Half Life 2 "BUGS" and Starship Trooper "BUGS"



compare these two images

i beleive hl2 is copied it from starship troopers movie ;)


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1. They look nothing alike, apart from the fact they are both insect like.

2. Insects follow set design rules anyway so ofcourse they will be similar in some ways.

3. Shut up. You're not original and this kind of thread in both annoying and stupid.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
1. They look nothing alike, apart from the fact they are both insect like.

2. Insects follow set design rules anyway so ofcourse they will be similar in some ways.

3. Shut up. You're not original and this kind of thread in both annoying and stupid.

k, boss, wont argue with you :flame:
Yes, they do look very much alike. That's what stuck me when I first saw the ant lions. It's not a blatant copy as such, but the ant lions look is definitely derived from Starship Troopers. Very similar look and attacking style.
That first pic is from www.starshiptroopers2.net, so off I merrily go to take a look.

"Please switch off any pop-up blockers. The new window should appear."

Yeah. Right.

The only reason you want people to turn off popup blockers is......

....because you use popups. Thanks but no thanks.

Mr.Magnetichead said:
3. Shut up. You're not original and this kind of thread in both annoying and stupid.

I think you could be a lil bit nicer don't you? Afterall, they DO look very similar so he had a valid point. Maybe one of the concept artists at Valve was a fan of Starship Troopers. Having finally got to see it last night, I can understand. It wasn't a bad film, quite enjoyed it.
Fenric said:
I think you could be a lil bit nicer don't you? Afterall, they DO look very similar so he had a valid point. Maybe one of the concept artists at Valve was a fan of Starship Troopers. Having finally got to see it last night, I can understand. It wasn't a bad film, quite enjoyed it.

i think, he just thinks that new posters are abit newbie and stupid... lol (he should learn to like us little beings)
Mr.Magnetichead said:
1. They look nothing alike, apart from the fact they are both insect like.

2. Insects follow set design rules anyway so ofcourse they will be similar in some ways.

3. Shut up. You're not original and this kind of thread in both annoying and stupid.

1) I think everyone thinks they look similar

2) I think that was maybe half his point

3) Oh wait your 3rd point sums it all up, I get you now, you've convinced me....*cough*

Take it easy dude, we're all friends here, atleast we should be.
No that wasn't his point. He was making out that HL2 ripped off SST because it used giant insects.

If he want's to go along THAT route then I could just say that EVERY movie that has used giant insects is ripping off the movie 'Them' from the 1950's.
'Them' was a scary movie, remember the girl in the opening? "THEEEEEM!"
Mr. Magnetichead do everyone a favour and shut the hell up with your flames in future.

And I do agree that they look similar.
mortiz said:
Mr. Magnetichead do everyone a favour and shut the hell up with your flames in future.

Make me.

My opinion is just as valid as everyone elses.
okay aside from the fact that they both have pointy legs they don't really look that much alike

the bugs from starship troopers looked like a crabcracker or pair of scissors on 4 legs while the hl2 antlions look like a more traditional multisegmented insect body, also they have wings and have a relatively small mouth compared to the SST ones.

They are similar in concept, diffferent in design, and different in execution
Flyingdebris said:
okay aside from the fact that they both have pointy legs they don't really look that much alike

the bugs from starship troopers looked like a crabcracker or pair of scissors on 4 legs while the hl2 antlions look like a more traditional multisegmented insect body, also they have wings and have a relatively small mouth compared to the SST ones.

They are similar in concept, diffferent in design, and different in execution

The concept orcourse being nothing more than 'Big Bugs' ;)
Besides that both are insect like, they're not alike.

1: Their setup of legs is not the same, the bug has 4 legs diagonally from their body pretty symmetrical, the antlions have 2 legs projected forwards. And the behind legs are actually attached to then body in front of the front legs so their back legs are pointed forwards and the front legs are pointed backwards.

2: Their body is not the same. The bugs are basically walking heads, big shields on the back of their heads, and large jaws. The don't really have a seperated body.
The antlions have an antlike buildup, a head, and a body. The body is seperated from the head. The head doesn't really have the big jaws the bugs have.
The legs aren't attached to the head but to the body.

3: The antlions don't have visible eyes, the bugs do have those.

Only things that I can say that are similar are the way the legs are bent (the "elbow" close to the ground, both 3 segments) and their color pattern (brownish colors with stripes and stuff). Those are probably what makes them look the same.

Used comparison material:

PS: according to Google, and antlion is an existing insect.

Ok, I'm waiting for 'the Striders are rip-offs from War of the Worlds' :D
Yeah teh AntLion is an insect that creates a cone shaped indentation in loose soil and sit at the bottom of the pit waiting underground for someone to walk over them, then they pop out of the soil and eat them.

Like this but you know.......without the buses.

Mr.Magnetichead said:
Yeah teh AntLion is an insect that creates a cone shaped indentation in loose soil and sit at the bottom of the pit waiting underground for someone to walk over them, then they pop out of the soil and eat them.

Like this but you know.......without the buses.


Ah thanks, I didn't know those.
So I think it's safe to assume antlions of HL2 are based around those creatures, since the antlions of HL2 also have the ability to dig themselves in and come out.
Well, the only similarity I see is in the leg shape... slightly. Heck, the SST bugs are bloomin' staple-removers on legs, whereas the antlions look like giant lacewings.

And the "Striders are ripoffs from War of the Worlds" thing's been done already :E.
Brian Damage said:
Well, the only similarity I see is in the leg shape... slightly. Heck, the SST bugs are bloomin' staple-removers on legs, whereas the antlions look like giant lacewings.

And the "Striders are ripoffs from War of the Worlds" thing's been done already :E.

Yeah, I know, but so has this been done a hundred times :D

I think we came to the conclusion (or atleast I did) that Striders are based of those little guys with long legs that walk on water.
Valve people are quite some nature lovers eh? :)
PvtRyan said:
Yeah, I know, but so has this been done a hundred times :D

I think we came to the conclusion (or atleast I did) that Striders are based of those little guys with long legs that walk on water.
Valve people are quite some nature lovers eh? :)

Pond Skaters
ok, i think that even if youre influenced by something else, thats ok. i mean, who didnt see starship troopers and want to shoot bugs. valve just went in that direction which is cool. i want to fight along side and against those things so bad. this is like those spider heads in doom 3. obviously linked to the ones in the thing(great film), but thats ok, because they look very creepy and will be fun to shoot with a shotgun.
Starship trooper bugs: Arachnids (four legs/two claws=six limbs, beak, eyes, can't be controlled by humans)

Ant-lion bugs: 2 hind legs/2 claws at front=4 limbs, no beak, no eyes, can be controlled by human

Ant-lion guards:2 hind legs/2 claws at front=4 limbs, pincers at centre of body (primarily for scraching their head), strong head for hitting somebody, it roars.

Although they might be the same as in they both look like bugs, that is where the similarities end.
is starship troopers 2 gunna be "straght to TV" or is it gunna be coming out on the big screens ?
fishymumma said:
is starship troopers 2 gunna be "straght to TV" or is it gunna be coming out on the big screens ?

Straight to DVD.

Released 15th of April.
ahh probly just download it then

i looked at some of the pics and it didnt look as good as the first one.
Oh splash out the 15 bucks and just buy it. :p

These guys had no budget and they put their hearts into this thing.

Might as well pay them their dues.
AH_Viper said:
1) I think everyone thinks they look similar

2) I think that was maybe half his point

3) Oh wait your 3rd point sums it all up, I get you now, you've convinced me....*cough*

Take it easy dude, we're all friends here, atleast we should be.

Dude you jinxed it.

Dammit I'm a headcrab again!
krinkles, arent you the guy that spammed up that last thread with like 10 posts in a row ???
Mr.Magnetichead said:
3. Shut up. You're not original and this kind of thread in both annoying and stupid.

Why should he? You're the one who's being a dick right now...