Half Life 2 Cross Eye 3D


BattleShip Ron

Be at least arms length away from the monitor.

Be sure your eyes are level with the images.

Slowly cross your eyes and the two images will come together forming a 3d image. This may take some practice but once you get it the image will pop out at you.

If you have trouble try this.

Use your right hand and put your thumb on the tip of your nose. Then point at the photo with your pointer finger. Then look at the tip of your pointer finger. Your eyes should roughly be crossed enough to see the effect.





















Do I focus on the picture or my index finger?

ok I can't do this it hurts my eyes :(
dunno how this feckin works,

do me a favour, when u cross eye the images to form 3d image, take a screnshot, n show us :p
I made it move from left to right...but not "pop" out :|
Look at the red dots, cross your eyes until they meet and focus your view like that, then look down at the rest of the picture.
How do you make those?
hmm...I should make some of these... :D

fun fun! Makes me glad I've been doing them so long, makes this so easy!

you make them by taking a screenshot, sidestepping the SMALLEST amount, and taking another one.

then plop the two side by side (Keeping left and right proper) and making it small enough that it works.

Voila, stereograph. These things were insanely popular in the 1920s.
They are pretty small pictures. Once I start seeing something come together its too small to see much.
I'll keep trying anyway. ;)
its giving me a head ache looking at all of them, which are the most impressive ;)
Hey, that's pretty cool. Although if you could, maybe make them bigger, as whenever I cross my eyes, the world is blurry and it's harder to make out details. But i can see the 3d, it's cool.
Wow. these are even better then the previous ones. I love these please do more. actually im just going to use my edimensional 3d glasses and play hl2
But the screenshots are very clear. It looks true to life. this takes full affect of having 2 eyes and depth perseption.
Elyas said:
Hey, that's pretty cool. Although if you could, maybe make them bigger, as whenever I cross my eyes, the world is blurry and it's harder to make out details. But i can see the 3d, it's cool.

* try to focus your eyes. its even better.
once you see the 3d- hold your eyes there and the picture will slowly become more clear.
Am I the only one who would rather play HL2 rather than look at silly pictures that don't work?
SixThree said:
Am I the only one who would rather play HL2 rather than look at silly pictures that don't work?
Shut up. Your eye muscles don't work right.
SixThree said:
Am I the only one who would rather play HL2 rather than look at silly pictures that don't work?
Someones jealous because they can't do it....
I guess you're doing this by taking a screenshot, then moving a little to the left (or right), aiming at the same point in the distance you were looking at before, then taking another screenshot.

The only problem is the illusion is ruined since the perspective doesn't change on the weapon you're carrying. :)
The weapons have idle animations. However, I don't think you have to look in the same place(not sure bout it tho)
what happens is u move to the left or right just enough to give the second image a vantage point that would be referenceable to ur right or left eye while the first image is referenced to the oppisite eye....in effect, ur brain combines the imagaes and u know have the vantage point of actually being in the game since u are seeing with both "eyes" which are in different positions obviously on ur head....theres a website that sells 3d glasses that makes any direct 3d game do this in real time..however the problem with this is clear if u understand the principles that this software uses...http://www.edimensional.com/index.php?cPath=21&ref=73
SixThree said:
Am I the only one who would rather play HL2 rather than look at silly pictures that don't work?

Once I figured out how to do it, I almost would rather go back and look at different parts of the game this way rather than play it. It's a whole new way to exeperience the game. It took me a probably 15 - 30 min to finally get the hang of it, but once you do it's pretty easy after that.
No, I guess I can't do it, but then again I haven't spent 30 mins twitching at my monitor like a moron.
but youve spent at least 10 watching this thread and telling everyone that u dont want to twitch like a moron......moron
I guess I'm lucky. I could get the 3D effect from stereoscopic images within seconds of the first time I was ever exposed to them (in the early 90s). Now, I don't even think about it.
great stuff guys. to the poster, you only posted cross-eye versions...i liked the other guy since he posted both cross-eye (looking in front of the monitor, in between the mon and your eyes) and parallel (looking past the monitor, into the distance) versions. yesterday i could only see the hl2 cross eye versions, my eyes couldn't relax enough (or i didn't try long enough) to see the parallel versions....but today, i can relax my eyes enough to see the parallel versions, and i'm sure soon i can focus my eyes enough to see them as clearly as the cross eye versions.

what's the difference in these two versions? most stereo images i'ev found on the web in real life are cross, most computer generated ones (such as the magic eye ones) are parallel...what's the difference when you make them, i mean?

to those who can't see them, look at the other thread on this topic and go to the vision3d website and spend some time learning how to see them. cross eye is looking in between your eyes and the target (comp monitor) to focus the images, parallel is relaxing your eyes and looking past the target (like at a far away cloud or sunset) to focus them. this is pretty healthy for your eyes, as it's working the eye muscles to focus and refocus (going back and forth between cross and parallel) -- something that most of us don't get enough in our daily lives.

anyway, good stuff.
I bet you spent a lot of time posting those 3,821 messages lol
SixThree said:
No, I guess I can't do it, but then again I haven't spent 30 mins twitching at my monitor like a moron.

Stop being a twat. Some people enjoy experiencing new ways of perceiving images, so although you don't appear to, don't berate others for it.

Also, if you cant do it, go here: http://www.vision3d.com/methd04.html

It will take quite a few tries but you will get there eventually.
Since I can't see them (my eyes are kinda weird), would I get the "3D" effect if I overlap the images in Photoshop then make the overlaping one a bit transparent? I really want to see how this looks.
Dumb Dude said:
Since I can't see them (my eyes are kinda weird), would I get the "3D" effect if I overlap the images in Photoshop then make the overlaping one a bit transparent? I really want to see how this looks.

nope...the 3d effect has nothing to do with the form -- it wouldn't matter if two images side by side like this (though taken from slightly different perspectives) were printed on a wall, on paper...etc. the whole thing is this is tricking your eyes into one eye looking at one picture and the other looking at the other picture, which tricks your eyes/brain into seeing the difference between the pictures and the sum looking 3d. look at an object near you and then close one eye and look with the other...

each eye essentially sees a 2d image of the 3d world, and the brain calculates the differences so you "see" (percieve) the world in 3d -- same thing with these images, you've got two 2d images from slightly different perspectives which you can use to make your brain think youre looking into this in 3d. read the vision3d site...i'm sure you can get these, they're not too hard. take your finger and put it in between your eyes and your monitor and focus on your finger...bring your finger back in forth (varying the depth) and try to get the two images in the background to overlap so that they look 3d. once they're overlapping, it will likely take you a while to focus, since each eye has to focus a different amount, as it's not likely your eyes have exactly the same vision.

go to the other thread and use the image (cross eyed version) of the crane in hl2 against the sky background....that's the easiest to focus on and get the hang of it.
When ever I cross my eyes, the I don't see the images themselves cross, I just see both side by side really blurry. But I'll take a look at the other thread and try it on that image.
Dumb Dude said:
When ever I cross my eyes, the I don't see the images themselves cross, I just see both side by side really blurry. But I'll take a look at the other thread and try it on that image.

yeah, you just need to cross your eyes with a different focus. crossing your eyes is just focusing in between yourself and the target...you could focus your eyes at half the distance between you and the comp screen, 3/4....1/4.....etc. if you can't manually move your eyes between as close as you can focus (try focus on your nose) and the target (monitor), focus on your finger and bring it back and forth...then remove your finger and remain focused on the "air" at the distance your finger was just at....move back and forth (make SURE your head is level with the image) and eventually you'll see the two images, blurry, match up...keep it there for a while and eventually each individual eye will focus on its respective image and you'll see it in "3d"...good luck!
Hmmm, I think I did it, but I'm not sure. When I look at it, it sort of pulsates, but no 3D. Am I getting close? Am I even doing it anywhere to being remotley close?
argh, it's a headache in a post.

but yeah, i can see it and it's really cool. i made a few of these in Desert Combat a few months ago.

impulse 200 to remove gun and cl_drawhud 0 to get rid of the HUD. that would make for much better pictures.
Dumb Dude said:
Hmmm, I think I did it, but I'm not sure. When I look at it, it sort of pulsates, but no 3D. Am I getting close? Am I even doing it anywhere to being remotley close?

you'll know when you get it. just keep moving your focus in between your nose and the monitor until the images match up (it's easy to see when they match up on some pics...which is why i suggested the pic in the other thread of the crane against a sky background...easy to focus on that). once they're match up, hold it until your eyes focus...

you'll know when you've got it, and your eyes should actually feel pretty much at ease once you're there (at least mine do).

go here: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=61350&page=2&pp=15 you'll see the set of two attached images from LittleB...use the first (cross eye) version to get the hang of it. if you want, you could also try the parallel version, which just means you stare into the monitor (relax your eyes off into the distance) until the images (crane) overlap...then focus.

i find the cross eye easier for myself, but it's probably different for everyone.
i just got it to work for me, pick a screenshot with a red dot at the top, put your thumb on the tip of your nose, and point your index finger towards the center of the line inbetween the pictures, focus on the tip of your index finger and try and get the 2 red dots at the top to merge, you will see a 3rd picture in the middle, at first it wont look 3d it will just look blurry, keep looking at your finger and slowly look up from it keeping your finger still there so if u loose focus u can regain it, eventually when you are looking at the 3d picture it will get sharper and if you practice you will be able to look at it without loosing focus and see how 3d it looks (its worth it) its really clever. took me about 10 minuites.
Is it just me, or is supposed to make us all look like retards. I'm in one of the computer rooms in university, and I don't consider doing this