Half Life 2 CE cheap ($59.82)



Although I hate to buy something without knowing the exact content, I have been trying to find the cheapest CE and came across this:


Can you preorder (in-store) at Walmart and pick it up when it is released or can you only preorder through the internet and have it shipped?

I not to fond of buying games from Walmart so I was wondering if anyone knew of some other good deals on the CE (United States). I have it preordered at EB but $80.00 seems a bit steep :eek: .
does anyone know where to buy the CE in the uk. please let me know. iam going to cry if i dont find out.
Its not so cheap for people like me, who dont have money. :(
I'm not going to bother pre-ordering until the details are mapped out.
the Walmart product description said:
Half-Life 2: Collector's Edition PC

A PC for only $59.82? That can't be that good of a system...
Just to let everyone know that it hasn't been rated yet, so don't worry about the 'M'...

Charybdis, PC = the PC version, not Xbox, Ps2 etc...
I didn't think I would buy HL2, since I already have a voucher and would merely download it to play immediately, but the CE for only 60 bucks is a pretty good deal. Also, 63SixThreeSix3, is that a cold cut?

i think charybdis was making a jokey joke, 63. $59 not bad for CE, but hm maybe that will change once they realize whats in it, or maybe not.
Yes, I was making a joke. It is hard for me to be funny online because I can't make stupid faces or talk like an idiot.
oh its not too hard to talk like an idiot on the internet, done it a few times myself :D
poseyjmac said:
oh its not too hard to talk like an idiot on the internet, done it a few times myself :D

Well, that is very very true. I guess it is just hard for me, online, to do my style of making people laugh.
When UT2004 came out in CE format, it was only sold by one on-line retailer (in the UK). I hope it's not the same for HL2.
i have been in contact with gameplay (uk game site) to try and find out if they know about the collectors edition. i have spoke to two different people and this is hat they said. ( there comments in bold)


Adam: Hi, welcome to Gameplay, how can I help ?

steven cox: i have pre-ordered half-life 2 but i have heard there is going to be 3 different one's, a single player, a multiplayer and collectors edition. just wondering what gameplay is doing about them

Adam: One moment please, I will just have a look for you.

steven cox: i know they all exist because i have seen the interviews with the developer and there are some usa sites that let you order the collectors

Adam: at present we just have a standard version of half-life 2 which has single player and multiplayer capabilities, in the UK there are no further details from the publishers at present of a collectors edition.

steven cox: ok, thank you. if the other versions were to be released do you know how i would go about changeing to the collectors, would i have to cancell my current order and re-order the new one or wouldi just beable to select which one i wanted

Adam: as so many people have ordered half life 2 we would probably send out and email or a letter to let you know that it has changed then all you have to do is give us a ring or come on here and we can change the order for you.

steven cox: ok. thank you for your help.


BobbyPeru: Hi, how can Bobby help?

s cox: hi, just wonderingif there was any news on the collectors edition of half-life 2 being released in th uk

BobbyPeru: no, it would be on the site already if we had recieved any confirmation

s cox: if it is released what would happen about my order because i have already pre-ordered the version on sale now

BobbyPeru: you would have the choice to change your order. soon as we get word that the special edition wilkl be out, we will email everyone who has ordered.

s cox: ok, thanks
So does anyone know if preorders can be made in the store? I don't want to call and ask because Walmart customer service is well... This price is $20 dollars cheaper than any store I know of.
I thought the CE was going to be steam only... where did I hear that again?
Man they have crappy english at that UK site. Can't believe those ppl get payed.
Mr. Redundant said:
I thought the CE was going to be steam only... where did I hear that again?

i was under the impression that the CE would be available both through Steam and retail.

and i would guess that the retail option would be the more popular one for CE because of "having the box and not waiting" that retail offers over Steam :p
No details have been released about the CE yet so it'd be wrong to assume a price or go on what retailers are saying because it's all estimation.
there will be 2 version.. a multiplayer/sinleplayer and a collectors edition
If you can find the CE for $60, how cheap can you get the regular edition for?!
No details have been released about the CE yet so it'd be wrong to assume a price or go on what retailers are saying because it's all estimation.

Chris, if I reserve it now at Walmart or any other location, then I believe the price will be locked, right?

If you can find the CE for $60, how cheap can you get the regular edition for?!

It seems to sell for about $50.00 (American) everywhere I have checked.
Kubrickian said:
Chris, if I reserve it now at Walmart or any other location, then I believe the price will be locked, right?

It seems to sell for about $50.00 (American) everywhere I have checked.

that depends on the individual retailer and their pricing policies and all.
i would suggest u talk to the sales person about the store policies and pre-ordering policies before u pre-order anything.

u don't want to be stuck with a pre-order which ur not happy with later on :p
charybdis said:
Yes, I was making a joke. It is hard for me to be funny online because I can't make stupid faces or talk like an idiot.

No stupid faces? What are these? :monkee: :devil: :afro: :frog: :cheese: :imu: