Half-life 2: Episode 2 FAQ

Excuse the fact that the player is suppose to be Freeman, and think of Freeman as a character. The man is silent, does what he's told and always goes head first into action no matter how much trouble he'll most likely get into. Any person who just survived a crazy accident, managed to get up, find his way out of the wreakage, battle his way through alien hordes, blood thirsty soliders, giant aliens and survived crazy crap after crazy crap is obviously not a man who can be freaked out so easily.
Gordon Freeman is not a character, he has no personality, he is a blank slate which the player prodjects himself onto. I paniced in parts of HL2, therefor Gordon Freeman paniced, but only my version of Gordon Freeman did, your's may not have. Gordon Freeman is not a character, he is you.
The characters perceive Gordon in a certain way. There is personality in there and that personality comes from how we play Gordon - but it comes in such a way that regardless of how you reacted in such a situation, it'll be reflected no matter who plays the game.

There are several lines in the game that help flesh out Gordons role in the world.
That's very true. I remember hearing somewhere along the line that when a dive bomber dived at him firing at him with its machine guns he just stood there and even shot back with his sidearm trying to take the plane down. Apparently he wasn't even worried about getting shot or killed. He was definately a nut and I agree with your opinion of Freeman being the same way. You definately get hardened after fighting so many battles and seeing so many horrific things. Another real life example I just thought of is how paramedics and crime scene investigators get hardened. Those guys can look at mangled bodies and not even think twice about it. Sure some of them eventually get physicological problems but to most it's just like any other job and you get used to it. In Freeman's case it's been his job to kill or be killed and so he accepts it and does what he needs to and doesn't let the rest affect him.

Yep I Remember that part, Patton a German Aircraft flying over him, So he pulled out his .45 cal-Pearl Griped Revolver Side Arm & then started shooting at the plane. Also do you remember what he said, He could not imagine & it scared him if some One shot at his Nose. Gordon & Patton are both Warriors of their Own worlds, 1 Fictional & 1 A true story.

Those are different circumstances; in a front-line war, there's a reason on why all males are required to fight in the war (sometimes).

Ahhh but thats where you are wrong, partially. During the Revolution in City 17 was a Frontline War. The fight near the Citadel in City-17 was where the fight was taking Place & Gordon was leading it into the Heart of the City-17. Thats where Gordon & Patton are similar because there both true Warriors in the Art of Warfare. There was indeed a Frontline there on that day of Blood shed in City-17. Instead of Planes Taking controll of the Sky's, Trenches, Bunkers, Machine Guns, Artillery, Tanks, Armoured Personel Carriers, Bombs being dropped from a B-17F "Flying Fortress", Area's Being shelled by 150mm Küstengeschütz....15cm Nebelwerfer 41 & Flak 88mm High-Velocity High Powered Guns. Instead of all that in City 17 there was Striders, APC's, HunterChoppers, & GunShips.
Release date?

Fall 2006

hi! im new here and this place rocks!!!!:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
wtf? since when?

Yup, well its no where near a certain release date, more like 'it will be released summer 07 at the latest', basically until they have done whatever they wanted to do. It means anytime between Jan-May 07 me thinks.
I will leap for joy when I hear the news that Episode Two had gone gold. :bounce:
What does that actually mean if its gone gold? Sorry if thats a naab question hehe
Summer 2007??? Summer 2007? What happened to the Spring 2007 release? Summer 2007 sounds a bit more like Winter 2007 than Summer 2007 TBH.
I think when they start mass producing the game; but like Samon said.. when it's completed.
Shouldn't Episode 2's quad core support be added to the FAQ?
Valve stated that it would be between episode ones price and that of a normal new game
ok, I've got a new question:

with all these new visual effects and such, will it require a DX9 card to run or anything?

I mean as in, will it use the same specs as HL2/Ep1 does?
Even though this really isn't a question, I think that they're should be synth'ed Vortigaunt slaves of the combine. Im not talking about Xen HL1, im talking about the one's we saw at Nove Prospekt, The Combine have their own Vortigaunt slaves.

It would be a joy & an honor to fight a Vort once again. ;)
could you answer my question please anyone? I'll repeat it again if I have to:

"with all these new visual effects and such, will it require a DX9 card to run or anything?

I mean as in, will it use the same specs as HL2/Ep1 does?"
could you answer my question please anyone? I'll repeat it again if I have to:

"with all these new visual effects and such, will it require a DX9 card to run or anything?

I mean as in, will it use the same specs as HL2/Ep1 does?"

From what i understand, the source engine is more dependent on RAM and CPU than a video card. You probably will be fine if you can run source on atleast medium settings. I wouldnt be suprised if it require 512 mb ram instead of 512 being recommended
System req

hey does somebody know if the system req for ep2 be more then ep1 ??

will i be aible to play it with a intel pentium 4/3.2 ghz prossecor

1028 GB ram ?? and a ATI-radion 9550

i could play half life 2 ep 1 very smooth (btw)

thnx for the help.:smoking:
I don't think any of us has a clue about Ep2's system requirements, but Valve still cares about gamers who don't have high-end machines, so I bet that you will be able to play the game as smoothly as Ep1. BUT we do not know how will the new engine features impact performance, so you may have to turn some of them down or off to ensure good framerates.
Well, something like 1500+ RAM could be nice, because EP1 one had lag in some parts when there was scripted scenes. That Strider Beam scene will require alot of RAM in my opinion. I have 1024 Mb RAM.
So if you buy EP2 through Steam, will you also have to pay for Portal?
I hope Valve redo's Alyx fingers, they're really annoying to look at. :frown:
Hmm...Well,my PC's kinda crap,but atleast I'm lucky.HL 2 ran great,though Ep1 glitched a little.Probably the copy...But atleast I could play.
But I think that EP2 and my crap PC would make a terrible combination.Thank God we're considering buying a new PC.We were going to buy a PS2/PS3,but seing that me and my nuncle(whoare the biggest,and to say the truth,the only people who play games,are PC gamers,it'll probably be just a new PC.
So,the point is,I'll probably get EP2.
Hmm...Well,my PC's kinda crap,but atleast I'm lucky.HL 2 ran great,though Ep1 glitched a little.Probably the copy...But atleast I could play.
But I think that EP2 and my crap PC would make a terrible combination.Thank God we're considering buying a new PC.We were going to buy a PS2/PS3,but seing that me and my nuncle(whoare the biggest,and to say the truth,the only people who play games,are PC gamers,it'll probably be just a new PC.
So,the point is,I'll probably get EP2.

Why are you posting this in the Episode 2 FAQ? Nobody cares. :hmph:
Im running low on hard drive space so to install ep2 do i have to install portal and tfc2?

Thanks, James (dogalog)
That was the most to-the-point FAQ I've read in a long time. It renews my hope for this species.

Portal is set firmly within the Half-life universe, wherein you use a 'Portal gun' to go wherever you see fit. Pretty awesome stuff really.

Apparently NOT. LINK. First paragraph.

On Planet Half-Life is a story clarifying that Portal is a separate game from Half-Life 2 and does not exist in the Half-Life 2 continuity. It was initially built to be added to Half-Life 2, though they later decided that it would be too distracting. They extracted this information from a couple of interviews to clarify the situation.