Half-Life 2 for Xbox Now Shipping

SkeksiS said:
i got hl2 and completed it in 715minutes on xbox and its a great game, the game is excellent for the xbox standards which only has 733mhz and 64mb ram. i think they made parts shorter and took places away on this version. i don't have a £5k pc to run hl2 but from the pc vids i saw before release, but they took out parts i was looking forward to, like where one of them giant spider robot things is chasing you through the city and it goes under that bridge between them buildings. all that was shortened to just going outside and shooting down 3/4 of them. but i enjoyed it nonetheless and is now one of my favourite games. as for the guy that said the halo story was shit, you're a gay lol. halo2 is shit but halo1 is a legend:thumbs:
No, that wasn't cut out. Well, it was, but that's simply because the new parts in the game made the game more fun.
TMoney said:
Why the heck didn't they wait and do it for xbox 360?
Because they'd have to get to grips with all the new xbox 360 systems.