Half-Life 2 E3 2004 Demo Video

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
The most popular bit of media we had from last year's E3 was Gamespy's high resolution "shakey cam" version of the E3 presentation, and once again they've done it this year. They have recorded both presentations including the one shown at the Vivendi booth. The total run time of the video is 24:55 and the file weighs in at a hefty 664MB.

The video is certainly worth a watch and also shows footage of Counter-Strike Source (which actually got me excited about it!).

Click below to download from Fileplanet

Half-Life 2 E3 2004 Demo Video (664.2 MB)

UPDATE: A lot of people have been complaining about the Fileplanet link, so you can find some mirrors below. I recommend using Burst! as a BitTorrent client to download the .torrent link.


Special thanks goes to our newest member cEx who has pointed out that the above links are mostly run by large sites and should be up for a while. He's also added one to the list too!

UPDATE 2: Also special thanks goes out to BigBen who has provided us with a much smaller file size for those of you with slower connections. It is however encoded with a codec called XviD which you can download here.

This smaller file is of the same quality, will open in most media players providing you have the codec above and can be downloaded below. Thanks again goes to BigBen.

Half-Life 2 E3 2004 Demo Video [Compressed] (371.1 MB)
Go to the forum there will be some links where you dont have to wait in the rest of your life to download.
Stupid fileplanet hating kids. It has the fastest downloads for a game site, the largest collection of files, and you don't have to wait your life to download something. If you start a download at another site and someone else is in line waiting to download the same file, the one at fileplanet will get his file first.
not when the wait is 120minutes!

I've found two other sources that are much faster...
Not the best screenshot, but when the striders getting shot you can see the light on it through the car, just like the scene from last year when the alien thing attacking you on the road.

No biggie, but didnt Gabe say itd be fixed in an email?

The video was Very impressive, cant wait, cant wait at all :X
azz0r said:
Not the best screenshot, but when the striders getting shot you can see the light on it through the car, just like the scene from last year when the alien thing attacking you on the road.

No biggie, but didnt Gabe say itd be fixed in an email?

The video was Very impressive, cant wait, cant wait at all :X

I get the feeling that in-game we won't see that problem. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm suggesting that there are those certain things that don't always come out right in recorded demos because of prediction and such.

Either way, good eye. I'm still in awe. :X God, I must HAVE THIS GAME.
I haven't seen it yet! sitting here drooling listening to you guys talk about how good it looks!

Apart from the long wait times on FilePlanet, has anybody else been havin' problems downloading it?
I've updated the news post to include some mirrors.
a friend of mine will be downloading it, soon. i have no flat and isdn. so, it's better when he does the job. :)

but i saw the 35 mb vid. great! but the quality is pretty bad. can't wait to play around with the manipulator gun.
Fileplanet might not like this. The whole point of their exclusive is to make people go "hmmm, to heck with this, I'm buying the subscription and getting a fast download with no waiting!"
James Isaac said:
232 minute que :( .

Can anyone tell me a better site to get it from?
Did you read the news post?
IMPORTANT: 14,000 Mbps Mirror Online

You can download this at unlimited speeds (no capping) in exchange for clicking through a few pages of ads. There is no line to wait in. The ads will be annoying, but it is the only way I can pay for the bandwidth.

There are two files available:
E3 2004 Video Footage
E3 2004 Developer Interview

Download here: http://www.scifience.net/hl2/
I joined the fileplanet queue last night and it was going to take 66 minutes to get to the front. An hour later, and it had 68 minutes to go. An hour later, and I was downloading, and 30 minutes later and I was watching.

Fileplanet is far from perfect, and there are better places out there, but I'm willing to use it in these desperate circumstances.

And it was worth it. The video is great.
My god, have you people never heard of bittorrent?!
well, there are 607 seeders on the torrent, and 7119 peers. use the torrent :p
thanks I figured out bit torrant and the link you gave above is reaaal good
hoooo its soooo frikkin cool peepz! i cant wait! you guys said there would be a clearer releasedate no? purleaaaaase give me it..so i can plan to find a freggin job for it lol...love you guys!
I haven't seen the Gamespy download version (I'm here at E3 so I saw both videos, actually all 3 since there was one at a conference too, but it was really short), but assuming that they say it is the complete version...it is definitely worth seeing. There are new things with the GMan (eerie but cool, oh and his disjoint speech is back), some scenes from early in the game (Gordon first coming to City 17 (at least, that's what it looks like), and Gordon in a run-down apartment), some city scenes (fighting the striders with a bunch of NPCs), some outdoors scenes (some scenes where Gordon's doing some fancy driving and shooting), some horror scenes (Gordon vs the flaming zombies, Gordon vs the fast zombies), and, yes, a scene with Alyx (and Eli and some unidentified woman (some researcher pal of Eli) and vortigaunts (who apparently talk to Alyx and I'd assume others)). Like I said, I don't know exactly how much the version that is online holds, but now thinking about it, I think they only have 1 version. If it is 20 some minutes, it is likely one version, since even though there were similar scenes which I saw (like 2 of the strider fights), there were differences in each of them, and each booth took at least 20 minutes.

Oh, and from seeing both booths I got a cool tshirt (with Gordon on it), and hope to go back and see them again to get the Alyx shirt! w00t!
Well, nothing new in terms of release date (still Summer), but he did say that they are done and are playtesting it at Valve (they bring people in and have them play and just watch what they do, where they explore, if they just run and gun, etc), and tweak accordingly.
GamerZ said:
Here is another torrent file **, it is on a diff tracker. 1 seed 300+ peers

Sorry matey, can't have that link on here as it is hosted by a large warez site. I know the download is legal but the rest of the stuff there isn't.
well I managed to get it before the almighty admin removed it, Hey I am not judging you good going but HA!

(please I hope they can take a joke, please I mean gamers know the difference don't they, PLEASE)
Apos said:
Fileplanet might not like this. The whole point of their exclusive is to make people go "hmmm, to heck with this, I'm buying the subscription and getting a fast download with no waiting!"
And the fact that people are looking for and finding other download sources should tell them that we don't want to pay for demos.
Apos said:
Fileplanet might not like this. The whole point of their exclusive is to make people go "hmmm, to heck with this, I'm buying the subscription and getting a fast download with no waiting!"
Yeah you're probably right about that. But that's never going to happen now is it? :) Fileplanet should really drop that idea imho since it'll never work. I doubt people are that stupid don't you agree? Logic can't be stopped ;)
Right after the scene where Gordon is in the toolshed burning zombies, there are 2-3 frames of extra stuff. With my quick reactions, I took a picture of this frame. It has some wierd looking gun in it that sounds silenced when you play the frame back.

Oh and the fluidity of the animations is beautiful. The way that combine walks you down the hall looks so realistic with the light shining off his helmet.
Simply amazing. I cannot wait for this game. I'm buying a X800 XT for sure and I want this game very badly. I love when Gman wakes you up from stasis. I don't know if that's how it will be in the final version, but it looks great. The story seems so deep and the action is great. Its more like a rea life sci-fi simulation than a game.


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