Half-Life 2 CounterStrike (CS2)?

"We are still only simple animals when it comes down to it"... figures coming from a guy who's monicker is Animal. Do whatever the hell you want: drool all over that Alex NPC because you sure can't get the real thing so sweet dreams.

And I don't get turned on by people getting shot, I just happen to enjoy counterstrike which is only a game. I know the difference between a game and reality, that is also why I don't find 3D models sexually stimulating.
heh, i have to agree, I get no pleasure from looking at NPCs other than to think. "Wow!, valve really are great modelers/skiners/annimators!"

And i do not like seeing people hurt. In anyway, except for when they hurt me first. But then its their own fualt........

anyway. I am drifting off topic, so i'll stop.

Just accept that some people dont gain anything from looking at such images. And some do.

Simple as that.
**** sake....... gabe or some valve employee already friggin said that a CS2 MOD was in development. the fkn things aint gonna be standalone, why should they spend all that time to make the thing standalone only to give it away because thats certainly what they will do. it will be the same structure as there is atm.......

ok you guys will pop some smart arse comment like "oh but has it been confirmed.....??" and no its not been directly friggin confirmed but i trust valve because so far they've given me 4 years of gaming glory for the price of a friggin £30 game....... id have hapily payed more but they didn;t ask for any........ all the people here that are like "omg valve are gonna rip us off", "omg they better not charge for mods" REALLY NEED TO GET A GRIP..... theres always one stupid twat that speculates about the new ways in which valve can charge us money for every thing they create....... they just dont seem to take into account all the stuff they've had for free over the last 4 years.


i think we should destroy counter strike. Burn the cd's, delete the files, and get rid of the d/l sites that host em.
i wish i knew whether i like CS or not... i still havent gotten it to work on my computer ;(

o and animal, i agree with you 100% on the porn thing. i do think shes pretty, but i dont get aroused by her.
yeh thats right tybnol nvidia is the way its ment 2 b played, not this ATI shit :P :P :p
This thread exemplifies the reason why I hardley ever visit General Discussion..... people unwilling to accept other's views..... random flaming.... personal insults.

Right: We know that CS2 is/was in dev. Thats it.

And if some people take pleasure from something, and it makes them happy? Isn't it ok? I'm talking about CS..... I personally cannot stand it and it's commuity, but I stay away from them and they stay away from me :). Simple. Oh yeah, and it's your choice to get turned on by a 3d model, although I found Para's "you can whack off to a fax machine for all I care" rather amusing :laugh:

Badger out
Here here Mr Badger.

I love cs. I hate a lot of the people involved with it though. Actually that's unfair what I hate is the intolerance for new players and the childish attitudes. But then I see the intolerance and childish attitudes of a lot of people who insult CS.

Just everyone like what you like and leave others to like what they like.

Open mindedness and tolerance. Without them the HL2 is starting to look a lot like the CS community does to outsiders. Here's hoping people can be mature about the whole thing.
There is hope for HL2's community... and it's name is Off Topic... thats where all the nice people hang out IMO, drop in sometime, you'll like it (we actually talk about HL2 sometimes... no-one wants to come into General Discussion... I only do cos I'm a moderator, and if anyone flames.... ;) ).... theres some nice guys around in here too.... but the majority need to act their age(s)
Hey thanks for the tip mate. I might even consider goin off topic more often now. Hey i might even post there :)
yeah be sure to drop in... it's not for spam, its a lot of fun :)... you seem a nice enough chap :)
You guys really need more mods....and more active mods in general discussion........it doesnt supprise me when a forums off-topic section is like this.....but its a little messed up when off topic is better than general discussion
Power to the people!! But yeah, especially general needs more mods. Like 5 more of them. Offtopic isnt that bad since its... well, offtopic. And the rest isnt that much traffic in.

Another thread going offtopic :P
Well, both me and Farrow are online loads, so we are quick to deal with some of the stuff that gets posted in there... so therefore its a well managed section of the forum IMO :)

but the main thing is, Abom, the main General Discussion mod, is away ATM... and he cleans the forums loads :)
Your all correct. Alyx is hardly that sexy.

Now the lady out of Unreal II. She was jaw-droppingly gorgeous and sexy to boot.

Sorry, but the depiction of a sexy woman, is still just as good as the real thing. It's called using one's 'imagination'.
Hmmm, thats your opinion :).... I'll stick with my girlfriend thanks :)

(and thats my opinion.... we can all get along :D )