Half Life 2 doesn't like Vista!

Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
Or rather mods. I don't know if it's the craptastic Vista/Nvidia drivers, but Half Life 2 mods won't work in Vista.
It's more that Vista doesn't like gaming at the present moment. Rampant incompatibility, because the brand new drivers are sketchy as hell.
Most likely an nvidia issue, they crapped at their customers' faces quite hard on Vista drivers.
You should explain the problem more Zellio, how do they not work?
Another reason I'm glad I haven't gone out and bought Vista quite yet. I'll stick to my pirated XP.
They crash when you try to load a level.

I haven't tried it on a ati card, which will probably work....

Sadly, the Ati cards work FASTER in Vista then in Xp, while all that the horse manure Nvidia drivers do is crash...

My Ati systems have been perfectly stable, while my Nvidia systems have done nothing but crash.
I detest Vista. Absolutley hate it. And I've been with microsoft through and through (Used to have a mac, now all computers of mine have been windows, Xbox, 360, ect.) I'm sticking with XP... Until Crysis comes *drool* Crysis...

HL2 doesnt like Vista. Tatsuto doesnt like Vista. Vista doesn't like Nvidia, and Nvidia doesn't like Tatsuto. It's the Circle of Hate, bitches!!!
Give it a while, Vista still needs to be fully supported for everything right now, not just games.
I have Vista (RC2), Half Life 2, and an Nvidia GF 6600.
Playing Mods just fine here.

Are you running 32-bit or 64?
Vista is new. Everytime a new Windows comes out, some software doesn't like it, some drivers work like shit during the first few months, etc.

Remember the switch from Windows 98 to XP? :p

ps - oh, and everytime a new Windows comes out, there are thousands of thousands of people that hate it. But a year later, all of them will be running Vista. Ok, a small percentage shall become Linux masochists ;)
naw, it dont, games like CRYSIS and HALO 3 would go on vista, HALO 3 XBOX360 PS3 Pc[GeForce 8800 req] Crysis is for GFORCE 6800 or over, i have Vista its great! the games on it are amazing!
naw, it dont, games like CRYSIS and HALO 3 would go on vista, HALO 3 XBOX360 PS3 Pc[GeForce 8800 req] Crysis is for GFORCE 6800 or over, i have Vista its great! the games on it are amazing!

what does that have to do with this thread?
i have vista and i can run any source game, it even runs faster than it did on my XP. It always used to crash and lock up and get FPS drops on XP but since i installed Vista (2 days ago) it runs very very VERY SMOOTH and no more FPS drops yay!
my hl2 is fine on vista. maybe it's your audigy card? i got one, too and the drivers are just..umm..not finished.

make sure to get the latest drivers for your nvidia card, too ;) they're working quite well.

and try to set the cpu clock back to normal.
i have vista and i can run any source game, it even runs faster than it did on my XP. It always used to crash and lock up and get FPS drops on XP but since i installed Vista (2 days ago) it runs very very VERY SMOOTH and no more FPS drops yay!

It couldn't be because it's a fresh install for an OS, could it?!