Half-Life 2 Demo


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Do you think Valve will release a demo for HL2? Also, Should Valve release a demo before releasing the game or wait till after releasing it?
As Valve has said, if they release a demo, they'll do it after the release. Not yet planned.

(Whee, my first post that was first in a thread.)
Valve has said they won't release a demo before the actual game is out.
Organizer said:
VALVe is NOT going to release a demo EVAR.
Yes, they will. After the game's release though.
Most likely they'll release a demo after initial sales have started to lag as a way pulling in the fence sitters. As it is, Half-Life 2 is going to sell millions in the first weeks (or even days!) making a prerelease demo largely unecessary.
I don't think a demo will affect sales very much. I don't believe there are a whole lot of "fence sitters" when it comes to this game. People will either buy it or they won't. The only people I see this affecting are those who aren't sure they can run it on their machines. So, barring the release of the VST to the general public, I think the demo would only affect those people.
Mountain Man said:
Most likely they'll release a demo after initial sales have started to lag as a way pulling in the fence sitters. As it is, Half-Life 2 is going to sell millions in the first weeks (or even days!) making a prerelease demo largely unecessary.

yeah i'm not quite sure how the fanbase compares but winning eleven 8 sold 1million copies + in its first day!
Valve should definetly put out a demo. That way, people with machines like mine can try out graphical option combinations and get the best performance before buying the game.
/me cries because of the thread topic, and how it mocks me with HL2 goodness, and then takes it away :(
Tredoslop said:
Valve should definetly put out a demo. That way, people with machines like mine can try out graphical option combinations and get the best performance before buying the game.

I totally agree. One of the main reasons I try demos is either because I don't have the money to buy the game at the moment, or I want to know how the game will run (or if it will run) on my computer.

If people had an opportunity to try out a small portion of the game (seeing as "try before you buy" is impossible because no one rents pc games), it might even cut down on piracy! :cheers:
I wouldnt want to play a demo anyway. I would want to buy the game and sit down and play it from start to finish
MrBongo said:
I totally agree. One of the main reasons I try demos is either because I don't have the money to buy the game at the moment, or I want to know how the game will run (or if it will run) on my computer.

If people had an opportunity to try out a small portion of the game (seeing as "try before you buy" is impossible because no one rents pc games), it might even cut down on piracy! :cheers:

Yeah, try before you buy does help sometimes, but typically not with FPS games. There's always at LEAST one scene in an FPS game that will totally destroy your framerate if you don't have a great PC. This same scene is pretty much always NEVER included in the demo. So even if you try the demo and it runs, you're not guaranteed the same performance throughout the rest of the game.
I would like to think there will eventually be a demo but not for a while. Not because they're waiting for stumbling sales but because they're putting as much care and attention into it as they did the whole game.

I'd love something unique like Uplink was. Perhaps a little bonus for the fans once they've completed HL2 that can also double as a demo to the Ignorant Masses™.
A demo would do wonders for the fans of HL2. Atleast it will shut them up for a while. :D
too bad there won't be one until after release.... i'd love that. I've been so into half-life2 that no other game (not even doom3) interests me. I can't seem to put myself to a game longer than half an hour or so, before i get anxious to check the forums again :)
How many threads like this have posted before? My guess is +- 25 times. So poster, LEARN to SEARCH.
A demo would answer the eternal "how will it run on my PC?" question. The VST would do the same. They should release... something! Please!

if a demo would be released BEFORE the full game then the internet would be shut down due to massive bandwidth consumption..........
i think a demo will be handy for people who never played fps's or just heard for the first toime of half life 2.

and if its like uplink(not a level from the original game) it will be good for us to
I heard they are going to release a demo like Half life.
I think they should release the demo before or, at least, at the same time as the full game, since they didn't make the VST available for everyone. I'm not complaining so much about the release date being moved all the time but making the VST available for CZ or voucher owners is something I'm mad at Valve for (as if they would care :/). BTW: I wonder whats the percentage of CZ copies sold after Valve announced CS:Source will be available for CZ owners.
You got the best demo you could get, you got cs:S, and that demo is for the privilage, who had the hl2 voucher, or cz. Its not a perfect demo but it demonstrates the basics of the source engine, with similar game play, and graphics. cS:S is the closest thing we are going to get as a demo.