Half-Life 2 Forum Edition


Nov 26, 2004
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as in, the edition that is completely and totally explained and speculated on by us forum monkeys?

lolz gues wat i tihnk tath teh gman is relay gordan bcuz hes blu
haha wulda been funnier if it had sumthing like "IT WILL R0X0R UR B0X0RZ bEcAuSe 1t iz so L33T!"
It's a joke on all the misspellings I've seen in different forums.
(Fragger) said:
It's a joke on all the misspellings I've seen in different forums.
lol i didn't even catch that. Headcraps the best, was it goethe that did that?
Ennui said:
lol i didn't even catch that. Headcraps the best, was it goethe that did that?

yeah it was me... I feel so 1337 right now ;)
A picture of a 'headcrap' on that box would have been great...
If you look back at that thread you will see that it is in fact not incorrectly spelled at all, as I have clarified. The headcrap was originally intended to be a weapon in HL2! And it really does explote!
Aww yes, a satirization of the misinterpretation by some HL2.net members. Very nice.
wow he put cgf instead of gcf...

he must be crazy
he must be insane
he musn't get out enough
hes so retarded
he can't SPEELlL2
he must have vd
he mustve been dropped at birth
his balls must be hanging out
he must've lost his mind
hes obviously dying of retarditus
his mother must be a skank
hes a silly silly chip eating boy freedom
he must go fishing without nets
he must be the age of an old craftsman
he probably duels with the queen past midnight
he eats pretzels with bush

sHm0zY said:
how coem i dont get it

how ironic the fact you don't get the joke yet you add to it by not spelling right

i hope puberty isn't too painful for you
maybe you should stop being a fag0t before i CUM on your face
fag0t? oh you mean f.a.g.g.o.t? you should whip the oxford english dictionary out instead of reading that big white book of retard
omgosh you're so funny insulting people on a videogame WEBSITE over a spelling error
I didn't know f.a.g.g.o.t. was an acronym. Well, you learn something new everyday. :rolleyes:

Fat Ass Government Guy Of... Ta...toos?
no ...i'm not insulting people, i'm insulting you....sHm0zY...thats just you. i'm singling you out because you've got fumes of ass coming from your neck. i'd say its the spaztershave you've been wearing
Doppelgofer said:
no ...i'm not insulting people, i'm insulting you....sHm0zY...thats just you. i'm singling you out because you've got fumes of ass coming from your neck. i'd say its the spaztershave you've been wearing
lol duck the spooge mate :D
Why? Did someone throw a spooge mate?

EDIT: LMAO, Dr. Brain.
Wow, I'm impressed... I've never seen such a highly concentrated amount of general stupidity before... You seem to attract idiots like petrol-soaked moths to an open flame Fragger...
Revenge said:
Wow, I'm impressed... I've never seen such a highly concentrated amount of general stupidity before... You seem to attract idiots like petrol-soaked moths to an open flame Fragger...
Oh, you know my wife then! :E