Half Life 2 Game size

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I am not sure if this topic has been posted before b'cause I am too lazy to find it on the first page, anyway my question is how big is the game going to be and in which format it will be release a 4 cd or 1 dvd(minimum space required 2.5gb{it's a spec}). Game like Splinter Cell & UT2K3 came in 3 cd's and HL2 with better texture and ai should be bigger than that I mean gameplay will be atleast 30 to 40 hours right RIGHT.
We don't know yet. They will release a CD and DVD version. Probably 4 or more CDs.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Probably 4 or more CDs. [/B]
That will be just ridiculous. Four cd's who's going to keep track.:flame:
I believe they said game will be comparable to first game in size(in terms of hours of gameplay).
i say four might even blow us away with five but more likely four
i say 3 cd´s. 2 for the game and 1 for the tools SDk etc
nah look at the crapy matrix game 4 cds and for what? shitty gfx and a short game this has it all its got to be bigger then 3
at least 4, 5 is more like it, there WILL be a dvd version in the collectors limited edition
Enter the Matrix had extremely high quality video, which is why it took up so much space. And it wasn't a bad game .... if you play both campaigns it's above average length as well, not to mention hacking adds a lot of replay (I have the PS2 version, may be different on PC).

Anyway, back on topic - I think it will be 2-3 CDs. Kinda sucks that I have this kickass computer and no DVD drive ...
They should release on dvd and cd on collectors edition. I know lot of people still don't have dvd drive but It's time to upgrade, Just like from floppy to cd in future they have to and u can find dvd cheaper then ever. If u get the game in dvd u will be ready for d3.
HL2 has no cinematics remember? Thats what takes up so much space on games and why some of the Final Fantasy games need 4 cds, and why one of the cds may have about 1hour of play on it with tons of cinematics, and the others can have more than 5 with only about 1 cinematic scene
Originally posted by HL2 Stone
nah look at the crapy matrix game 4 cds and for what? shitty gfx and a short game this has it all its got to be bigger then 3
Matrix was long because of te videos i think and i heard the graphics are ok if you have a radeon 9800
please excuse me if i sound like an idiot but a dvd cd has a lot more space on it than a regular cd. Am i right?
ehmm... who really cares how many CD's it's on? I mean, it's not like it matters anyway.... the cost will probably be about the same, so what's the problem?

if you don't have the harddrive space, lose some other games, because you know HL2 will pwn them anyway :D
It is going to be 6.5GB and in 6CDs.


Becuase for every level their is 4.0 to 4.5 hours of gameplay and with the best graphics possible that have the highest polys so 6.5GB will be the best estimation. :cheers:
Originally posted by nietzsche
When people are upgrading their machines with all kinds of bells and whistles, it makes no sense not to upgrade to a DVD drive. DVD drives are very affordable these days. I wouldn't mind if VALVe/Sierra released the game exclusively on DVD. This would also streamline the manufacturing process.

well, I for one don't have a DVD-drive yet... I am planning on buying one though.

It's just that with a limited budget, right now a CD-burner would probably be a better choice than a DVD...
CD's are not obsolete yet!
Originally posted by Gorgon
It is going to be 6.5GB and in 6CDs.


Becuase for every level their is 4.0 to 4.5 hours of gameplay and with the best graphics possible that have the highest polys so 6.5GB will be the best estimation. :cheers:
Valve is probalby trying to make it the smallet size possible because not everyone has that amount of space
ehmm... they DO reuse textures and stuff, it's not like ever level is totally unique...

and 6CD's??? are you insane? not even the RPG with lots of movies are 6 frikkin' CD's
ya i think someday evey game will be in dvd format and probalby end up being mroe then one dvd
Originally posted by kanarico
1 dvd = 4 cds

Actually, DVDs hold up to 4.7GB, and with CDs being in the 650-700MB range, you're looking at 6 to 7 CDs worth of data. (7 * 650 = 4.55 GB and 6 * 700 = 4.2GB).

Of course, they don't have to fill up the entire DVD...

the SDK isn't 800mb big omfg

probably 2 cd's

HL1 was on 1 cd... do the math
I'm pretty sure it's possible to release a game of this magnitude in a 3 cds pack. As with new compression methods become available, developers are able to shrink data into smaller file sizes.

UT2k3 is a pretty big game, with big texture files, animations and so on, but it's packed up in pretty much 1 and a half cd, being the rest of the space taken up by Linux vers and editing tools.

Another kinda obnoxious (is it right?! :) ) thing is having to download the whole package trhu Steam... It'll take a couple of days, at least for me (at a 200kb/s average dl speed)

Originally posted by Twilight
Actually, DVDs hold up to 4.7GB, and with CDs being in the 650-700MB range, you're looking at 6 to 7 CDs worth of data. (7 * 650 = 4.55 GB and 6 * 700 = 4.2GB).

Of course, they don't have to fill up the entire DVD...


Not to mention DVDs can be dual-layered which makes a slightly denser golden layer under the silver one. That gives you an approx of 8.5GB.

DVDs will surely become a standard, but really, the space they can use aren't exactly needed... I mean damn... if games were almost 10GB each then we'd need new HDDs!!
No matter what the compression method they invent tomorrow's game's are going to be huge and you will need a large storage space to keep it and dvd is for that. You will have to buy dvd drive in future and it's not only for movies and stuff like that.
I dont really mind having 4 or more cds. I bet 3 or more will just be the install and maybe 1 or 2 will be the play discs.
Actually, as game are becoming more astounding, the data is becoming bigger & bigger in size:
HL² will include tons of .wav at high quality (trust me, it's big) for the speeches, lots of musics, the textures will often have multiples layers (heightmap, specular map...)....
all this stuff is almost multiplying the size of current "good game" by 2...
And yes, it would be great to have only one big HL²'s DVD !
every dam person here has big space in his/her computer. i have 160GB HD, and this game will be 6.5 ziped into 6CDs.

Go to matrixfans.net and read the matrix game info. it says the game will be around 7CDs and the actual size of the game is only 5GB of vidoe and complex ploys but they found a way to zip it to only 4CDs and the game size is only 2GB or less.

but in case of HL2 this game will be too latge, why? becuase it is tooooo long, as i said before evry dam level will take 4.5 max to be finish.

so think about it.....:cheers:
Not all of us have big hd's : \ . Mines only 40gb, and more then half-full
Im going to take a guess and say 3 cd's at the most, I dont think the game is going to take up more then 3 gigs by itself.
I would like to buy the DVD version... (I don't like the idea of 3 or 4 cd's) lol I don't even have a DVD player. Where the hell I need a dvd player for? for dvd games sharp, do the math.. :)
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
at least 4, 5 is more like it, there WILL be a dvd version in the collectors limited edition
Has it been confirmed there's a Collector's Edition? If so, how much, I'll get a head start on the fundcollecting.