Half-Life 2: Cookies Edition

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Mmmmm... Half-Li... erm... cookies[br]
* Chris_D drools[br]
[br]PlanetHalfLife posted this news yesterday. A guy called Ant received his Collector's Edition tin and noticed it rather looked like a cookie tin. Naturally his next move was to actually turn it into a cookie tin and you can see the full illustrated process he went through by clicking here.
teh biggest revelation eva!


G-Man? Gingerbread Man!

(sorry ^^)
lol, class!

this is inspiring...

*comes back with a HL2 cafe*
The colour reminds me of something else. What flour did he use?:p
Kind of old... seeing as how you probably got this from surfing over at hl2fallout. :|

EDIT: Nevermind... Didn't read the last part of your post.
Could've at least done it properly considering that he actually decided to waste his time on stuff like that.

The lambda looks crooked.

But oh well.. it's an original idea, got to admit that.
w00t. Looks nice. I have a tin box too! Can someone send me some cookies! :D
it looks crooked cuse cookie dough isnt too straight and it starts to sorta expand when you put it in the oven.
very nice,

How much does it cost to design HL2 cake £10-15 :

1) 4 egs
2) 1 Liter of milk
3) 1 kg of flour
4) 2 orange
6) chocolate
7) ...etc

Hmm I think I might do one.
You can see from the picture that the guy is Swedish (especially when your read the sugar-box) , gingerbread biscuits are very popular in Sweden around christmas(dunno about the rest of the world) and you can buy that dough ready-made at any grocery-store around here.

You can see that he has, look at the red plastic wrapping that says "pepparkaksdeg" (direct translation is "pepper-buiscuit-dough") :upstare:
Hmm.. mind /dcc'ing me some of them rather tasty-looking cookies? ;)