Half-Life 2 could you wait 1 more year... i could

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What basis do you have for unreals awesomeness over source?
No. Another major delay (one year+) and VALVe could feck off!
But its not gonna happen.
Rupertvdb said:
What basis do you have for unreals awesomeness over source?

All the videos weve seen on it.....All the next generation stuff that it does that not even doom3 does....The fact that that hardware to play it doesnt exist yet...

The way i see it, source was last years massive breakthrough engine, but because they assed around and delayed it its another one of this years engines.
Actually Doom 3 does most of the things the UE3 can do. It's just that UE3 does them better

I'm sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit.

You're joking right?

HL2 has already been delayed 5(or 6) years already...Unreal 3 engine is not happening. The reason they have been delaying it is because they have been creating Source. This way they wouldn't have to have Unreal 3 engine to license and deal with all that. They can license their own, and get money for it, when other games want it.

Unreal 3 engine probably won't go on HL2. Like I said, Source is the engine, and a new engine would waste the 5-6 years they worked on Source, and HL2, and w/e else...
This has already turned into a Half-Life 2 vs. <Insert game> thread, so I might as well just close it now.
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