Half-Life 2 Countdown Wallpaper


Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Me and FronK have been busy little bees and created a stylish and simple countdown-script you can set as your wallpaper if you're using Windows XP.
For those wondering, the sequence is Weeks : Days : Hours : Minutes : Seconds

Download the files here

Read the instructions on how to install it on Windows XP. It might work on other OSes too, we don't know

(If the above link doesn't work, copy and paste this link into your browser)

Pretty niceeee :P Wwwwaaayyyy better than my mates attempt. Only prob, i watch the counter too much haha

I like this one because it has the proper countdown time!

I think I might use it..
hmmm... it doesnt fit, tho...
whoops, never mind, i get it now, im kinda slow, see... eh?
haha, it's ok :)

My post count is 1, 137! Almot 1337...almost.

Well, this will be my 1, 138th
For all of you wondering about the weeks instead of months.
Weeks have a fixed length, and months have not, they can be everything from 28 up to 31 days. Therefore it's easier to make a script displaying the no. of weeks left instead of months.
The First numbers are Weeks, then Days, Hours, Minutes and last Seconds.

where have you been man ? its been long time since I saw you posting in here. Happy to see you again m8.

Yeah the wall paper looks nice, I might give it a try :D
If you want to, add this little code snippet, at the end, before </body> in "index.html":

		<div ><p align="center" style="font-family:Arial;color:#D7DDD3;
word-spacing:5pt;letter-spacing:3pt;">[b]PREPARE TO GET OWNED[/b]</p></div>

It will produce a result like this (feel free to change the text):

Gorgon said:

where have you been man ? its been long time since I saw you posting in here. Happy to see you again m8.

Yeah the wall paper looks nice, I might give it a try :D

Well, HL2-news were few inbetween, so I took a break. Came back when they redesigned the place, and started posting official valve-statements :)
SubKamran said:
If you want to, add this little code snippet, at the end, before </body> in "index.html":

		<div ><p align="center" style="font-family:Arial;color:#D7DDD3;
word-spacing:5pt;letter-spacing:3pt;">[b]PREPARE TO GET OWNED[/b]</p></div>

It will produce a result like this (feel free to change the text):


Hey, that's really nice :D

Didn't know that Arial would fit so nicely with the HL2-theme
hey man I like it... but is there a way I could just make it days, minutes, and seconds? And not have the weeks option? I would like to know the EXACT amount of days... I think it looks cooler to see "27 days" or hiowever mant then using 3 weeks.. I LOVE IT THOUGH!!!!
put this right before the java script command in the source
lol, lots of em but it looks cooler
nice wallpaper too
Problem, for some reason, the colon ':' pictures don't show up, just a box with the red x (like when you can't load an image on the internet. Any suggestions?
Did you extract the images to their specified paths in winrar or winzip or whatever?
Yep, I extracted all the contents to a folder on the desktop (also tried other locations). Followed the readme file and I get everything on screen, the numbers work, the Half Life image is present also. Only the colon images are gone. Hmmmm

Not to sure why, but after refreshing the desktop, they show :) nice work man!!
soccerdude21490 said:
hey man I like it... but is there a way I could just make it days, minutes, and seconds? And not have the weeks option? I would like to know the EXACT amount of days... I think it looks cooler to see "27 days" or hiowever mant then using 3 weeks.. I LOVE IT THOUGH!!!!

you'd have to edit it yourself.

start with " var weeks,days,hours,minutes,seconds,temp;" and work your way down :/
soccerdude21490 said:
hey man I like it... but is there a way I could just make it days, minutes, and seconds? And not have the weeks option? I would like to know the EXACT amount of days... I think it looks cooler to see "27 days" or hiowever mant then using 3 weeks.. I LOVE IT THOUGH!!!!
i want what he wants :P
Is there a way to omit the weeks and just make it do days:hours:minutes:seconds?
Here's another skin for you, a bit more colorful, and featuring Gordon in all his glory! :D

FronK is offline, so he can't host the new files right now, but I'll get them up for direct download tomorrow morning.

purplesea001 said:
put this right before the java script command in the source
lol, lots of em but it looks cooler
nice wallpaper too

uhm... Why not just edit the margin-value in the css-file? a whole lot cleaner, and you can change it with pixel precision :)
nathaniel what would be a good rgb value to match the icons with the wallpaper ? ;/
destrukt said:
nathaniel what would be a good rgb value to match the icons with the wallpaper ? ;/

On which version?
If you mean the first version, just look through the guide in the docs/ folder.
If you mean the second version (with Gordon), I have no idea. It all depends on where you put your icons. The background changes color a lot, so mathing one color will only make icons look good on that particular spot :/
I tried making an estimate (once again, look through the docs), but I couldn't get it looking very good no matter how much I tried.
i was referring to the gordon theme, but yeh, i just tried a few and i can't seem to find a value where all the icons look decent - i currently have them on the bottom, near my taskbar, but if i moved them to the generic left side, it would match much better.
woooooooo! im gonna b so ****ing hooked on that now!

good job :)
Nice job, I am using it right now. :D No more figuring out myself, I just have to look at my desktop.
Well guys I'm going to try and work on it and edit it so that it shows the days hours mins and secs (not the weeks) I printed out the source code and I will edit it by hand during school (just with my eye and a pen) and then I will edit it back on my computer and I'll see if I can get it running... I'm not promising anything though... but yea if you would like a copy of the new version just send me a PM and I'll send you a PM if I can get it working...

Hope you are ok with this Nathaniel and otehr owners of this wonderfull countdown script. I don't tink their will be a problem of me just editing it so that it shows the days/hours/mins/secs. If there is a problem with this please tell me and I will cease
I hope this is alright with you, Nathaniel. I took all the number images, removed the background, added some nice effects and turned them into gifs. The result:


A timer that works well with just about any background. Simply put whatever background you want into the root folder as "background.jpg"

Grab it >here<

I have left all your docs intact, but if you want me to take this down I will. Feel free to use the modified GFX in your packages.

Very nice work, BTW ;) I am loving this.
f|uke said:
I hope this is alright with you, Nathaniel. I took all the number images, removed the background, added some nice effects and turned them into gifs. The result:


A timer that works well with just about any background. Simply put whatever background you want into the root folder as "background.jpg"

Grab it >here<

I have left all your docs intact, but if you want me to take this down I will. Feel free to use the modified GFX in your packages.

holy **** thats sweet!!!
I can't get it to work god dammit!! :angry: it just brings up that gay ass blank document crap and I can't open it up with anything.
sorry for double post ... but is ther a way to make the icons transparent so that ugly ass white color isnt always there???? :|
Ownzed said:
I can't get it to work god dammit!! :angry: it just brings up that gay ass blank document crap and I can't open it up with anything.
You probably need to update XP. I'm not sure if its an ActiveX thing or a .Net thing

Platinum: Cheers. :) Dont know about the icon thing tho. Would be nice.