Half-Life 2 Expansion Confirmed


Companion Cube
Aug 29, 2004
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In the latest issue of PC Gamer (UK) magazine, Valve Software revealed some details about the upcoming addon for Half-Life 2. It seems that Alyx Vance will be a playable character instead of being a NPC. A new weapon, Alyx Gun, will be introduced in the game - it is a combination of pistol, SMG and sniper rifle. The dog will be there too, but, like in the original game, only as a NPC.

Source: FileFront
Yeah, I remember reading it in another thread somewhere. It might of been on another site... Anyway, thats good news. :D But I wish they'd forget the expansion and work on HL3.
Alyx gun a combination of a pistol, smg and sniper. I think that just a little stupid.

Other then that the expansion will be good. But it was anounced said before in another thread.
I wanna play as Barney or someone else, maybe father grigori? I think it wouldn't be to bad playin as a combine. Then maybe if there was a mmog on Half Life, there will be people playin as combine (if they were playable).
Combine would be fun but even though you will know wat will happen in the end.
The only bad thing if you were in a team would be comanding around a team cause they get in your way sometimes. :(
I think we're due for an Adrian Sheppard expansion, set during the 7 Hour War. That'd be good.
This has already been mentioned on this forum, and Valve has already denied it.

"Despite the rumors, Valve has not announced any plans for an HL2 expansion."

Source: http://www.bluesnews.com/

Jeremy Dunn
That doesn't look like a denial. More like a non-statement.

"Not announced" is not the same as "not being made."
either way, playing as alyx is a REALLY shit idea and a cop out if you ask me. we already know alyx and playing as her completely destroys the "YOU ARE" mentallity. it just isnt half life

my 2c
i have the mag and its definately not a confrmation,we all know there will be 1 but the article is just pieced together from internet rumours,speculation,the 'raising the bar' book and quotes from gabe about a year ago,the 1 where he said he'd like to tell alex's story etc,its not hard facts,some of it is ludicrous,barney a combine officer posing as a resistance member :dozey:
I'll quote my new copy of PC Gamer UK:
"Of course we're interested in telling more about the universe we have created and therefore we will continue making sequels to the game. At the moment we're working on a game where you play as Alyx and her well-known robot dog - Dog... I can't tell more at the moment."
Doug Lombardi tells the world that Valve are working on a new story in the Half-Life 2 universe and the world has to wait? Pah!
mrgrimrpr said:
I don't want to ****ing play Alyx...
Why not? It may not make the slightest bit of difference to gameplay? She was a good character. Unless you're adverse to playing as - shock horror - a woman!?
Alyx can climb pipes ^_^.
I will play her only if it has a extra command:Stripe
That's one of the funnier typ-os I've seen on this forum :)
...and this is not on the mainpage.. sometimes, i don't understand you guys...

only because there is nothing new for internet public? but doug said something about it on computergamers.ro, iirc.
Koron said:
That doesn't look like a denial. More like a non-statement.

"Not announced" is not the same as "not being made."

However, "not announced" IS the same as "the magazine, which says we announced it, isn't accurate." Whether or not they are actually doing the Alyx game at the moment, we have no idea; we have as much information as we did a week ago, which is that it is something Valve "would like to do," along with episodic content.

Jeremy Dunn
In the latest issue of PC Gamer (UK) magazine, Valve Software revealed some details about the upcoming addon for Half-Life 2. It seems that Alyx Vance will be a playable character instead of being a NPC. A new weapon, Alyx Gun, will be introduced in the game - it is a combination of pistol, SMG and sniper rifle. The dog will be there too, but, like in the original game, only as a NPC.

Considering that this is actually a post, not an article... I find it hard to take seriously.

First of all the dude called it "Alyx Gun." I highly, highly doubt that Valve is going to call whatever new weapon it is "Alyx Gun." Even if it is fully Alyx's homemade gun, they would call it "Custom SMG Pistol" or something. And the dude called him "the dog" instead of just plain "Dog."
jimbo118 said:
who the hell is adrian shephard?
Are you Half-Life fan ? All HL fans knows who is Shephard!
Adrian Shephard is soldier of unit HECU fighting in Black Mesa.
Main character in HL Opposing force.
Adverse to playing as a woman? Hell no- No One Lives Forever was pretty damn cool! Although I admit I'm a man in the vast majority of RPGs I play...

...anyway, my gripe with the idea of playing as Alyx is the fact she's an existing character. She has a personality, she interacts with NPCs, we know what she sounds like, how she goes about life- it would ruin the "you are the character" factor of the Half-Life universe. I'd have difficulty getting so immersed as she already had a persona that I could relate with.

Blue-Shift had you playing as Barney (albeit one who only encountered Freeman once), but somehow characterising him after play doesn't seem half as bad (the HL2 Barney is purported to be an amalgamation of every major security guard Freeman encountered, a re-realisation of those original situations), to say nothing of the fact that Gearbox was the primary developer there.

If I played as Alyx, I'd be constantly wondering why I can't respond to comments with witticisms, why I can't perform various acts of dexterity with fluid special animations, or argue with Mossman or a (Mossman wannabe), or have Gordon running around me and jumping up and down. Or was that just me?

That's not to say I'd refuse to play any expansion that starred playable NPCs (urrgh, oxymoron!), I'd just find it strange.
Polaris said:
Are you Half-Life fan ? All HL fans knows who is Shephard!
Adrian Shephard is soldier of unit HECU fighting in Black Mesa.
Main character in HL Opposing force.
never played hl1,lol :LOL: :rolling:
jimbo118 said:
never played hl1,lol :LOL: :rolling:

I wouldnt have taken away as much of HL2 without first playing HL1. You really should play HL1.

It shouldnt matter who you play as, I think it will be just as awsome and will have its own feel to it.
I don't want either Sheppard nor Calhoun cuz they were made Gearbox, not Valve
The Mexican said:
Alyx gun a combination of a pistol, smg and sniper. I think that just a little stupid.

Other then that the expansion will be good. But it was anounced said before in another thread.
im with you :D
its just to unreasonable :flame: :flame:
Sars said:
either way, playing as alyx is a REALLY shit idea and a cop out if you ask me. we already know alyx and playing as her completely destroys the "YOU ARE" mentallity. it just isnt half life

my 2c
Umm.. The only expansions Valve has ever done have featured you playing as other characters besides Gordon Freeman...

What do you mean "not Half-Life"?

Playing as Gordon in an expansion wouldn't be Half-Life!!

-The "AlyxGun" is presumably that gun that Alyx has. I'ts basically a full-auto pistol. The "sniper" aspect is probably something like you can look down its sights, or something else that the magazine construed to make it sound retarded. :p
Number 1:

There is no sniper rifle. PCGamer just put up a picture of the rifle variant and added the caption "Great for sniping" or something like that.

Number 2: I believe the only part the Alyx expansion would make sense would be right after the destruction of the Citadel where she is teleported *without seeing the G-man* out of the area of the explosion.....or something like that.
Shens said:
Number 2: I believe the only part the Alyx expansion would make sense would be right after the destruction of the Citadel where she is teleported *without seeing the G-man* out of the area of the explosion.....or something like that.

No dude, Valve would never spoil what happens after the end of Half-Life 2. We won't know what happened to Alyx.
I think playing as Alyx will be shit, playing as Dog would be even shitter and her gun sounds like the shittest idea Valve have come up with yet. :dozey:

FFS Valve pull yerselfs together. ;)

The seven hour war would be great. Playing as a random dude, or even shephard but that ain't gonna happen, trying to fight an overwhelming combine invasion would be awesome.

Just imagine you're walking down the street when all off a sudden the sky rips open and in fly 100 dropships carrying striders and crab synths and hopefully some new nastier baddies.

Now that would be cool.
Could this be the new gun?


  • gun.jpg
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If I played as Alyx, I'd be constantly wondering why I can't respond to comments with witticisms, why I can't perform various acts of dexterity with fluid special animations, or argue with Mossman or a (Mossman wannabe), or have Gordon running around me and jumping up and down. Or was that just me?

You make some very good points, EdCrab (cool name, BTW). Although Alyx is an awesome NPC, I think you've convinced me that playing as Alyx just would not be the same; we've already seen her talk to people, hack computers, argue, etc, and unless you could actually talk to them, it would feel like there was a gaping plothole.

Gordon never talks, so its not much of a plothole, its part of the plot. :)

Umm.. The only expansions Valve has ever done have featured you playing as other characters besides Gordon Freeman...

What do you mean "not Half-Life"?

Playing as Gordon in an expansion wouldn't be Half-Life!!

That is not what my peers said. They said that playing as an already developed character would be shitty. It would be like playing as Alyx during the Combine scene and having Gordon as an NPC... it just wouldn't feel right. Whatever he does is player controlled, never AI controlled.

Maybe that is a bit extreme... but imagine playing as Alyx after the Combine explosion and seeing Gordon doing something else... on the Combine homeworld or something that you never got to do. You'd feel wierd... like "Hey! I never did that!" because Gordon is you.

Now, imagine this from the other side. Now you are play as Alyx in an expansion, and when you go play HL2 again and watch her help you, etc, you feel like "Hey! I never did that!"

The point is, Half-Life games work and are as immersive as they are because all of the characters that the player plays are player-only characters. We never see Adrian Shepherd outside of Op4, we never really see Gordon (except on camera, in a tram or making that Long-jump) doing anything that we didn't do in game, same thing with Calhoun. (Hl2 is far enough removed from Blue Shift as well as the very nature of the Barneys shows us that this doesn't present a problem)

The most that Valve could do, if they wanted us to play a pre-established Character, would be something like Laslo... where the game ends as you are ambushed by antlions and then you hear Gordon Freeman come. Or like a Combine guard that rushes into the portal room right as Alyx and Gordon are taking off... something non-descript enough that when we play it, it seems possible that we are actually that soldier.