half-life 2 dilemma


Nov 6, 2008
Reaction score
please please do not shoot me down, Im new and maybe stupid so if Im in the wrong place I apologise beforehand!
thanks :)
heres my dilemma, I bought a copy of Half-Life2 from ebay!
when I say copy I dont mean its a copy, its genuine with a genuine code etc, or at least I believe it is. No Im sure it is!
anyway the thing is the person I bought it from has already used the code to register and play the game. Neither of us realised that the registration appears to be a one-off thing (allegedly to prevent piracy??) when I attempted to register steam kindly told me the code had already been used so tough you cant play the game!
I should say the chap I bought the game off has refunded me the cost (hardly likely from someone selling dodgy copies methinks!)
so is my Half-Life2 disc destined to end up strung over my grandads gooseberries to scare the birds away on his allotment? or is their something I can do?
I have searched everywhere I can think of and found some reference to getting a re-placement code, but it appears they require not only the old code (which I have,) but also a receipt for the game which I dont have (and it seems they dont accept receipts for sales from on-line auction sites anyway!)
I am moderately pissed that a game has such a ridiculous stipulation attached to it, surely to promote any future add-ons to a game creating as a big a fan base as possible would work better?
Hell I dont even want to play the bloody thing on-line! I never play multi-player in any of the games I have (I am way to old and slow and in need of cheats!)
ok rant semi-over, if there is anyone who can help in anyway its surely going to be appreciated, I dont mean financially of course, and my body is barely useful to me these days let alone anyone else!
I am holding my breath in anticipation!
have fun
zig-zag x
The only way you'll be able to use the game is to get their steam account.

I'm not sure if Valve has a way to unregister a code from an account. You could try looking over www.steampowered.com forums and see what they have said.
Curious as to why you would by it off eBay when you could have simply purchased it off steam and had a new copy ready to download.
well firstly I had never heard of steam until I tried to install and play the game
and secondly no matter how much (or little) the retail game would cost I can get it from ebay a LOT cheaper
it appears that by using the requirement to register the game via steam in effect prevents the purchaser of the game ever actually owning the game, even the original purchaser is only allowed to play the game once they have registered it and recieved authorization to play it.......... a very curious way to go about it IMHO
I do understand the need for software developers to safeguard their work from piracy and illegal copies, but Im NOT a pirate. I heard that Half-Life2 is one of the greatest games ever and wanted to experience it myself, call me cheap if you want I probably am!
so the game has gone in the bin, and I have learned a valuable lesson, and am about to buy the orange box collection un-used and un-registered! OK!