Half life 2 Fan Fiction Contest.


Jan 7, 2005
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Half life 2 Fan Fiction Contest.

A HL2.net Fan Fic contest, using Half-Life 2, as the base of it all. Submissions do not have to be in Writing. Forumites (sp?) can post a comic, movie, Gary’s or JB Mod art work and or course a Fan Fiction.

Well it seemed a good idea…
The basic format of the Contest is as follows:
All media must follow a guideline, for example : “The true face of the Combine”.
If in writing the Fan Fic must be 5,000 – 10,000 words.
The Winner will be posted in bold by me at the end of the Contest, a Fortnight from now.

The Guideline for the First Contest is:
“Music beats within.”
I know it’s a bit shallow, it’s meant to be.
Good luck

P.S If anyone would like to be a judge, please PM me ASAP.
P.P.S Could a Moderator please sticky the post till the contest is over?
ohhh, sounds fun!

I'll judge, if you want. I'd love to compete but i gotta think up things for my random fluctuations is space/time, and also my marwax eist things. (edcrab! Rarrr!)
What if we plan to have our fan fic over 10,000 words? Is it not allowed in?
"Music beats within"- I might sit this one out as I'm flat out of ideas, but it'll be interesting to see what others produce :D

Jintor- Marwax Eist will pwn!
Can't be bothered editing origanl (sp?) post but i will give free reign to any word limit... so it can be over 10,000 so write away.
Also, we might vote for the top 10 entries, after the judges have judged them
Sounds like a good idea! I'm afraid I'm in the same position as Jintor though; too wrapped up in my own story right now. And I have to admit, "Music beats within" doesn't really spark anything in my head at the moment. Sorry. :(

You should let everyone know what criteria you will be using to judge. And if you're short on judges, let me know.

Valve should do a fanfic contest. There's some good stuff out there. I'd enter "Desperate Measures" for fun. :E Assuming I finish it of course. :rolleyes:
Why ask here?

JB Mod is a crappy version of Gary's Mod. An Earlier version, by a different guy.