Half Life 2 Delayed...Again

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Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
You won't be able to pick it as soon as you thought. You'll have to wait an entire 60 minutes due to daylight savings time.

Sorry to break this tragic news.
//runs around then cries.. ARRRG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg The Funny Is Making Me Hurt , Stop The Funny!!!
Hectic Glenn said:

OMG more than ONE post about a subject! B*A*N*N*E*D! That's like illegal in seven US States, seriously! This is so bad. Wow. Internet crisis.

Funny stuff, never thought of it that way. Of course this mean's you'll get an extra hour of sleep, and therefore be more prepared to play HL2.

"Always look on the bright side of life" =)
arse, i nearly tore my hair out then when i saw that post, dont do things like that, jeez. lol.
Only a 5 year old retard would post something like this. Do you feel proud?
Well...... that was certainly fun but all fun eventually comes to an end, like now.

I would appreciate it if a few of the people who posted above me would be a bit more polite in future.
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