Half-Life 2 Demo

Will People stop downloading the beta if a demo was released?

  • Hell ya! :D

    Votes: 148 68.2%
  • A demo? I want the whole thing!

    Votes: 36 16.6%
  • No

    Votes: 33 15.2%

  • Total voters


Dec 9, 2003
Reaction score
Do you think if Valve would release a demo, people will COMPLETELY stop downloading the ilegal beta?
Of course not. And this poll is kinda pointless since Valve already stated that there would be no demo.
I think so, but the chances of a demo are very slim.
I doubt anyone downloads the 'beta' anymore anyway... :dozey:

edit: anyanyanyanyanyany
Thsi poll is somewhat biased considering there is not option for "No"

honestly, i think excitement for the game is now REALLY low. To the point where news on the site is still from Nov 27 -- 2 weeks old
a demo might freshed sh-t up
Like Letters said not many people download the alpha now anyway, if they released a demo I don't think anyone would bother.
Originally posted by Neutrino
And how do you know this? Just wondering.

I'm betting that anyone who wanted it downloaded it alreaty, so anyone who wants it alreaty has it.
i want it, and i don't have it!! i must be pretty dum huh*?
Originally posted by RandomPING
I'm betting that anyone who wanted it downloaded it alreaty, so anyone who wants it alreaty has it.

Pure speculation.
I'll delete the beta if there's a demo. And I hope they do cause my HL2 dir is...

3.67 GB (3,950,764,032 bytes)
36,483 Files, 822 Folders
I dont know if it wiould COMPLETLEY stop it, but it would stop a large part of it. Well...maybe it would stop it. If the demo had enough to play with. Hell, I would be happy to just get the lil room with the barrels falling and the pool to throw stuff in.:cheers:
It might stop the average person from downloading it. But a lot of people have it just for the mapping tools. That's why I don't think a demo would completely stop it.
Originally posted by Neutrino
Of course not. And this poll is kinda pointless since Valve already stated that there would be no demo.

You're right. In the same way it's irrelevant to discuss about the release date since Valve already stated that the game would release on the 30 september 2003.
Originally posted by arcturus
You're right. In the same way it's irrelevant to discuss about the release date since Valve already stated that the game would release on the 30 september 2003.

Yes, I realize that Valve has not exactly kept their word. But release dates are notoriously inaccurate. There are many things which cause delays no matter how good a companies intentions are. Comments concerning a demo are hardly in the same category as a promised release date. If they claim there is going to be no demo, then I think there is very very little possiblity of there being one.
Originally posted by Neutrino
Yes, I realize that Valve has not exactly kept their word. But release dates are notoriously inaccurate. There are many things which cause delays no matter how good a companies intentions are. Comments concerning a demo are hardly in the same category as a promised release date. If they claim there is going to be no demo, then I think there is very very little possiblity of there being one.

Also the leak was inaccurate, desprite times call for desprite mesures.
They could release a demo that has a mini SDK tool, that will let's you make maps.. :p
Releasing a demo would effect the people that are going to download, or download*ed the illegal version to just play the game, but wouldnt effect the people who are downloading for other reasons such as the Source and all that. I dont know know anything about it, just my opinion.
Ok scratch what I said a few posts up... :p

Hackers Hacking Valves Network was unexpected, so they have to do somthing about that.
nothing could stop the beta downloaders

even the game itself

i dont no

line from big daddy
Originally posted by Pauly
doom3 shall tie us over for half-life 2 in 2005
Whoa, I had better start stretching!

edit: P.S. Your avatar STILL has the dot! AHHHHHHHHHHHHGH

* Letters dies
it's not a pointless thread, it's discussion, using that logic... every single thread and post is utterly pointless. the purpose is to discuss, and share ideas :) anyhow, i voted yes, because i'm thinkin ... okay for a while, the community could probably have slowed down with the hl2 leak downloads... but i'm thinking that they may pick up again if there's still the media blackout and what not. hell, i'm getting curious now to see what there is in the leak, since we sure as hell aren't really getting cool new stuff to talk about(interviews i don't consider as breaking the media blackout... nothing too terribly new or exciting in them...for me at least). now i'm leaning to the mind set of, "hey, well nothing new is out, i'm getting curious as to some of the preliminary levels/designs/game mechanics are like, maybe i should dl the beta and poke around a little, get my enthusiasm for the game up again." note: i am not going to dl the leak, since i think valve deserves much more respect than that... but still, there may be many people out there thinking that. so all in all, a demo would more than satiate the public's appetite, and yes i realize the chances for a demo any time soon are very very slim.
Demo wont happen Prior to release of the full..end of story
theres a beta aye... nah too risky,
but i do think the should release a demo. like that Unreal 2 XMP, now that is a fun demo.
Ok you know what i would like to know? What thread would not be pointless? Basically every thread that gets started people say, "This thread is pointless." so should we just not post at all? I bet that would make things more fun

If you dont got nothin nice to say dun say nothin at all.
I guess I'm the only one that hates when people call the illegal HL2 build a "beta".. Anyway, downloads of the build wouldn't stop completely, of course, but I'm sure they'd drop pretty significantly if you had an official demo to play (and odds are it'd look and play better than the build although I can't say since I don't have it, won't get it, and will keep refusin' offers to have it sent to me, heh).

Why go for an outdated, slapped-together compile when you can have something clean, pretty and official?
Vanthem said:
I guess I'm the only one that hates when people call the illegal HL2 build a "beta".. Anyway, downloads of the build wouldn't stop completely, of course, but I'm sure they'd drop pretty significantly if you had an official demo to play (and odds are it'd look and play better than the build although I can't say since I don't have it, won't get it, and will keep refusin' offers to have it sent to me, heh).

Why go for an outdated, slapped-together compile when you can have something clean, pretty and official?

And of course, we'd make gabe smile... :D
Ha.. I hadn't factored that in, but yes, I suppose you're right, Pitt. ;]