Half-Life 2 Completed in 2 hours

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hi there its me agian the newb you probobly know me, i was the guy that couldn't upload pictures for you nice people... anyways i was thinking as soon as the game is released i am going to try and beat it in 2 hours and post the ending(on this forum)to show you guys. you think i will do it in 2 hours. what do you guys think.

P.S. and be nice just like Chris(Staff) siad ..no flaming please.

ohhh and i almost forget im still waiting for my X800 Pro its been 3 days now since they shipped it, i hope it gets to me in one piece :eek: :eek:
The worst way to complete such a diverse game would be to rush it, your choice though, I'm going to take my time.
"i was thinking as soon as the game is released i am going to try and beat it in 2 hours and post the ending(on this forum)to show you guys."

I suggest you do a little bit more thinking before you do that. We won't be responsible for the harm some members of this forum might do to you :)
it will arrive in 27 pieces, each with its own extremely difficult lock, which requires the completion of a tetris style puzzle. and thats just the manual.
your right i should go slow and check every nook and cranny
I'll be sure to not come to the forums for a while then, as I don't want to hear the ending "that" soon.
Good, and definitely don't post the ending two hours after release. There won't be many happy people if you do that :p
No way you could beat the game in 2 hours unless you cheated. Even then I doubt you could beat it in 2 hours
I swear to god I will kill you if you even think of posting the ending :p

Someone change the thread name, it's misleading :(
if you ask me, by that time the site wont have enough people on it to care :p, lol.

I'll be on IRC , thats it. come HL2 release.
I always read the last 20 pages of a book before starting it. Do it.
useless dumb post lol gotta shoot it. :sniper:
:sniper: XDEADX
Gronoken said:
useless dumb post lol gotta shoot it. :sniper:
:sniper: XDEADX
A lot more worthwhile than yours, thanks.

Gronoken, which post do you think is more usefull? Yours which is quite clearly an attempt at having a go at alan, or alan's attempt which does actually promote some discussion? :|
alan00000 said:
hi there its me agian the newb you probobly know me, i was the guy that couldn't upload pictures for you nice people... anyways i was thinking as soon as the game is released i am going to try and beat it in 2 hours and post the ending(on this forum)to show you guys. you think i will do it in 2 hours. what do you guys think.

P.S. and be nice just like Chris(Staff) siad ..no flaming please.

ohhh and i almost forget im still waiting for my X800 Pro its been 3 days now since they shipped it, i hope it gets to me in one piece :eek: :eek:

This thread is poinless.. ohhh wait i started this thread my bad :burp:
i boared i want hl2 i would pay 500$ for that game right now . really
that's great alan...I think you can do it!!!!!
YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! you can do anything your heart desires alan...
remember casey kasem's motto...

"keep your feet on the ground, but keep reaching for the stars!!!"

I'm going to try to beat myst in 1 hour now...
shaggy2039 said:
that's great alan...I think you can do it!!!!!
YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! you can do anything your heart desires alan...
remember casey kasem's motto...

"keep your feet on the ground, but keep reaching for the stars!!!"

I'm going to try to beat myst in 1 hour now...

Good luck shaggy goooooddd luck ohh and thanks but i think these guys are right and with the new card commin i should probobly check out the scenery in hl2 and evan go fisshin i heard they have boats in the game
you're just gonna load the 2nd to last level and play from there...
I'll just be sure to avoid all posts by you until I beat it myself. :)

Here's the rub: someone can just load up the final map and tell us the ending as soon as the game comes out practically..

I can just imagine trying to gouge out my own eyes before the thread title "Gordon mates with ant-lion and moves into seaside home on pluto" becomes lodged in my memory...
Where do you live Alan, just in case I need to send some homies your way if you post the ending...
Good Luck beating a game in 2 hours that is supposed to take the average gamer 40+ hours to beat.
i live in illinois - address is 320 russet way, vernon hills, 60061 - 847 668-7750
come get some lol
alan00000 said:
i live in illinoise - address is 320 russet way, vernon hills, 60061 - 847 668-7750
come get some lol

If that's your real address, that's not very smart.... :dork:
Going to take my time with the game 1st, 2nd, maybe 4rd time but after that ill try speed running the game.
Wow, the x800 XT's are going for extortionist prices (e.g. at the allstarshop.com mentioned above). I know they're rare, but $930 when they don't even have them in stock? I could understand if that's the price you pay for getting it NOW instead of sometime in the next few months (when presumably they'll be available in quantity), but this makes no sense: you pay huge premium, AND you wait when others have it at the MSRP--just not in stock, like everybody else.

I just got an email from CompUSA.com saying my XT board (ATI make) is finally shipping after ordering it May 22nd at the original 500 dollar price. I thought I was screwed paying 40 dollars tax in CA, but better than a 400 dollar premium. BTW, if you order from them now, they SAY August 15th, but don't trust them. They'll push it back at least twice.

It just didn't make any sense to me to spend 400 on the PRO. The XT seems to get you the same performance at one standard resolution higher. I didn't want to have to be nagged feeling that I could be playing game X at 1600 instead of 1280. (I have a 22" inch CRT :))
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