Half-Life 2: Friendly Fire Mod v0.1


Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
Looking for hosting for the file as well if anyone wants to help out:

Half-Life 2: Friendly Fire
v0.1 (12/3/04)
Author: A. Hines

  • Disables Gun Lowering on Friendly NPC's
  • Allows you to do Damage to Friendly NPC's
  • Friendly NPC's will now get pissed off at you if you shoot them
  • Higer hit tolerance while in combat
  • Citizens who see you attack another Citizen will also attack you

Known Issues:
  • Localization Text shows as tokens (ie. #HL2_CROWBAR, etc)
  • New Game Chapter Dialog does not work

  1. Unzip to half-life 2 folder (the folder that contains hl2.exe)
  2. Create a shortcut on the desktop by right-clicking the game
    on the game list and selecting "Create desktop shortcut". In the launch parameters
    of the shortcut add: -game HL2_Friendly_Fire -console
  3. Use map command to switch levels until I am able to get the New Game Chapters running
  4. Shoot teammates in frustration (or joy.... sicko)

Please post feedback, and if you can host this file, let me know

No, never as a single mod, but it might be worth it in a package, with an on/off switch.
Not this again, Im going to have so many mod directories - is there no easier way to slot the mods in?
Sounds like a waste of harddrive space to me. Hey, lets make us stronger and we can shoot unsuspecting NPCs and kill them! I'd rather have Steam authentication for all my games.
Its far from a waste of space, its friggen great work.

I just hate the whole seperate mod for each persons tweaks concept.
azz0r said:
Its far from a waste of space, its friggen great work.

I just hate the whole seperate mod for each persons tweaks concept.

So do I. I hope there is a way to integrate mods into the regular single player.
unreal on the other hand (other engines must do similar things too but i can't think of any one) with its mutators pwn source on this matter.

it's a shame valve didn't implement something comparable.
I have to agree with you guys. You can try replacing the Client and Server DLL's in the HL2 folder, but i think they get overwritten by the GCF, and it certainly isn't easy to swap things in and out....

cool, yeah they should have a mod chooser like in max payne, its really handy =]. Anyway gw, now if VAVLe only made a expert mode implemeting this
Could you not put an include in the server dll for say mods.cpp and then modders release the functions to add to the mods.cpp?
nagual678 said:
unreal on the other hand (other engines must do similar things too but i can't think of any one) with its mutators pwn source on this matter.
The 'problem' with mutators is that they dilute the strength of the servers. If you have hundreds of servers with only a few quality mods to choose from it's easy to get a game.
I like waiting 2 hours for a map to load. Wait a minute, no I don't, so I'll just stop playing this mod.
Does this make the game end like it does in SP when you get a 'critical NPC' killed? I mean it's all very well taking your anger out on Alyx when she gets on your nerves, but.. she wins in the end when you get the black screen up 5 seconds after you kill her :(
fifty7var good work.

read my post in the skill patch thread you can easily resolve the New Game dialog and localization text issues by renaming one file (hl2_english.txt) and editing titles.txt and the weapon text files and some others. you may need to include them in your mod package to stop the system using the ones in source engine.gcf

PM me if u need more details.