Half-Life 2:Forsaken Futures

  • Thread starter Thread starter DeacoN-FrosT
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Hi there, I have written this HL2 Fanfic in my spare time, I have around 5 chapters so far, but will only post the first two, as i dont want to bore anyone if there not quite up to scratch. My contact email is [email protected] if you have any queries or questions. I have also included a word document for a bit more of a presentable story, which include the first two chapters, i will update the word document as i release the story.

Forsaken Futures

// Written by DeacoN-FrosT

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Forsaken: n. To abandon; quit; desert; fail; relinquish; give up; renounce; to withdraw one's support or help from, especially in spite of duty, allegiance, or responsibility; to forsake someone..

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Chapter 1 – Keep Running (Part 1):

All I can hear is heavy breathing around me, which is some what narrowed out by the deafening sirens that seem to lurk behind us wherever we run to. Rubble is all that lay around us as we try to hide in broken down buildings escaping our enemy, the Combine. Unarmed Jeffery and Mark sit to the side of me trying to not be seen by the five or six combine units that lurk on our every move.

We have to do something, we have to get back to head quarters, if we are captured and processed the vital information we carry will never reach the commander and to what outcome that could bring I do not even want to imagine. I look through a small chip in the wall, there’s a combine unit in my sights, with only a worn down silenced 9mm USP-Match in my hand I aim relentlessly at his head. Trying to line him up is a difficult. He’s around twenty meters away checking a dark spot through a window; I go to take the shot, when mark grabs me just in time to show me they found a tunneling entrance behind a fallen roof. As we slide down the short ladder I pull a light metallic sheet over the entrance which will at least give us a few extra minutes if any. I look ahead, a dark cold passage lye’s in front of us. Were about 3 hours from HQ, if we can make it through this tunneling system which runs underneath City17 then I can see hope for the resistance and hope for our future.

Chapter 1 – Keep Running (Part 2):

I can see our exit up ahead, two Manhacks our on our tail, they picked us up on heat signatures a while back. Right now I feel so tired my legs are giving out every inch I take. Mark and Jeffery are in front of me thank god. I couldn’t allow them to stop and help me as we would all be caught and killed; the information we carry is just too valuable for us to die. As were near our exit, I spot a gap in the wall to my left, I quickly jump up into it and the Manhacks screech past, the wall crevasse I have jumped in to is damp. As soon as they pass I jump out, reach for my gun, aim and destroy one of the infernal machines with a single shot, must have hit the core cpu to take it out in a single shot. The second Manhack flips around and is coming straight for me; meanwhile both Mark and Jeffery are slowed and are looking at what is happening in despair. The Manhack is screeching at me so fast that the only thing I can do is fire aimlessly at it, missing every shot until I have only 2 bullets left in the clip. As it passes next to me its razor sharp body slices through my forearm. The wound is deep but I’ll live, I get knocked to the floor but I still have 2 bullets left in the clip. I turn around aim up release a shot and hit it. I must have hit something vital because it lost its flight ability. It was moving around on the gloomy wet floor like an injured animal, in this situation the only sane thing I could have done was put my last bullet in it.

As I walk back to Mark and Jeffery I can see expressions of relief on their face, I look around and were right at our exit. We climb up the rusty ladder, open the hatch and the sun shines through like a ray of hope. As I clamber out of the tunnel hatch I could see the entrance to HQ. Two black steel doors underneath dozens of rusted steel encased windmills followed by a good three mile stretch of waste land (to the combine) but underneath that waste land is the place that has been our home for the past 7 years. It’s good to be home.
Forsaken Futures

Chapter 2 – Black Mesa:

There was something reassuring about being home, within steel and stone walls came a sense of freedom in a weird kind of way, not having to run in fear of the combine. As I walk around heading to my section, I see teams gearing up for patrol and recon duty’s and feel glad that my stint is over. I bumped into an old friend Jackson; he was heading out for a late recon patrol. Jackson and I go way back right when the first of us started building this faction of ours. He explained to me that a satellite communication has picked up a bleak location on one of the alien’s eastern jump zones. Jump zones are what the aliens use to transport their masses anywhere throughout city17 at any given time. Jackson’s team was selected to go out and document any extra information they can gather about it. As taking these jump zones out limits the aliens to specific zones throughout city17. I only hope they can make it back alive.

Jackson and I met nearly a decade ago now, back at Black Mesa research facility which was situated deep in New Mexico. Or at least that’s what it used to be, a research facility, until something went wrong, terribly wrong. Not many people remembered the incident at Black Mesa, not many survived it. If you’ve been in another dimension for the last decade then Black Mesa is where it all started, all the killing that is, aliens, soldiers, you name it. Jackson and I were part of a special security team, hired to protect the Black Mesa facility, the underground facility anyway. There was another security team hired to protect the topside facility, mainly those who couldn’t get security clearance. Jackson was team leader, he was older and more experienced, I was the rookie, but Jackson took me under his wing. We had a really simple job, patrol duties and security system checks. For a tax free pay of $1200 a week, you couldn’t have a better job. I always did wonder why we were being paid so much for a job that could have been done by the janitor’s. But I wasn’t about to start asking questions, I wasn’t one to speak up about much.

We lived underground in our own separate dorms, alongside scientist’s and other technical people. There were literally around four to five hundred people working there at any one instance. Everyday was the same, patrols which always came back with the same results, system checks that never faulted. It was almost too good to be true. Until the inevitable happened, the Black Mesa research facility was overrun by aliens from other dimensions. None of what went on in the test labs was known to any of the security team, or the other lower level scientists. After hearing the first call come in stating that there was a situation in sector three test labs, Jackson sent four officers to go and investigate, after losing radio contact with the men, another 3 calls came in from scientists stating an alien presence in the facility. None of us knew how to react to what we had been hearing over the radio. We had been told that this facility was used to research nano and bio-technology, once the words alien had been said, we knew that we had all been fooled and are now in grave danger.

Jackson was smart, he wasn’t the kind of leader that sacrifices his team, he knew exactly what to do, and the only thing he could do. Tell us to get the hell out of here. Being nearly a mile deep underground was just one of the obstacles we faced. As Jackson lead the 2 remaining squadrons to the surface, we were faced with all kinds of terror. Things I can’t even begin to describe, many of the men died fighting to get to the surface, and it ended up being only Jackson, three scientists and me that made it to the surface. The scientists told us that a test had gone wrong, very wrong, that they weren’t researching nano and bio-technology, but inter-dimensional transportation. We were blown away with some of the information that they told us. Also about a new scientist that just came to the facility Gordon, Gordon Freeman. Supposedly he was the man responsible for this mess, by their recollection anyway.

About 8 miles out a massive burst of light propelled from the facility, it was in the shape of a rocket. It was a nuclear bomb unlike any ever seen, the sheer size of it made any other look small. The scientists informed us that once the facility becomes uninhabitable and unforeseen consequences come into place, then a failsafe is launched. A nuclear weapon designed to destroy the facility so no evidence could be found. The bomb destroyed the facility, but not what lurks beneath the rubble and ruins. And that’s all we know, the only information we have on the incident from our side.

As Mark heads to the control centre I keep on heading down to my dorm. I’ve got the worst headache, I lay down to rest upon my bed and fall asleep in a matter of seconds.
Very interesting so far. Well-written and almost bereft of mistakes. Quite apart from that its a great story to. You've got me salivating now. Okay, not literally.