Half-Life 2 E3 2004 Demo Video

Moto-x_Pat said:
Right after the scene where Gordon is in the toolshed burning zombies, there are 2-3 frames of extra stuff. With my quick reactions, I took a picture of this frame. It has some wierd looking gun in it that sounds silenced when you play the frame back.

Oh and the fluidity of the animations is beautiful. The way that combine walks you down the hall looks so realistic with the light shining off his helmet.
Simply amazing. I cannot wait for this game. I'm buying a X800 XT for sure and I want this game very badly. I love when Gman wakes you up from stasis. I don't know if that's how it will be in the final version, but it looks great. The story seems so deep and the action is great. Its more like a rea life sci-fi simulation than a game.

Looks like the shotgun to me. And no, this is not the easter egg.

What year is left unspecified.

Edit: The easter egg, is that's it's a 3D animation!!! :imu:
Alec_85 said:
Yeah you're probably right about that. But that's never going to happen now is it? :) Fileplanet should really drop that idea imho since it'll never work. I doubt people are that stupid don't you agree? Logic can't be stopped ;)

I am a subscriber of GameSpy (including FilePlanet), GameSpot, and IGN. I have no problem with mirroring their stuff because IMO I am paying not for their "exclusives" but for their bandwidth, and by mirroring I am not in any way stealing that.
Who ever the guy is who talked about the Sci fi site, we should have a round of applause for you, so thank you very much. It took me 30 min to download the video on that site, even though it had lots of ads :imu: . Much of the stuff I saw in the hl2 video were in the beta. The crossbow was shown in the dropdown list when the gamer changed his weapon. The .45 revolver was shown. It looks like a new Strider baddie is out, I guess Striders can turn invisible now :eek: ! Also when striders zap you they dereze you kinda of like "TRON". You see father Gregory who is kinda like mentally disturbed. Think of the mad scientist who created Frankenstein with his assistant. The assistant is kinda like Father Gregory. That pic you saw with that floating thing in the graveyard is scary .It does not float, in that pic it's jumping! This is shown in the video and they scream. Their scream sounds half screaming baby and half of some kind of devil. Everything looks much better with this movie. They also show those "rolling mine things". They are small so if you had an idea of giant boulder things, they arn't. They look like a scent sphere only with electricity all over it. They show that ant lions can dig and they can fly. Please go to that sci fi website and a big thanks to the HL team, THANKX!!! :E
Chris_D said:
Sorry matey, can't have that link on here as it is hosted by a large warez site. I know the download is legal but the rest of the stuff there isn't.
no prob dude, my bad =)
Um, where did that torrent link from the front page go??

I started downloading this yesterday but ran out of time, now all the torrent links seem to have gone and i can't finish it.

That's not very funny.

EDIT: Nevermind, i managed to find it on "a large warez site".
New Hl2 Vid

If you guys are desperate to see this video im sharing it over KAZAA just search for user TAKEL if thats possible. File is like 600MB though and it looks pretty special i must say!!!!!!!!!!
after watching it, the source engine is awesome, make me want HL2 more!!
It disappeared because people that have used it have complained of all sorts of adware, spyware and malware being downloaded on to their computers. If you know something about that then I suggest you never post that link here again, and if you don't then I apologise, but I strongly suggest you scan you server for viruses and stuff.
Wow... since I posted the link above to the Gaming Asylum download... it appears about 50 people have dl'd.... guess I'm not the only one excited about this game. ;)
Chris_D said:
It disappeared because people that have used it have complained of all sorts of adware, spyware and malware being downloaded on to their computers. If you know something about that then I suggest you never post that link here again, and if you don't then I apologise, but I strongly suggest you scan you server for viruses and stuff.

The server itself has no viruses and spyware. Some of the third-party ad providers have been sneaking things in there that I haven't been aware of, and they seem to be up to their old tricks again.

Some of the ads may be for spyware blockers and say "you have spyware" but they are just annoying.

I think I've killed it all; let me know if I haven't.

I am providing a mirror too, it will be uploaded shortly (83%). I'll post a reply once it's done. It is in .avi (codec: MPEG-4) format ready for VCD burning (I hope) :D And is just as sharp and half the file size.
You know what would've been really cool? :) If they had hidden the releasedate on the CS-timer on the new bomb. The Terrorist pressed some random numbers that were quite visible. That would've been an awesome place to put it :)
I downloaded the Bigben's compressed .zip file using Getright
and it is CORRUPT !!!! fu*king mad as hell right NOW :flame:
You should all get a subscription on the download sites. It's a lot quicker in the long run!
Somehow disappointing... maybe it's the filming-quality, but FarCry looks better to me right now o_O

-the character's animations seemed very stiff
-that map's textures seemed pretty simple
-light effects were just ok (why reflections on wood?!)

just pointing out my impression so far... :/
Cant even extraxt it!!

:frown: I spent 60 hours DLing this file, and I can't even extract it. It says,
C:\Downloads\hl2_fulldemo-e32004.zip: Either multipart or corrupt ZIP archive
Do I have to DL it again or is there help for me too??
CHillDice said:
:frown: I spent 60 hours DLing this file, and I can't even extract it. It says,
C:\Downloads\hl2_fulldemo-e32004.zip: Either multipart or corrupt ZIP archive
Do I have to DL it again or is there help for me too??

welcome to the club...
SubKamran said:
I posted in the E3 2004 news thread but here:

Mirror for high-res FilePlanet E3 video: http://www.subkamran.com/

I DL'ed that too and it didn't work. When I try to play the video it says : "Windows Media Player has encountered a problem and needs to close etc..."
same thing with different players. :x
samo said:
I DL'ed that too and it didn't work. When I try to play the video it says : "Windows Media Player has encountered a problem and needs to close etc..."
same thing with different players. :x

and I downloaded Quicktime6 and the mpeg-4 codec
it still doesn't würk :(
If it's curropt DL a torrent and point the torrent at the file, it will fix it.
BigBen's file uses the Xvid codec. Make sure you have it or it will seem as though it is corrupt. There is a link in the first post.

I couldn't get that file to download so I'm taking Chris_D's word for it.
To download this bloody video you all should go to fileplanet.com where its much faster than anywhere. I ve been there and I ve downloaded it very quickly. ( 600 MB in 30 min!!!!!!!) But that's true : I ve waited a long time (more or less 20 min) ,before it uploads.

600 mb in 30 min?

how fast were you downloading at??????

and what kind of connection do you have?
The Fileplanet servers are incredibly fast. I even have the subscription so I don't wait in line.
I certainly can:
You are SO DAMN RIGHT, you COULDN'T BE MORE RIGHT, unless you were GOD in which case I bow down to you ...

But then seriously - for those more strapped of space get the Xvid or DivX versions if you can - same quality, much smaller size :) If that's too much, get a crappy shakey-cam version ....
Chris_D said:
The Fileplanet servers are incredibly fast. I even have the subscription so I don't wait in line.

Agreed. I use the public queue but, since they upgraded I get 1600-1700 per sec. Thank you COmcast for doubling my DL rates. I've hit a couple of sites at 1.7 lately.

If you don't want to use Fileplanet, the DL over at Gaming Asylum is usually 250-300 per. :)

When i was downloading the Matrix online trailer from fileplanet, after waiting in que for ages, it went at 450kb/s :o