread, but I thought it would be interesting to list the bug's people have seen in Half-Life 2 that they hope would be fixed by the final version. The couple I can think of are...

1) Major clipping issues with the models. I really doubt that they'll get rid of this problem by the final release, gotta wait and see I guess.

2) Sparks being seen through objects. Even in the E32004 strider scene this
bug was incredibly obvious.

Anyone else got some?
I got one.

My brain can't comprehend all the eye candy, animation and physics because it's just too much. :D

There, oh and remember: it's not a bug its a feature :cheese:
Hmmm... The shadow thingy in the crane vid?

I don't know for sure about this, but the player can walk right through (is unaffected) by dead ragdolls.
The only ones I really care about is the additive blending on overlapped shadows and maybe the sparks bug. These things really take you out of the reality of the game in ways that minor clipping errors don't. Most everything else isn't a big deal to me.

But the most egregious clipping bug is when a strider leg goes right THROUGH an entire lampost in the 2004 vids!
I don't know if it's intended or not, but when the player entered the hovercraft in one of the E3 2k4 vids, the camera clipped through the side bar on the craft.
I think that was probably basically intended. Saves time to simply slide the player into a vehicle instead of going through all the trouble of opening this or that door.
when entering/exiting a vehicle, the camera flips out for a split second. It just jumps a couple of inches and then jumps back really quick. it's something that's in the '04 videos, but not the '03 videos, which is kinda odd if you ask me.
This is just sad, you are all listing bugs in a game that isnt out yet.......
IIRC, Gabe indicated in an online interview that the major clipping problems had been/would soon be solved.
The Terminator said:
wasn't an identicle thread to this locked the other day?

It was this thread. Fenric locked it, IIRC. Clearly, another mod didn't think the lock was justified
Yes, Munro unlocked it...

To be honest I don't think threads like this are justified at all. If the bugs are still apparent when the game is out, THEN feel free to post threads like this.

I'll leave it to Munro if he wants it locking again.
I don't see how listing the bugs that can be seen in the videos is anything but beneficial. Afterall, Valve employees do read these forums and are currently in the process of fixing the bugs. Maybe we've spotted something they haven't seen?

Anyway, to stay on topic, the bug that bothered me the most was the major clipping issues like the strider leg going through the lamp post from this year's videos and the antlions going through the matresses in last years videos. I read somewhere that Valve was aware of the antlion bug. I would think that if the strider is really physically simulated, then its leg should break down the lamp post if it is destructible, or else bounce off of it or just go around it.
Look at the door that gets smashed up by the ant lion guard in the end of bug bite.
Bio said:
Look at the door that gets smashed up by the ant lion guard in the end of bug bite.
Bug bait, and I noticed that... It's not really a bug, just an improperly made physical object or something.

Also how the beds earlier in the demo have no clipping, and are static.

Again, just something the map was made with for some odd reason...
Sparks aways are seen through prop_physics. Looks really bad too me.
OnboardError said:
Sparks aways are seen through prop_physics. Looks really bad too me.

The scale in which you see sparks has been drastically reduced.. I'm sure they'll have fixed the sorting bug (as they called it) by the time it ships
any 'bugs' that hl2 has valve is more than aware of, this is a pointless thread because valve knows the game/engine in and out and is painfully aware of each and every flaw. this is totally useless thread.
I hope the cockroach-bug will be in HL2, too.
MaxiKana said:
I hope the cockroach-bug will be in HL2, too.


Those things were fun, and left such a satisfying *crunch* when you stepped on them. :)

Another thing is how the explosion effects go through objects. Like when he drops the large crate and the contents explode, the smoke puff clips through the sides.

Although I don't know if this can be fixed.
KiNG said:
any 'bugs' that hl2 has valve is more than aware of, this is a pointless thread because valve knows the game/engine in and out and is painfully aware of each and every flaw. this is totally useless thread.

were they painfully aware of the bug in halflife where if you press escape to go to the menu you would lose sound, and when was that taken care of?

its better to assume valve isn't the perfect developing company that knows all and sees all than to assume they are. which is why this could be a helpful thread
k u make a 40 million dollar investment and see how many bugs get by u.
I think that when the game comes out we should make another thread like this one and make it sticky. Make it like the info from valve thread we have now where there is no discussion, just a place to post bugs that we found, so Valve will have one source to look at from time to time.
KiNG said:
k u make a 40 million dollar investment and see how many bugs get by u.
Can you stop being a pain in the ass??? don't you have anything constructive and/or interesting to say?

I think this is a useful thread, and i noticed the bug where the wood breaks BEFORE the crowbar hits it, but i think they fixed it this year though.
Gah, I dont want to make a new thread, but I just need to post this somewhere!


I just saw one on these very boards, thankfully it was just me and one other guy. I am guessing that mod who deleted the thread. I mean ffs, I spend half my time avoiding such shit. Can you please think before you frickin post. So pissing annoying... .

One less thing will supprise me in game... Wonderfull. :|
I saw that thread too marksman, you should really learn to control your temper.
Probably should, but I have had a bad frickin day and it just pisses me off.

I mean I dont want to know the things people post. I want to be supprised when I first play the game. I dont want to know every little detail before I even put the CD in my comp.

And dont say it isnt that important and that its only one thing because once a site takes that attitude all sorts of crap gets posted. :(
PatPwnt said:
Yea! that'd be sweet. I wonder if they'd have ragdoll physics.

Manipulator fun :D "GAH! COCKROACH!"

Bugs...I didn't see very many bugs...only that crane one was glaringly obvious. Some of the smoke has problems. Oh, and I hope they change the splashes on the hoverboat...they sucked :D
PatPwnt said:
Yea! that'd be sweet. I wonder if they'd have ragdoll physics.
Uhh, it's hard to shoot or step on a cockroach without it being reduced to slime. And ragdoll would just be a waste of time and CPU for such a thing so small.
poseyjmac said:
uhhh ummm uhhh ehhh i dont know what to say uhhhhhh

It doesn't mean I don't know what to say, it means I am confused.

Get off my back that was a worthless post and it is just something I like to do.

vegeta897 said:
Get off my back that was a worthless post and it is just something I like to do.


cant argue with you there! :dork:
In the recent screens, and flanger videos all of the models seem to be 'floating' above the ground. Although this has probably been fixed by now
alan8325 said:
I don't see how listing the bugs that can be seen in the videos is anything but beneficial. Afterall, Valve employees do read these forums and are currently in the process of fixing the bugs. Maybe we've spotted something they haven't seen?

That was exactly my intention, believe it or not. I'm glad someone decided to look a little further into why I would post this. Maybe I didn't express myself properley, I dunno.