Half Life 2: Episode 1 - A Microsoft Strategy

GTA: San Andreas was fun, but what really annoyed me was when I was in a plane and the trees/buildings fade away so half the time I crash into them when I fly low.
GTA, GTA 2, awsome games, and along comes GTA3
AND OMG ITS AMAZING! Then Vice city. (Which probably has the funniest missions.) And some years later San andreas. It seams fun in the begining where theres no loading screan and its a entire state! But the missons are just plane dull or remakes from other games. But i dont disslike San andreas, i have it and still play it sometimes, but i just like it when your that mute ****. Oh and BTW, there is a plane in GTA3. But its a bitch to fly.
Pfft, you're nothing if you can't fly the Dodo all the way off the edge of the world!

Missions = dull or remakes? What, like the one where you're chasing a train on a motorbike, or the one with the jetpack, or where you have a huge awesome firefight through a warehouse, etc? San Andreas is just bigger and better than GTA 3 in every single way. The only possible reason you could think GTA3 is a better game is simply because when it came out, it was newer and fresher so it seemed more original.

Note 'think better game' not same as 'prefer'. Personal preference logid does not have to based upon be.
Yeah. As i said, its one of the reasons. And most of the missons are similair to the other games. But Your right san Andreas is better. No loading and much bigger. But i still like the missions and story more. The thing i liked about San andreas is that Tenpenys voice is Samuel L. Jackson. :O
In GTA3 you can fly the tank by enabling the Flying Cars cheat, turning the tank turrent backwards, and go at full speed whilst shooting the turrent over and over. I use this to get past bridges.

That is, when I'm bored :)
I just loved the rocket-propelled tank. The police are stupid enough to follow you while you're firing backwards, you explode everything you hit, and the only thing the cops can do is spike-strip you. The best thing was on Vice City I actually stole a whole bunch of tanks. Just got 6 stars, got to the top floor of the car dealership, shot the army guys driving the tank, get in, get out, save the game and the wanted level is gone. Good times.

Anyway, at the end of the day, this may or may not end up being good value. It's a new idea, and it's not really been done before so you can't compare it to the boxed retail norm, it's something else, and it deserves to be thought about that way. Buy the first episode. If you don't like it, think it's bad value for money, whatever, fair play. You're only $20 down, after all. Don't buy another one. No-one is forcing you at gunpoint to get these episodes.

If anything, the fact that with episodic you have to keep parting with cash over and over is an incentive to keep them honest. If they try and fob you off with a weak episode, you might well just not get the next one. In a full-length game they can afford to have a section that maybe isn't as good as long as the rest of the game is good enough to generate positive reviews. With episodic, you're going to be under much tighter scrutiny, as the short episodes will have to live or die by their merits, without any kind of "collective" security.
It's a way better idea than WoW subscriptions: if I need to pay more than a one time price to play a game, I ain't gonna, pardner. Games are games, games shouldn't be like cable service. (Yeah, I stole cable in the early ninties.)

And also in GTA:VC, anybody ever tried crossing the bridges on their extreme outer rims? Hilarious, especially with a Sanchez.
Samon said:
No, I wouldn't. We have just had HL2 - I for one don't want to sit back then wait for HL3. I want episodic content. Small, focused episodes that adapts gameplay and storyline, adding new features and content for a small price in a small amount of time.

In this age of games you will find alot of shooters are very, very short. And thats a full game. If Valve are releasing 6 hour episodes, which rival that of some full games on the market today then I am all for it.

Episodic content here we come. People just can't see the benefits. Its cheaper. Its quicker. And the final product is a short, but awesome experience for a low price.

It has nothing to do with EA.
Wow, couldn't agree more...