Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, SDK, Source Engine Updates Available

{Neoblade} 111 said:
Could anyone post some screenie's of the slam and that other thing?


Your wish is my command. Shows the Stunstick normal, and its cool glowing effect when striking. :D Also shows the crowbar for rebels, and the SLAM planted and thrown.


  • Planted.jpg
    35.2 KB · Views: 452
  • Stunstick.jpg
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  • Stunstick2.jpg
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  • Thrown.jpg
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  • SLAM.jpg
    48.4 KB · Views: 388
Played steamlab on a few servers now but i didn't see any slam mines. >_<

But is it just be or is it more laggy now?
Valve is so lazy. Steamlab is a slight remake (in level layout, not design...) of the good old HLDM map Datacore. Still, good map :)
I hate the Slam on Team Deathmatch. You waste your time setting a foolproof trap, when some dumbass on your team walks into it making you lose a kill. ;(
SimonomiS said:
Your wish is my command. Shows the Stunstick normal, and its cool glowing effect when striking. :D Also shows the crowbar for rebels, and the SLAM planted and thrown.
They could easeily make the stunstick avalible in HL2. Do you think that will ever happen?
Cool, I cant wait to implement this into the next update to DM_Depot!
Annoying thing: Choose a model, say you choose a combine. You'll get the stunstick. Switch model in-game to a rebel model and Bam! You're a rebel with a stunstick.
Wow, great update! I love the new map! yesterday I was playing it, and 2 people were camping in the little room with the windows and the revolver, and they had piled up alot of boxes in the entrance. All I did was throw a couple of slams in there, and detonate them! Killed them both and sent some of the boxes flying! It's moments like those that no other DM game can create! HL2DM owns!
Is anyone else getting horrible horrible problems with lag and kills not being counted?
Still no options for the automic switching to a weapon when you pick it up...damn thats all i wanted
It'll come with de_compound I guess...

edit: Or is it cs_compound?!
Time to rant

Well, I've been playing on it for a while and noticed a few things:
More laggy than normal
Crashes (Pre Update = zero) as per the looping squleching sound=>"Memory Cannot Be Read"
I lost some games :laugh:
Stunstick is not as fast for random beating as crowbar.

On the other glove - The new map is awesome, love the Lamaar-a-like. The crowbar KICKS ASS!!! croWbAR rUL1z!!!
And I've yet to find out how to fix the slam to something but its pretty fun! (Off to me bios to change some settings and play some more)
I love turning on the gas in steamleabs to fry someone. Update worked fine for me although I have noticed more lag and I had the Verify Steam user ID problem but a restart of stream fixed everything. Great update I am waiting for more.
This new map is pretty good. The collision detection on the melee weapons needs to be revised though. I got killed by crowbar/stun stick standing a good 6 or 7 feet away from the person.
Try sticking a SLAM on some physics prop. They float in air after you take the object under them.
I can never get the Stunstick? How can I do this?
justmatt said:
Still no options for the automic switching to a weapon when you pick it up...damn thats all i wanted
Options -> Keyboard -> Advanced. Untick Weapon Fast switch.
And KU_, you need to have a combine skin selected to use the stunstick.
Ok, thanks guys! This update rocks! Stunstick is just awsome, and SLAM pwnz!
SimonomiS said:
Options -> Keyboard -> Advanced. Untick Weapon Fast switch.
And KU_, you need to have a combine skin selected to use the stunstick.

thats not what he was talking about. He is talking about when it automatically picks up a gun when u walk over it. I would think theres a console command for this but im not sure what it is. Ive been wanting to change this in my game as well
Dinkleberry said:
Stunstick is not as fast for random beating as crowbar.

yea, but it does 40 damage I believe, as opposed to the crowbar's 25

And I've yet to find out how to fix the slam to something but its pretty fun!

point at any surface at close range and you'll flip out the little laser eye on the SLAM
pressing fire after that attaches it as a laser tripmine
I still don't see any option to turn off autoswitch...

it's cool with new content and all but plz Valve fix what you've already got before focusing on adding new stuff...such a simple fix and it's still not here...ffs...
jimmyjam said:
yea, but it does 40 damage I believe, as opposed to the crowbar's 25

point at any surface at close range and you'll flip out the little laser eye on the SLAM
pressing fire after that attaches it as a laser tripmine

Nice, thank yau