Half Life 2: Episode 1 - A Microsoft Strategy


Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
Im not gonna voice some rigid opinion on here (though id like to) about they way in which Valve and EA are selling us this product, but i do want to ask the comunity what they think about paying each and every time a 'short' extension to HL2 is released?

Wouldn't the comunity rather see a 'full' game emerge and pay the full price, over a third of a game and paying $20? It just all seems very Microsoft, make people pay for as little as possible!

I guess at the end of the day, I and many of you others will follow along with this as if it doesnt agitate the bank account, but perhpas with EA on board they're exploiting us?

Anyway, aside from any childish remarks, what do you guys REALLY think about paying for less content? (even at reduced prices)

Best Wishes,

Yeah, well they're making us pay $12, not 20. And EA have nothing to do with it. They only realesed the boxed versions, that's all.
mrmonkah said:
Wouldn't the comunity rather see a 'full' game emerge and pay the full price, over a third of a game and paying $20? I

No, I wouldn't. We have just had HL2 - I for one don't want to sit back then wait for HL3. I want episodic content. Small, focused episodes that adapts gameplay and storyline, adding new features and content for a small price in a small amount of time.

In this age of games you will find alot of shooters are very, very short. And thats a full game. If Valve are releasing 6 hour episodes, which rival that of some full games on the market today then I am all for it.

Episodic content here we come. People just can't see the benefits. Its cheaper. Its quicker. And the final product is a short, but awesome experience for a low price.

It has nothing to do with EA.
What i don't get is that every one has been aware that Valve was gearing towards episodic content when they announced Aftermath (valve stated this). Everyone was hyped about Aftermath - they didn't expect a game in the HL series so soon (and even if it's later than originally planned it's still soon compared to the 6 years between HL and HL2). As soon as they change the name to Episode 1, <edit>lots of people </edit> go spats...

I'm all for episodic content, bring it on!
I don't see the big deal, really. It's episodic, sure it's going to be shorter, but that just means it will be a more focused, movie-like experience. They can make the levels more detailed, with more character interaction/interesting physics puzzles/combat, instead of having barren levels with virtually no interest like most shooters. And the story won't be strung as thinly, and will be more polished.

I vaguely remember a quote from Valve saying "we anticipate the episodes will be even better than Half-Life 2"

Also we will get graphical innovations sooner rather than later, the only downside is the length, which really isn't a downside because it will be a much more worthwhile experience rather than shooting galleries.
Valve is not only groundbraking in making games, but now also in the way they distribute their games. Soon enough, in this digital world, people will realize that this way of distribution has many benefits. And this goes for episodic content as well, it's a new way of releasing games
But the whole episodic content idea isn't about fobbing us off with some lazy little piece of crap for the sheer sake of it.
I can't remember which one of the Valve folk said it, but they compared it to a TV series as opposed to a feature film. Personally, I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.
If you play an expansion pack, you expect it to be shorter. This way, it's like a string of expansions that make up a cohesive, over-arching storyline.
This way, your play time might be shorter, but it'll be more frequent, rather than having to wait years to get new content and plot expansion. I think it might be frustrating at first, but it has the potential to be very tantalising.
Episodes are good.
But, just because it's episodic doesn't mean you have to change the name.
"Aftermath" was perfectly fine, and the episodes following it could of had different names...
It would be better than episode 1, 2 , 3, etc. imo.
I love episodic content. It gets anticipation going. For example, I am a huge fan of the show LOST. Each week I get excited before a new episode comes out. Now I know HL2 episodes wouldn't be being released weekly (as much as Id love it) but I for one can't stand waiting 5+ years for a single game on par with Valve's previous titles. Episodic content is just so much easier, funner, and better IMO.

Plus, imagine how awesome it will be when, say, 5 episodes are released for HL2. There is always the possibility Valve/EA will do a giant super-gold-edition boxed copy, like the HL2 Motherload. Inside it could contain HL1, all expansions, HL2, the 5 episodes, CS:S, DoD, Raising the Bar, strategy guild, all in an awesome box.

Sure, it'd cost a couple hundred bucks, but I would personally LOVE it if they released a box set like that.
I'm fine with episodic content, but I like big, epic releases too. Many games have several expansions, and then still do big releases after a while too. Nothing wrong with that. However... I still want an epic HL3 to end the series once the episodes are finished. Yes, I want a long wait. The longer games are in production the better they tend to be. Though I'd prefer something shorter than 6 years.
I came to the party late:
I got a coupon with the last ATI card I bought, that basically let
me get steam and Half Life 2 for a few bucks on top of the price
of the card.

For a few bucks more, I upgraded to Silver, and got to play

Half Life: Source
Half Life
Opposing Force
Blue Shift (which I wasn't expecting)
Half Life 2
and Lost Coast

for about half of what it would have cost me for only one of the games retail. That's not counting the games I haven't tried because my
internet connection has a slow upstream, the games I have not gotten to
until I play thru HL2 again, or all the mods I have tried on top of that.

At this point I think I owe them a few bucks anyway.

Plus, Valve has hinted at the episodic content idea since the very beginning.
The whole game felt like it was designed so they could throw in extra
levels to help the storyline along if need be.
In fact, IMO, the "chapters" of HL1 were better breakpoints for gameplay than
the story layout in HL2. In HL1 it helped me remember to save the game;
where in HL2 I was too immersed in the new scene to think about hitting
F6 half the time.

Hopefully the episodic style of Aftermath and friends will also ...loading...
help cut down on the delays caused by the blasted ...loading... screen,
that keeps popping up just as I'm really starting to ...loading... get into
the game.
I dunno why some people keeps whining about the episodic contents, its a great idea imo, more HL2 once in while, until HL3.
Also it'll help them make HL3 even better than HL1 and HL2, they take the best things in every episode, upgrade them and put 'em in HL3 with some new stuff.

Episodic Content is the future of video games
DigiQ8 said:
Episodic Content is the future of video games

Wrong. It is the future of First Person Shooters, not any other genre..for it couldn't work that way. It works with FPS's because they are generally short games, and online games (such as Battlefield 2) only add maps and new weapons/vehicles with their expansions. That's why those booster packs will work quite well (even though I know it's just some money making scheme by EA and Dice, how bout you fix the lag issues dickheads!).

Imagine if it was implemented into another genre...say Rpgs. "Nooo not Aeris!!! Wait up, to be continued??? WHAT THE ****!". Sounds a bit stupid don't ya think?

I love the idea, but I am just praying to god that they make all the episodes retail :(
If it means I get episodes sooner and if it means I get the same value for money as a full game or another mod then I'm completely happy about episodic content. I'm eagerly awaiting both Sin: Episodes and Half-Life 2 Episodes.
Let's stick to the facts people. Valve will not make "some crappy episodes", they don't make bad games, hasn't that occured to you all? I agree this is an odd approach to release, but I have no doubt they will make more than fantastic experiences!
Darksabre said:
It is the future of First Person Shooters, not any other genre..for it couldn't work that way.

How'd you know? Have you tested episodic content on third person shooters, or even RPGS? You haven't, have you? It doesn't matter what type of game it is, it can still be slated for episodic release. And it could most certainly work.
I want HL3 to be on an engine thats better than the current version of Source in the say way Source is better than the HL engine

God, that'd own so bad. ALmost as badly as a full RTS based on the original HL, set in Xen, with full human / Xenian armies. obviously, it'd be like raping the official plot, but I wouldnt care :E
Darksabre said:
Wrong. It is the future of First Person Shooters, not any other genre..for it couldn't work that way. Imagine if it was implemented into another genre...say Rpgs. "Nooo not Aeris!!! Wait up, to be continued??? WHAT THE ****!". Sounds a bit stupid don't ya think?
I don't think that sounds stupid at all. :p It's essentially the same thing. In fact my fingers are crossed that episodic gaming might lead to an aventure game renaissance.
Aslong as they dont end up like the more recent Myst games (oh thank the lord its over) that would be cool.
I want HL3 to be on an engine thats better than the current version of Source in the say way Source is better than the HL engine
I don't think we'll have to worry about that.
Im sure by the time HL3 rolls around we'll have things like:
+Full PPU support
+PPL Shadows
in source.
Add that in with HDR, motion blur, film grains, and etc.... and im pretty sure we'll be good.

Wrong. It is the future of First Person Shooters, not any other genre..for it couldn't work that way.
Guild Wars?
There releasing expansions about every 6 - 12 months for Guild Wars. To continue the story and pwn with there streaming tech. That right their is basically Episodes for RPG genre.

But it could be applied to other genres.
Like for an RTS. Each episode could unlock new units, furthor the story, and add in new maps.

Of course it would best be applied to FPS\RPG. Now I would agree that Episodec Content isn't the future of games but rather digital distribution is.
Hey again guys,

Some great feedback. I guess the majority over rules in this case. Episodic it seems will deliver what most people are looking for.

Personally, im a fan of the 'epic' length games. Id sooner take a week out and settle down knowing i can take it easy through a game such as HL. This instead of playing a game over a day. Think i'd also compaire it to TV v.s. MOVIE. (Though i cant fault LOST to be honest)

Good stuff though,

maybe i should set up a poll unless its already been done. Episodic vs full content.

Catch you guys later,

Darksabre said:
Wrong. It is the future of First Person Shooters, not any other genre..for it couldn't work that way.

Imagine if it was implemented into another genre...say Rpgs. "Nooo not Aeris!!! Wait up, to be continued??? WHAT THE ****!". Sounds a bit stupid don't ya think?

like Final Fantasy X-2?
I disagree, you just get into the game and finish it. That would suck, and its going to happen.
Well, this will be the last Half Life game i ever buy if i don't start seeing answers. Because if i don't see answers in THIS release, then i believe valve has no answers and i will end my connection...forever...
Hmmm, i just read a $20 price tag on HL2 Ep 01. Do we retain our original opinions?

To be honest, i think they're selling us as little as possible for as much as we're prepaired to pay. Which doesnt really feel fair to me. It looks like Valve are taking the MS stratagey. They're taking us all for fools, exploiting our interests.

Hmmm, i dunno peeps, i think im losing interest in Valve, they seem to be 'making games for money' and not 'making money from games' as they originally seemed to be doing.

I am sorry to see valve take this route, i had it in my head they were out to make good games...... not hard cash.
How are they making games for money with episodic content? Seriously, rack your brain on this one. You pay about $50 for full blown games, yet they can be beaten in 8/9 hours.
Funny, knock off $30 and an hour or so on gameplay, and you've got episodic games. If you can't see the benefits, then I mean really.
Look man, im not challenging you or making you think in my ways, i had an opinion all you have the gaul to do is tell me how much more relevant your opinion is. Yeah i racked my brains and i just dont see the benifits nor cons of episodic content. I just find it perplexing that the kind of rational of valve is 'if it works....... CHANGE IT!'

Its not personal fella, no worries! Of course, $50 and $20 translate to something completely different in terms of ratio's for us european's. £50 = £28.66, i payed £35, or nearing 60 usd. $20 = £11, but i can guarentee we'll be paying £15 or 30usd.
I'm not being personal either, and I did not mean to offend, I merely can't see how episodic gaming is a cash cow. Where I live, I'm going to be being 12 pound for Aftermath. 12 pound. Thats really cheap compared to other games...really, it is. I'm not saying my opinion is more relevant - I'm merely saying its a little more logical than assuming Valves new venture is a 'Quick lets make money!' one.

I am not prepared to wait until 2008 or whatever for HL3, I can't be done with it. Episodic gaming is much easier in terms of developement, getting to your community faster and changing your game to suit the audience.
Unless you buy off Steam, although you have to add VAT on for Europe, so $19.95 on Steam means you'd pay £13.44. Although, if they include the 10% preorder discount, it'll be £12.09. Not bad.
Yeah i see where your coming from man, i guess a wait of that amount of time is a little crazy but, it seems like being a cheated a little bit. Only 4-6 hours play, thats not long man. For £12 sure its fair, but there is no option of £30 for a full game, maybe thats where it is a little lack lusting.

As for financial relevance, they're gonna make more money this way then the other of selling a full game, though your probably right, its not about the money. It just feels that way some times.

All this aside, i shouldn't rant, i know ill buy it and ill buy all the others, but maybe, just maybe the edge has been taken away from me. Sometimes that makes the difference.
But if those 4-6 hours are of awesome fun, master story telling and fantastic gameplay, would you complain? Some may, yes, but I sure as hell won't. I find myself finishing full games in 4-6 hours these days, and I'm paying more.

Look at Black. Look at Invisible war. Look at Halo 2. Look at King Kong.

I'm beating these within 4-6 hours, at full price and not getting a superb quality. (Though, King Kong and others are actually quite fantastic...but there we go again, were getting these awesome games quicker, and more efficiently! And for less too!)
Yeah i guess your right man. Its all relative in the end. Myself, i take a little more time in a game.

I suppose its a little presumptuous for us to identify a games pro's and con's before its release. maybe it'll be money worth spent, but if otherwise... guess ill be sorely disapointed.
DigiQ8 said:
Episodic Content is the future of video games
It's a future business model, not the future for gaming in general.
Look at Black. Look at Invisible war. Look at Halo 2. Look at King Kong.

I'm beating these within 4-6 hours, at full price and not getting a superb quality. (Though, King Kong and others are actually quite fantastic...but there we go again, were getting these awesome games quicker, and more efficiently! And for less too!)
Not the greatest examples of bang for buck.

But how about...
Half-Life 2, Call of Duty 2, GTA: San Andreas, Age of Empires III, Guild Wars. All these games absolutely shame the value of episodic content. Imagine if GTA split the three cities into three "episodes". $20 per city = $60 total. Versus the standard price $49.99. Customers lose.
Javert said:
Half-Life 2, Call of Duty 2, GTA: San Andreas, Age of Empires III, Guild Wars. All these games absolutely shame the value of episodic content. Imagine if GTA split the three cities into three "episodes". $20 per city = $60 total. Versus the standard price $49.99. Customers lose.

Yes, but those are the few games that actually deliver a decent length, and no, they hardly shame episodic content. Episodic content is the way forward in terms of developement, its much easier, quicker, and a better way of communicating with your audience and handing them a package they will enjoy within a short time span.

Its been an interesting topic, now, i wonder if anyone at valve took a peak?

Anyway chaps, catch you later

Well take a GOOD look at GTA san Andreas. Its not realy that fun if you think about it. GTA 3 rocked it out of its socks!
Haha, if you say so.

GTA3 is so much better than San Andreas! Because...uh...it's older?
Because it has...no...planes...and...a smaller area?
...less interesting missions? Less features?
Uh...it....I know, in San Andreas you play a black man which SUCKS!

Unless you actually have any reasons I'm just going to assume you think GTA3 is better because it seemed new and fresh when you first played it, whereas with SA you'd already played 3 and Vice City.
Ah, the good old days of Deus Ex. Where games took longer than a week to finish, because you were too busy exploring, doing side quests that were cleverly disguised as secondary goals, and other things too cunning to name on this board, lest posters heads explode.