Half-life 2: Episode 1 Critique

Its not working for me. :(

EDIT: Ok, it works now. Great video, I like the part with Gman and the Gravity Gun.
Wow, I was only expecting to watch the first few minutes, but this is actually a really good video. I wonder if it is for an interview for a reviewing position with PC Gamer. ;)
Not all people sound like that in seattle lol.

He sounds like a englishman who has a cold.

And I really liked his review.
Yeah, I watched the whole thing. Really interesting. Best "review" I've seen so far about Episode 1.
Very good video, enjoyed it especially since i haven't had a chance to play Ep.1 with commentry yet.
That was purely excellent!
He have the perfect voice for doing a review like this, and his comments are really outstanding!
I loved it, such a great critique. I loved when he spawned differnet things in the game to make jokes, like the G-Man, Kleiner, and the buggy.
"Oooh crikey! Maybe that wasn't such a good idea."
He's great :D
Even when he was being negative, he sounded extremely positive .. which I thought was really wierd. (Probably more because of how bad I thought Episode one was)

I enjoyed it though. Does he have a 'critique' of HL2?
Very good. :D Had me laughing when he attempted the jump in the buggy. ''VROOOM VROOM VRRROOMMMM!!''
Very witty and compelling and accurate I have to say. And as the bleeding said vrooom VROOM VROOOOM!! Had me in stitches as well, it was also amusing when he was in the airboat and ACTUALL landed safe on the ground lol. He has also made some points that valve should consider "GIVE US THE COMBINE SNIPER RIFLE LOL!!
I enjoyed that much more than i thought I would. That guy has the perfect voice for such things
LOL Discovery Channel meets Bill Nye meets HL2!
That was very entertaining. Hats off to my new favorite Half-Life critic.