Half-Life 2 CS style weapons system?


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
*Pure speculation*

Something I noticed during Traptown is the section during the beam attack. Gordon throws the SMG and then appears to swap for the Shotgun. Now if you do a close up of the weapon selection screen every time you'll notice theres only one weapon in the No. 3 slot. Does this mean we'll be swapping guns like Counterstrike? Another way to notice is Gordons HEV suit. There are 2 slots on his arm, 2 slots on his leg and 2 slots on his pelvis. There are 6 weapon groups.

Also some more observations. The weapon selection screen has 6 slots so therefore I could put it down to:

1. Melee
2. Pistols
3. Medium sized weapons
4. Heavy weaponry
5. Alien weaponry
6. Explosives

Opinions are always welcome :)
interesting about the suit slot thing...

valve allready said they were experimenting with weapon systems like this in an email. :)

hope that helps.
There was a lot of positive responses to the gameplay balance effected by Halo's 2-weapon system...it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of games out there are considering using similar arrangments.

I always felt kinda weird runnign around with a knife, 2 pistols, a crossbow, smg, shotgun, machine gun, rocket launcher, grenades, detpacks, globber, laser-thingy, gluon, bee-launcher, snarks, um....
I have to agree with Typhon on this. Being able to carry a dozen or so weapons with full loads of ammo seems very... unlikely, at the least. Even if Gordon was strong enough (or the HEV made him strong enough) to carry all that, where exactly is that stuff stored? Gordon seemingly pulls weapons out of nowhere.

Whether or not a more realistic weapon system would be more or less fun is hard to know without playing. Having every weapon at hand with full ammo makes for one kickass and versatile fighter, but having to decide and choose what weapons will serve you best down the road also sounds like fun. Perhaps it will be an option you can pick before starting. Such as during Easy mode you can have access to all weapons, while in Hard mode, you are limited to only a few. That would at least make the Hard mode more interesting and also maybe give you another reason to play through the single mode again (assuming you chose Easy first).

I'm not worried about it, honestly. I'm sure that Valve will figure out what option has the most going for it, and choose that.
one of each type might actually be funner... (see halo and cs)
The thing about CS

melee at 3? wtf...
I disagree. I want a whole armament at my fingertips. I want a variety of ways to main, kill, and destroy, not just picking between what I saw last. I hope HL2 inventory stays true to its roots. After all, it'd be silly to suddenly say that gordon couldn't carry 22 weapons anymore, and can now only carry 6...

And all this goes w/o saying of "what if the player switches the wrong gun" say player LIKES the submachine gun, so he doesn't swap out the submachine gun for the shotgun like he should have. So then the player goes for 30 minutes and isn't finding any more ammo for the gun they kept with them. Its no fun for a player to have to backtrack all the way back just to pick up a shotgun that the designer is forcing them to use as opposed to what they want to use...
I guess this is an interesting topic. Valve will have to go either one way or the other. I can't see them implementing this option as a variable that you can tick on or off before playing because I can imagine it would cause too many balancing problems.

I personally think it is more realistic to throw down one gun to pick up another. Having said this I do think the team did an excellent job of balancing the ammo to baddy ratios in the first game using the full weapon inventory system. It is true that is is not so pleasent to come into a situation armed with only a shotgun, when you really need a rocket launcher. Perhaps you could holster a few weapons, perhaps two large ones and a number of smaller ones. ..maybe
btw, this topic has been discussed before :P

I am all for the one-weapon approach, since running around with 15 weapons at once is totally unrealistic. also, it wouldn't be all bad is they could do like a belt-model with grenades haniging off it when you picked up some greandes :)
Good point DOOM, you should be able to carry at least one weapon for every ammo type.
Also as far as "realism" goes...

... aliens from outer space have a giant mechanical monolith eating a city while other aliens take control of people's bodies and turn them into zombies. Where's the realism in that?
1. I have emailed Gabe but for the second time I have not had a response which makes me doubt some of your emails no offence.

2. Has anybody noticed that Valve might be secretly putting an emphasis on survival and quick commando style thinking in HL2? Just look at the way the player moves Gordon around in Traptown.
Chicky needs to get in here so he can start a flame war about invintory size.
I think the game will be great either way because Valve will be sure to make sure it's balanced correctly. Personally, I think either way would be fine with me - having to drop weapons and pick up others might be interesting in the Half Life universe. But if they do it this way, there'd have to always be a way to drop the weapon you have and pick up a more adequate weapon for the current circumstances if you forgot to do it earlier. Otherwise, it might get tedious to have to reload when you realize that said weapon would have been waaaay better for that coming situation. There'd also have to be a way to get ammo for at least one of your currently held "adequate" weapon at any given point in the game. I'm not sure how it could be done when the game might boast over 20 weapons, but it's just something to think about.
Does it really matter if you can carry more guns than Stalone or Schwarzenegger?
Gabe has already commented on this. The reason you saw that system is because they are playing about with the weapons system.
I wouldnt call it a CS style system... Only being able to cary a few items in certain catagories is done in as many FPS's as it isnt.
This is an interesting topic. I think that carrying a limited amount of weapons is more realistic, but carrying everything at the same time is definatelly more fun.
Something like planetside's system would be great.

For those that haven't played, you can keep a pistol-sized weapon on each hip, and two larger weapons slung over your back.

You can also keep lots of smaller things (grenades, helth kits, etc) in a backpack.
Originally posted by DOOManiac
Also as far as "realism" goes...

... aliens from outer space have a giant mechanical monolith eating a city while other aliens take control of people's bodies and turn them into zombies. Where's the realism in that?
Here here. I really don't know why so many people are craving for so much realism in a game that is, I'm sorry to inform some of you, a SCI-FI GAME. A lot of people have complained about not wanting to see "silly sci-fi weapons" and just want real weapons. Not to be rude, but go and play Op Flash if you're so dis-satisfied.
As far as weapons inventory goes it might be nice to be able to carry all the weapons - or possibly one of each type - but at the same time simply carrying 2/3 guns (plus the trusty crowbar) could be fine also as, personally, I invariably end up only using about 3 weapons for the most part of the time whilst bringing out others for particularly special occasions. As long as it's balanced right, it should be ok.
I think the argument for "real" weapons has a lot to do with feel. Even for the vast majority of us who have never fired a real assault rifle, there is something familiar and nice about the way game implement them. When I rattle off a few rounds in games like SOF, MOHAA, or CS I like it. I don't get that feeling from plasma weird weapons.

Now, that being said, I believe thats because sci-fi weapons aren't usually implemented well. They usually don't have the right feedback to be believable. I think Halo did a good job with their plasma rifle, and the Descent series also made sci-fi weapons 'feel' natural.

Hopefully Valve has done a good job in implementing any exotic weaponry in HL2.
screw real weapons, give me versatitly, i dont mind, but the carrying idea makes the game more interesting and harder. Also it opens up for replaying the game with different set of weapons. I dont mind realistic weapons at all since I play CS all the time. But look at the selection of timesplitters, makes the game more interesting. I think you should be able to carry 1 of each typoe of waepon apart from grens, like the cs style. And the ammo thing can be done really easy, you make one object and you just make it so it acts like an ammo pack but you dont name it so it can be a small green of brown box that supplies ammo for all.

Any way no point arguing this too much like I have, we aint sure we might as well wait and see what Valve has to say......
hmmm city....

cities have gun stores.....

drop a gun, find it again in a nearby gun store

i sure hope so.... imagine backtracking 6 levels to pick up that smg only to find it not there, due to "disappearing" or someone else just picked it up.

like others have said, im sure valves done a way well all like
I like the smaller amount of weapons... I hated switching through all my guns trying to find the one I wanted well I was getting attacked. Plus most of them had no ammo left.

It would make the game much more challenging if you only had a certain amount of guns and you just picked up more along the way. I would really enjoy that.

and if they don't do that I hope you can at least throw your empty guns away.
Originally posted by Typhon
When I rattle off a few rounds in games like SOF, MOHAA, or CS I like it. I don't get that feeling from plasma weird weapons.
Don't get me wrong, real-world weapons are great (within the confines of computer games, I must stress) and very satisfying. The only thing is that in a game such as HL2, you can only expect some odd weapons - be it futuristic or alien.
Personally I loved the gauss gun and the egon gun, although I didn't use them particularly often. The hivehand was a nice idea but a bit weak. And the snarks were a laugh. I have faith that the sci-fi weapons won't be rubbishy plasma cannons, BFG blah blah blah Oh, and while you mention SoF, let us not forget the microwave gun... Hmmmmm. More sci-fi than the Queen Mother. But just as fun. But not run on gin.
Let's face it, sci-fi guns do allow for some good imagination in terms of... results, shall we say:naughty:
I hope it's similar to Halo's. Better than Goldeneye :) having 30 wepaons in your pockets.... :)
The idea they had in Elite force was pretty cool, that all your weapons are stored in a transporter buffer and beam into your hands when you select them.