Half-Life 2 Coupon

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Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
I got a ATI Radeon 9600XT for Christmas and it came with a coupon that said free Half-Life 2 game, so I did what it said send my activation code and then I got an email that said this.

Thank you for your interest in Half-Life® 2. Once we receive your
completed submission, your information will be updated, and you will be
notified by email when Half-Life® 2 becomes available.

Please remember to include all the required information outlined on the
order form.

I have got nothing since then. My information was not updated. Did any one else get a coupon for Half-Life 2? If so can you tell me what you got please?
I got it with my Sapphire X800 Pro (probably one of the last retail boxes with a HL2 coupon inside), filled out all the info, and sent it in. Nothing yet, but as the notice says, "...you will be notified by e-mail with Half-Life 2 becomes available." Don't count on hearing anything about our redemptions before the game has gone gold.
Oh ok thanks allot, I thoght they woudlk send me an email saying we got your activation code thing. :)
I haven't used my coupon yet. I'll use it to create a new steam account once Half-Life 2 is released.
So your going to buy your own copy instead of gettign a free one?
I activated my coupon through Steam and got the Valve Premier Pack (even though I played all of those games to death years ago). I have since deleted Steam, but I will reinstall as soon as I hear anything about pre loading.
do they give you a new cd key or is your activation code your cd key?
Nubs. No, the key I think will stay the same. I will be downloading the iso from one of you. I WILL NOT play their games. Last time I checked, Halflife2 came with the video cards that we have. We have the license for HL2. By law, they can't do shit to us for downloading the CD. They can only do something about it if we don't own it and if we are trying to get it for free.
This was a ATI scam made to raise sales. Don't support ATI! They are a bunch of nubs. Also, if they attempt to make sure that the CD-keys that was given to us in our ATI boxes don't work. I would say sue them for everything they have got!
your code is the key, you need to make a new account, then you use the code as the CD-Key for Halflife and you get all the other games unlocked.
jackofthetrade32 said:
Don't support ATI! They are a bunch of nubs.

Oh, okay. I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Thank you very much.
Well, their hardware rocks. But, the people that make the rules and management areas really need to be reworked.

They sold hardware that they knew wouldn't run HL2 verywell.
Last time I checked, the 9600XT doesn't even run farcry very well. I know I have tested it. However, I guess I will buy another system by the time HL2 comes out anyway.
I'll be buying a new motherboard that supports PCI express with DDR2.

The funny thing about it is that I really bought the 9600XT for a backup computer because the video card that was in it failed. 7200 vivo which was a GREAT card in its time. ATI needs to support more video inputs without adding much cost to the card.
Do i get the Traditional Full Package (Singleplayer & Multiplayer) when the send it to me? or just the single player one it better be the multiplayer one too, and i want the HL2 box lol
jackofthetrade32 said:
Well, their hardware rocks. But, the people that make the rules and management areas really need to be reworked.

They sold hardware that they knew wouldn't run HL2 verywell.
Last time I checked, the 9600XT doesn't even run farcry very well. I know I have tested it. However, I guess I will buy another system by the time HL2 comes out anyway.
I'll be buying a new motherboard that supports PCI express with DDR2.

The funny thing about it is that I really bought the 9600XT for a backup computer because the video card that was in it failed. 7200 vivo which was a GREAT card in its time. ATI needs to support more video inputs without adding much cost to the card.

yeah my vid card didnt run far cry well eather untill i got the new driver
It doesn't specify on www.atihl2offer.com but I'd guess the full game. They give away the full version of CZ (and most bundled games (except the demos, but they don't count)) so why not?
yeah I want to ask them if i get the box and the full game, but i have to call them and i dotn want to. I cant email them, and I think eaven if I did email them they wouldnt reply anyways
wtf?!?! i have a Radeon 9500pro and it runs Far Cry just fine
the guy taht said that it sucks is a nub mine runs fine with me 9600XT
shit dumbass. what? did you have it on its lowest resolution? That's what I am hearing. try running games how they are meant to be ran. ON HIGHEST resolution! lol lets see how many peoples computers slow down. lol.
yeah i have it the highest res. all the graphic setings are all on high. your comp probly blows if you cant paly it on high res.
tell me WHY woudl they PURPOSELY sell me a video card WITH a free copy of hl2 if its going to run like crap?

ati makes money on you. that's why. oh, my system just rocks. however, last time I checked our video cards can't use pixel shaders v2.b
That is what pisses me off.
If anyone figures out what is wrong other than having that bullshit videocard. then tell me.
I plan on buying a pci express videocard for my next system.
it says download the latest drivers so maby you shoudl do that
9600XT runs Far-Cry like a dream with everything maxed :)
i get like 50 fps with a 9600XT in Half Life 1 :(

my comp isnt that great but wtf... i have a 2.4 ghz processer wit 512 mb of ram...i should get like 300 fps....maybe it's my monitor.......5 year old sony trinitron
dugly said:
i get like 50 fps with a 9600XT in Half Life 1 :(

my comp isnt that great but wtf... i have a 2.4 ghz processer wit 512 mb of ram...i should get like 300 fps....maybe it's my monitor.......5 year old sony trinitron
wtf i duno man thats weird
Your monitor is too old or you have some driver issues. It isnt the card. As for the 9600XT, it runs Far Cry on near max settings at 65fps.
PainLord said:
Your monitor is too old or you have some driver issues. It isnt the card. As for the 9600XT, it runs Far Cry on near max settings at 65fps.
it also depends on how much ram you have and how good your cpu is right?
jackofthetrade32 said:
ati makes money on you. that's why. oh, my system just rocks. however, last time I checked our video cards can't use pixel shaders v2.b
That is what pisses me off.
If anyone figures out what is wrong other than having that bullshit videocard. then tell me.
I plan on buying a pci express videocard for my next system.

I am guessing u were trying to run the Double Cross demo? this is a demo for the new Radeon X800 series which have support for DX9.0b. as far as I know earlier Radeons including the powerful 9800s support up to DX9.0 and so won't run the X800 demo!

btw SMT u said u recieved a coupon with ur saphire x800 pro? i just wanted to check cause i want to buy one of those monsters but i havent seen indications that it comes with a HL2 coupon. does it show on the box? cheers for the help :cheers:
jackofthetrade32 said:
Last time I checked, the 9600XT doesn't even run farcry very well. I know I have tested it.

Maybe you need to learn to use a computer? I have a 9600xt with only a mild 2500+ Athlon XP and 512mb memory and I can run Far Cry on full details at 1280*1024 with 30+fps constant.

Maybe you need to check out this site...

Stop calling people "nubs" until you learn to use a computer jackass.
iamaelephant said:
Maybe you need to learn to use a computer? I have a 9600xt with only a mild 2500+ Athlon XP and 512mb memory and I can run Far Cry on full details at 1280*1024 with 30+fps constant.

Maybe you need to check out this site...

Stop calling people "nubs" until you learn to use a computer jackass.
damn right
...Way to go, calling people jackass after that statement.
There was a hack available to get the Double X demo working for other Radeon cards. I had it running perfectly well on my 9800 Pro 128MB.
Well, 30 FPS isn't good for me. I want more. My video card does rock, but it is just that I want more from them. They need to start releasing good cards like they used to. If it isn't a big enough upgrade then DON'T RELEASE IT ATI ASSHOLES! Well, anyway I know it only runs on the x800 but can't they fix our older cards to run the same stuff. I want to max my card out to the max.
PS... Does anyone know any tips on firmwares on ATI cards? any sites. I know I should start a new topic on this but who cares.
... ok man we will see if it runs liek sht with my 9600. If it dose ill give you whatevers in my pocket.
sHm0zY said:
... ok man we will see if it runs liek sht with my 9600. If it dose ill give you whatevers in my pocket.

You've been collecting dirt again or something? :p
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