Half life 2 Death Match mod

  • Thread starter Thread starter slyz
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Hey i`m sly from HL2dm mod at www.jhgamers.com/hl2dm , we wanted to inform you that we have opened up shop and are preparing to make a death match mod for half life 2 , ever since valve annouced in mid October that HL2's Multiplayer portion was Counter-Strike:Source, wich meant no DeathMatch like some of us had been counting on we jumped on the deal and began work immediatly ,our main intentions are to bring in a multiplayer deatch match and team death match for HL2 ,as soon as the SDK is released every member from my team intends to begin work immediatly ,our mod will feature all of HL2`s characters ,weapons and game play from HL2 ,we will appreciate any comments from you , or the community because this is a mod made by the community for the community ,for any info please visit us at www.jhgamers.com/hl2dm or on irc gamesurge #hl2dm
Posted already. ;)

Good luck on your mod. :D
hey man kudos to you. if HL2 has a DM omg that will beat any Multiplayer game even H2
(i think i spelled kudos right)
lol yes u spelled it right and yes we hope so so far we released in 23 hours we`ve been in planet half life,game-mods and top 50 mods at moddb ,but with the release of the news about hl2 going to arcade we`ve seem to be at dispair and have to decide weather to move on or halt all of our work
I appreciate and respect that your own free time will be devoted to making a Half-Life 2 deathmatch mode. I wish you guys the best of luck. Make some kick ass maps! :)
but one thing dont make like 50 maps cuz then ill suck at all of them and i wont remmeber even the objective. make a reasonable amount. but hey i got faith in you guys
Yeah we have a good amount of Mappers our lead mapper has a experience in mapping for 6 years so, plus our main goal is to bring in maps from hl2 esp city17 wich we hope will be the most played map out there
but not to big so when i friend tells me i need back up i ain gonn abe running across like 15 city blocks to get to him
Please let us know if you need support in any way. I was the one who originally posted your website in several locations (HL2.net, HL2World, HL2Fallout, and IGN) to generate as much support as possible for your work :)
nice site but im fully supporting the AG2 project which is ( for me ) more interesting gl tho ! :)
Thank you sluflan yeah we contacted hl2.net hl2world and were all at hl2fallout not sure about ign yet we do thank you for your support and RooM beilve it or not were also supporting AG2 were eager to see how the mod comes out ,yes passing the word would help out more and more which posses more questions which we havent thought about gives us a chance to figure out what to change and every thing
slyz do you guys have any ideas so far as to how big a part physics will play in your maps (i.e. large objects in enough quantity to allow lots of manipulator fragging)?

Also do you plan on including vehicles into any of the maps, or because this is DM are you strictly focusing on smaller areas that don't promote vehicle use?

Third, do you have a rough estimate on how to tweak the client/server-side physics settings (should you be using the physics heavily for gameplay) in order to allow playable pings and good server stability (this is a big concern for me regarding physics in multiplayer hl-2 mods in general)?

Keep up the good work there, man. Good luck to each of your members in your endeavours.
Great to hear it slyz. i wish you guys good luck and the community supports you
Best of luck, i hope your mod pulls through, most mods don't. Sorry for the pessimism. I loved HLDM and was greatly dissapointed when there were not plans to be one in the second HL.
spitcodfry said:
slyz do you guys have any ideas so far as to how big a part physics will play in your maps (i.e. large objects in enough quantity to allow lots of manipulator fragging)?

Also do you plan on including vehicles into any of the maps, or because this is DM are you strictly focusing on smaller areas that don't promote vehicle use?

Third, do you have a rough estimate on how to tweak the client/server-side physics settings (should you be using the physics heavily for gameplay) in order to allow playable pings and good server stability (this is a big concern for me regarding physics in multiplayer hl-2 mods in general)?

Keep up the good work there, man. Good luck to each of your members in your endeavours.

To be honest with out the SDK and not being able to test the pyshics and the effects they will have on the maps esp with the maniupulater being the bigggest part of the mod would allow lots of manipulaters

Yeah we have thought about the fact that having vehilcles would influence alot of people to play and some not , so our solution is to basicly either create maps that will have vehicles and others not , or we`ll leave it to the server owners to implemend there own ,

and last no we dont have an estimate on how were going to tweak the client-server-side pysics ,but we do know that were not going to go overboard and have people with massive pings , we want to keep it simple but fun

And i am a person that finishes what he starts, so we shall see this mod in the near future.
i don't know if this will fall under your jurisdiction for hldm

but do you have any plans on doing stuff like Combine vs Resistance

or Striders vs Resistance?

Mainly some sort of team vs team combat with hl2 as the setting
/me hails Art_Crime.

I think it's really cool that you're going to do this. My only comment is, bring back a *couple* of the old-school favorites from HLDM. Such as Killbox. :)
see like i said before some people want like a classic remake of hl1dm and some dont , pleasing both parties will be extremely difficult , we just came up with the decision that instead of porting old maps into hl2dm we will just remake them to the exact pin drop ,about kill boxes and power ups we still thinking about how to do this because honestly i never anticipated this when i started but i`m glad u guys keep asking then we can keep deciding, we did make a list of every thing that hl1 has and once we get the sdk we`ll see how far we can get

about the models yes that is our plan , we will also include gordon and the rest so we hope that pleases you guys
you wont be able to do maipulator fights sorry. get real. otherwise good luck hope to play it sometime!!
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Yeah, and what facts do you base this on? :rolleyes:

Look in the Valve email thread.One of Valve said themself that it would be very hard to implent that weapon online.
good luck Slyz we're counting on you HL² dm and tdm would be the best multiplayer ever
well our coders and i beg to differ if we fail then at least we know we tried , and will be able to prove the fact it cant be done
anyone got any more questions ?....we just had a meeting and felt like updating you guys , we had a talk with the whole mod team and ,judging from every ones anticipation to get down and dirty , we plan to have our first open beta about 1 1/2 months after we get the sdk,the whole team is exiceted about this , we hope you guys are too.
Diablo2k said:
Look in the Valve email thread.One of Valve said themself that it would be very hard to implent that weapon online.
Oh, oke, if it works on lan, i'm satisfied.
Incoming bench!
No disrespect to you, but wouldn't it be better if all the various teams working on a remake of HLDM joined forces and provided one excellent mod, rather than 3 or 4 mods with low popularity?
czrsink said:
No disrespect to you, but wouldn't it be better if all the various teams working on a remake of HLDM joined forces and provided one excellent mod, rather than 3 or 4 mods with low popularity?

we havent seen any of these teams excpet for ag2 so far there are 2 official teams ,if anyone knows another we could contact them
The gravity gun in HL2 deathmatch would be awesome. Just imagine flinging barrels, chairs, recycling boxes, filing cabinets, etc. at your fellow players. :D
slyz said:
Hey i`m sly from HL2dm mod at www.jhgamers.com/hl2dm , we wanted to inform you that we have opened up shop and are preparing to make a death match mod for half life 2 , ever since valve annouced in mid October that HL2's Multiplayer portion was Counter-Strike:Source, wich meant no DeathMatch like some of us had been counting on we jumped on the deal and began work immediatly ,our main intentions are to bring in a multiplayer deatch match and team death match for HL2 ,as soon as the SDK is released every member from my team intends to begin work immediatly ,our mod will feature all of HL2`s characters ,weapons and game play from HL2 ,we will appreciate any comments from you , or the community because this is a mod made by the community for the community ,for any info please visit us at www.jhgamers.com/hl2dm or on irc gamesurge #hl2dm

Attack of the commas!!!!!

Commas aside, I wonder if they'll factor in the manipulator considering the fact that physics make some servers lag pretty bad. I don't look foreward to playing it if it doesn't have manipulator.

.......well yes I do!!! But manipulator would be awesome if it would work right.
sublidieminal said:
Attack of the commas!!!!!

Commas aside, I wonder if they'll factor in the manipulator considering the fact that physics make some servers lag pretty bad. I don't look foreward to playing it if it doesn't have manipulator.

.......well yes I do!!! But manipulator would be awesome if it would work right.

see we want to and are gonna try our hardest to try and get the manipulater and the physics work so its not laggy , if not we will have to remove it unfortuantly will make tons of people disapointed
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
I'm just curious to see if Valve made a gordon model

has to be other wise couldnt put it in the sp player version of the game
He isn't in the SP version.... just hit boxes I assume. but yeah, there must be a model.
Two things i would like in a HL2:DM game would be 64bit support. And a MP3 player built in, like UT2K4 so you dont have to run extra crap in the backround and when you are playing and with a Built in MP3 you can skip songs while you are playing. May the Gods of Video games be with you.
Please make it competetive.

Good weapon balance, no vehicles please they ruin enough games already. Good maps with good map flow. etc.

I hope you guys make something good.

Can you guys make smth like manipulators coop so when team play were on 2 or maybe 3 teammates could lift so friggin big rock for example...?