Half-Life 2: Episode One Released!

I finished it in 2 and a half hours, it was cool.. the citadel especially. The beginning and end are awesome.
Whoa.. two and a half?! I guess that's because your an experienced gamer (judging by post count, anyway), but I honestly would expect more for my money if I by retail (retail is more expensive here in the UK).

Don't flame, I love Half Life and Valve, and accept their new content for what it is, but for some reason the UK is not getting a great deal on this, unless they buy off Steam, which still excludes VAT to the government here.

Suicide42 said:
You meen $17, which is just over a tenner.

Yes on Steam, but that doesn't account for VAT. But if you buy retail, because you don't have a credit card (like me), then you pay significantly more.
There's no way I'm forking over USD$20 (NZD$30-something) for 2 and a half hours - episodic gaming is just a way of gouging gamers for every cent they're worth - HL2 was just over twice that price on release, and it was AT LEAST 3 times longer, and also included a solid multiplayer components. This is an expansion pack, and it's a huge rip off.

I was waiting until after release to see how quickly people completed the game - I sure are hell wont be buying it now.
Don't be discouraged by the fact that I finished it in 2 and a half hours, I totally got into it and im a fairly fast player.

To sum my play up for the most part... shotgun madness! , well worth it I thought. It'll get replay value too because I went action man first time round and didnt really catch everything the characters where saying, so I'll go back through with headphones tomorrow and play more conservative.
Anus.Face said:
There's no way I'm forking over USD$20 (NZD$30-something) for 2 and a half hours - episodic gaming is just a way of gouging gamers for every cent they're worth - HL2 was just over twice that price on release, and it was AT LEAST 3 times longer, and also included a solid multiplayer components. This is an expansion pack, and it's a huge rip off.

I was waiting until after release to see how quickly people completed the game - I sure are hell wont be buying it now.

Ha, your loss you tight fool. Put down the frigging stopwatch.
Holy crap, this game is awesome! HDR runs a lot more smoothly than Lost Coast plus there are a slew of new graphical effects I didn't know were possible on a PC. Definitley worth $20! (1 minute preview of Episode 2 after you beat the game plus commentary!)
Not much in the way of positive comments about Episode 1 - 'It was alright' seems to be about the average rating thus far. And how do those people who have completed it, like an hour after it came out, now feel about it? All the waiting, all the anticipation & it's over in less time than it takes Norwegian to buy ski boots (to quote Red Dwarf)?! I will definitely buy it as it is cheap & the fact that it's more HL2 SP content does it for me ....... even though I was dissapointed with HL2 - fantastic game but it was so woefully easy (even on HARD) that I was left hungry for much more of a challenge. Is Episode 1 as easy as HL2? God I hope not!
dogboy73 said:
Not much in the way of positive comments about Episode 1 - 'It was alright' seems to be about the average rating thus far. And how do those people who have completed it, like an hour after it came out, now feel about it? All the waiting, all the anticipation & it's over in less time than it takes Norwegian to buy ski boots (to quote Red Dwarf)?! I will definitely buy it as it is cheap & the fact that it's more HL2 SP content does it for me ....... even though I was dissapointed with HL2 - fantastic game but it was so woefully easy (even on HARD) that I was left hungry for much more of a challenge. Is Episode 1 as easy as HL2? God I hope not!

I've seen comments a bit stronger than "It was alright". I thought it was amazing.
****ing loved the sounds the zombines made.

Anus.Face- Because the price of a game should always be directly related to how long it lasts, and the quality of the game or how much fun you have playing have nothing to do with it, right?

Moron. Do what Feath said.
I also finished it in two and a half hours. You have to be a real MORON to take 5 hours to complete the episode.

It was fun for sure, but for 20 bucks I sure was expecting something more. If episode 2 costs the same I sure as hell won't buy it. It's not like valve is the ONLY company putting out good games. I'm able to learn from my mistakes, I hope valve is capable of doing the same. Make it 10 bucks, or make it longer. 20 bucks for 2 hours of entertainment is just not worth it. I'd rather just go see a movie. I agree that when you pay for a game, how long it lasts is not the only factor to take into consideration, the quality of the game and how much fun you have are just as important. That said, I still think it wasn't worth it.

Oh yeah, the two and a half hours I took to finish it includes the THREE OR FOUR TIMES I had to reboot my pc because the game crashed and locked everything up. Talk about immersion.

I paid 60 bucks for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, have been playing every single day for about a month now, I must be closing in on 100 hours of gameplay and still don't think I'm near the ending. And then valve comes along charging 20 bucks for this? Please.

Nevertheless, it was fun indeed. Altough you pretty much end up using only the shotgun for 90% of the time, as someone already pointed out.
Anus.Face said:
There's no way I'm forking over USD$20 (NZD$30-something) for 2 and a half hours - episodic gaming is just a way of gouging gamers for every cent they're worth - HL2 was just over twice that price on release, and it was AT LEAST 3 times longer, and also included a solid multiplayer components. This is an expansion pack, and it's a huge rip off.

I was waiting until after release to see how quickly people completed the game - I sure are hell wont be buying it now.

The amount of bugs and crashes people are experiencing kind of puts me off. :/
I'm only concerned that 3 episodes @ $20 = $60+ for what is considered a full game. Hopefully there are extras coming later.
I've never bought an expansion pack before, and I don't plan on buying "Episodes".

I'll skip this.
StardogChampion said:
I've never bought an expansion pack before, and I don't plan on buying "Episodes".

I'll skip this.

Not a smart move. The cinematic level of these episodes is going to be the best you've ever seen in any game.

Episode 2 sneak-peek. *Possible Episode ONE spoilers inside*
StardogChampion said:
I've never bought an expansion pack before, and I don't plan on buying "Episodes".

I'll skip this.

That's just silly. Why haven't you bought an expansion pack before?
I dont see how you can appreciate it if you go through it in 2.5 hours and plus theres no need for the silly comments from the second guy that completed it in 2.5 hours. Anyway, each to their own. Took me just over 5. Loved it. Some nice set peices. The trailer for Ep2 looks completely different to anything else HL related, mainly because (i assume) its all set in the country. Looks great, cant wait.
I haven't played it (unfortuantlly i'll to wait for the retail).
But to me it seems that many people attempt to finish it ASAP just so they can say "OMFG VALVE SUX,STEAM SUX" etc'...
Peopel, stop timing it and just try to have fun! it's a bloody game, not a competition!
Jesus Christ! That was amazing!
It's been a long time since I played a game that good. Just over a year in fact.

Roll on Episode 2.
Picked it up at EB, came home, installed driver updates and the like, installed Episode 1, then went out and bought my dinner. Waiting for the oven to heat up. Maybe I'll play for an hour or so after dinner, before going out to watch some strippers. I do NOT want to finish it tonight.
What kind of expansion pack has no new weapons/enemies/environments/gameplay?

All the things HL2 was seriously in need of.

I mean not even a single new weapon to add on to the absolutely pathetic (IMO) arsenal of HL2? Whats the excuse for that?
HL1 had twice as many awesome and inventive weapons/enemies and the expansion packs only added on to that!

But hey its got pretty new spectacles and scripted sequences to make people forget how generic the actual gameplay is (IMO).

Feel free to correct me if the expansion actually does have new stuff.
Excellent, loved it. Whats the Coming Soon chapter? I assume they mean the next Episode?
poo? said:
What kind of expansion pack has no new weapons/enemies/environments/gameplay?

All the things HL2 was seriously in need of.

I mean not even a single new weapon to add on to the absolutely pathetic (IMO) arsenal of HL2? Whats the excuse for that?
HL1 had twice as many awesome and inventive weapons/enemies and the expansion packs only added on to that!

But hey its got pretty new spectacles and scripted sequences to make people forget how generic the actual gameplay is (IMO).

Feel free to correct me if the expansion actually does have new stuff.

I was waiting for a post like this. Is there anything that's majorly different?
poo? said:
What kind of expansion pack has no new weapons/enemies/environments/gameplay?

All the things HL2 was seriously in need of.

I mean not even a single new weapon to add on to the absolutely pathetic (IMO) arsenal of HL2? Whats the excuse for that?
HL1 had twice as many awesome and inventive weapons/enemies and the expansion packs only added on to that!

But hey its got pretty new spectacles and scripted sequences to make people forget how generic the actual gameplay is (IMO).

Feel free to correct me if the expansion actually does have new stuff.

Well, it has new enemies, environments and gameplay, so it's all it's missing is some new weapons. And I've always believed that it's a fallacy to think that more weapons = better game.
poo? said:
What kind of expansion pack has no new weapons/enemies/environments/gameplay?

All the things HL2 was seriously in need of.

I mean not even a single new weapon to add on to the absolutely pathetic (IMO) arsenal of HL2? Whats the excuse for that?
HL1 had twice as many awesome and inventive weapons/enemies and the expansion packs only added on to that!

Wow if all you care about in a game is how many weapons you have to use then you aren't the audience for the HL universe. The weapon selection was perfect, nothing new was needed. Not to mention they have stated from the beginning that Episode 1 would leave off were HL2 ended, you expected a new environment? I think it would be quite obvious you'd be back in C17...Maybe thats just me I don't know...
DiSTuRbEd said:
Wow if all you care about in a game is how many weapons you have to use then you aren't the audience for the HL universe. The weapon selection was perfect, nothing new was needed. Not to mention they have stated from the beginning that Episode 1 would leave off were HL2 ended, you expected a new environment? I think it would be quite obvious you'd be back in C17...Maybe thats just me I don't know...

I think I made it pretty obvious that all I care about is fun gameplay. If valve could have accomplished that with the limited amount of weapons and enemies in HL2 I would have no problem with that, but in my opinion they didn't.
The enemies were no fun or challenge to fight which is the basic principle of an FPS and coincidently the one thing they all seem to have trouble getting right.

So, to me the most obvious way to spice things up a bit in an expansion is to add more inventive weapons, enemies, and environments to fight in, because nailing that intense combat feeling seems to be very hard for developers.

I was much more satisfied with Fear from an FPS standpoint (just an example) even though it had a similarly limited weapon selection and incredibly repetitive enemies and environments simply because the combat was fun, challenging, and exciting. It was the same feeling I was expecting to get from the sequel to HL1 but was letdown when it seemed to be a step backwords from that game.

Sure HL2 is oozing in atmosphere, immersiveness, and physics interactivity but that stuff doesn't make a fun game, it can help, but it doesn't make a game fun when its not. (All of this is my opinion of course)
Well i'm not a fan of episodic either, but i bought this and its taken me 4 hours and 45mins'ish to finish. The game was awesome. It's beautifully done (moreso than HL2), and it progresses in the most wonderful way from the citadel, to dark underground environments, street fights etc, with some very witty uses of the physics and various other things. Flares! haha love them.

Anyway, lots of story (was gman hiding in places, i never saw him?), Zombines, which i love to hate. Great enemy. Finale was nice, alyx has some great moves on her and combined with Barney did make me laugh several times. (She is definately coming onto Gordon) "Lets go upstairs Gordon", easy lass! Great job tbh, worthy expansion for HL2.
I can't wait to play it all over again with the commentary on! My friend said there was a ton, sounds awesome :D
I just finished playing Episode One and OHMYGOD it was awesome. Alot longer then I originally anticipated, at least for me. Saw the trailer for Episode Two also. I Totally can't wait!!!!!

Now to try it with the commentary...


That was the best thing EVER. I played through it on hard, and it took me roughly 4 and a half hours. And it was AMAZING. You can knock it all you want for having no new weapons, but honestly, the fact is, Valve spent all their effort making the gameplay, levels, and story absolutely phenomenal. Besides the way it looks (drop-dead gorgeous) it was SO good. The combat was much tougher than the original- a very good thing. In fact, it reminded me very strongly of HL1, which was wonderful. The levels were reeeeally cool. The story was fantastic- it just really pushed everything to new levels. The interaction was excellent: talking with Alyx and everyone, all the funny dialogue, Kleiner's transmission... it made the game so much more whole. And they did some really things with the first-person view. Getting thrown in a car by D0g was really cool, and the scene on the train was unparalleled- it scared the SHIT outta me. All in all... I loved it.

Plus, Ep. 2 looks balls-to-the-wall. Woodlands? Ministriders? F*cking WIN.

EDIT: also, as soon as Black Mesa comes out, I reeeeally hope somebody makes an "Ultimate Half-Life" mod that allows you to access ALL the levels- from the first chapter of Half-Life to the last chapter of Episode whatever- all from one UI. Getting to play the entire series through in that matter would be orgasmic on a cosmic level. Cosgasmic.
Btw i don't think they are mini-striders, i think they are combine enhanced hound-eyes, you remember them from HL1? The 3 legs gave it way. In usual combine fashion they look to have been mechanically upgraded to kick arse, in what way i don't know, but they'll probably be hunting us through fields in Ep.2 :(
JNightshade said:


That was the best thing EVER. I played through it on hard, and it took me roughly 4 and a half hours. And it was AMAZING. You can knock it all you want for having no new weapons, but honestly, the fact is, Valve spent all their effort making the gameplay, levels, and story absolutely phenomenal. Besides the way it looks (drop-dead gorgeous) it was SO good. The combat was much tougher than the original- a very good thing. In fact, it reminded me very strongly of HL1, which was wonderful. The levels were reeeeally cool. The story was fantastic- it just really pushed everything to new levels. The interaction was excellent: talking with Alyx and everyone, all the funny dialogue, Kleiner's transmission... it made the game so much more whole. And they did some really things with the first-person view. Getting thrown in a car by D0g was really cool, and the scene on the train was unparalleled- it scared the SHIT outta me. All in all... I loved it.

Plus, Ep. 2 looks balls-to-the-wall. Woodlands? Ministriders? F*cking WIN.

EDIT: also, as soon as Black Mesa comes out, I reeeeally hope somebody makes an "Ultimate Half-Life" mod that allows you to access ALL the levels- from the first chapter of Half-Life to the last chapter of Episode whatever- all from one UI. Getting to play the entire series through in that matter would be orgasmic on a cosmic level. Cosgasmic.

You took the words RIGHT out of my mouth... owww :cheese:
JNightshade said:
EDIT: also, as soon as Black Mesa comes out, I reeeeally hope somebody makes an "Ultimate Half-Life" mod that allows you to access ALL the levels- from the first chapter of Half-Life to the last chapter of Episode whatever- all from one UI. Getting to play the entire series through in that matter would be orgasmic on a cosmic level. Cosgasmic.
Holy shit that's an awesome idea.

Except... It needs something more. Something to emphasize the fact that they are all stringed together... I don't know what, though. Maybe you should make a thread and we can discuss it.

You'll have a hard time convincing me otherwise, i can see it...

The HDR works so much smoother in particular and it looks so good. I played the whole thing with full HDR on a 9600 xt at 1024 x 768 and no hickups, nearly as smooth as without.

The end scene with HDR :O .. the goggles!, they do nothing!
Hectic Glenn said:

You'll have a hard time convincing me otherwise, i can see it...

Yep. 3 legs. Runs the same. Same head structure.

Definitly a representation.