Half Life 2 Game size

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No, 2 cd's max. Yeah has lots of stuff and such but 2 cd's max, 3 cd's is pushing it but i guess it is possible, but 4,5 and 6? Thats rediculous, and you are a moron if you think that. Even a game like Galaxies only has 3 cd's, and look at what kind of content is in that game.
Originally posted by Chris_D
We don't know yet. They will release a CD and DVD version. Probably 4 or more CDs.
No way. I'd imagine two will be more than enough.
i believe in the official info from valve thread someone posted a quote from gabe saying that there will be both a dvd and cd release.
Originally posted by vissione
Not to mention DVDs can be dual-layered which makes a slightly denser golden layer under the silver one. That gives you an approx of 8.5GB.

DVDs will surely become a standard, but really, the space they can use aren't exactly needed... I mean damn... if games were almost 10GB each then we'd need new HDDs!!

Heh. You made me remember 10 years ago...

"CDs will surely become a standard, but really, the space they can use aren't exactly needed... I mean damn... if games were almost 640mb each we'd need new HDDs!!"

I have no problem with hdd size, i have a 40, a 120, and im getting another 40 for free soon
Its going to be 6.5GB.

Audio file ===1.5GB
Texture ====3.2GB
id just like to point out that diablo2+lord of destruction is 4 cds. im thinking half life 2 is gonna be atleast 4, most likly more.
have you ever played latest games.

if yes then your brain will estimate correctly by comparing current games with future ones
you can't do that
And I even think that sounds are taking more disk space than textures...
Well actually, NOBODY knows a damn about that :x
And I even don't give a s*** if HL² is a bundle of 6CDs or a single DVD, as long as it kicks my ass when I'm playing...
I emailed fatman gabe and he told me he's a big man; he likes his meals big, his women big and HIS GAMES big.

So HL 2 will probably be around 10 gigs, give or take a gig.
Baldur's Gate 1 was 5 cds.

2, which was much bigger and had more voice, areas, items, blah blah blah blah more everything was 4.

You are all talking out your ass.
Originally posted by piGfreeZer
And I even don't give a s*** if HL² is a bundle of 6CDs or a single DVD, as long as it kicks my ass when I'm playing...
I just like to tell u that if the game doesn't kick ur ass which is highly unlikely we are all here, we will help u to kick ur ass:afro: :cheers:
Originally posted by another-user
id just like to point out that diablo2+lord of destruction is 4 cds. im thinking half life 2 is gonna be atleast 4, most likly more.

Its because Lord of Destruction is Diablo 2's expansion, you cant count both of them togehter dumbass. And Diablo 2 was 3 cd's because 1 of which was totally full of fmv's and thats it! There were only 2 cd's with actuall content on them.
The latest guestimate is that HL2 will ship on 3 200GB HD's.
Just got off the phone with gabe the fat shit, he said he'll probably compress it because he filled up his hard drive at home with bestiality and child porn and pictures of food.

Taking half life 2 down to a nice round 50 gigs.
Originally posted by Fatboy Gabe
Just got off the phone with gabe the fat shit, he said he'll probably compress it because he filled up his hard drive at home with bestiality and child porn and pictures of food.

Taking half life 2 down to a nice round 50 gigs.

Don't be so offensive.
Im just kidding, mang. Gabe is my oldest and fattest friend, he tells me things that would make thy eyes water.....WITH FEAR.
72 gigs? Try 193+.

Valve is priding itself on scalability. And of course, everyone KNOWS that part of scalability is taking up 6.5 gigs of space. But this is Half-Life 2 we're talking about! Scalability taken to an extreme! We can all agree that Half-Life 2 looks about 300 times better than Half-Life 1 (give or take 5 or 10 ). Since Half-Life took up 1 CD, that must mean that Half-Life 2 is going to take 300 CD's. Since 300 * .65 gigs = 195 gigs, that means that this game will take up roughly 193 gigs (due to compression). Since we all know that even low end computers have 200 gig harddrives. Scalability of course, requires that the game take up the most resources as possible, and will immediately start downloading patches and general filler files off steam to fill in the remaining harddrive space. Half-Life 2 will truly be scalability at it's finest.

But in all seriousness, the lack of cutscenes and compression techniques will decrease the space required. Of course, the space required will be greater than Half-Life but nothing like certain people *cough* are making it out to be. I would estimate anywhere from 1-3 CD's.

You must be saying 1 CD? Are you mad! But think about it, Warcraft 3 took up 1 CD, and that was packed full of dialogue, music, high quality FMV, many different models, maps, et cetera.

Sure this game looks nice, but the techniques in making many of the snazzy features and effects reduce the expected size to store the information. Things like hieght maps can reduce the size of the outdoor maps (like the one with the buggy in the movie), and shaders and bump mapping can greatly improve the quality of textures and models, without increasing the size.
I made out with Gabe once. He said I was like a big cheese cake and he wanted to eat me all up.

That terrified me and I broke one of his windows and ran to safety. Well I would have done, but Gabe is a big man, he likes his house big and I was 5 stories up.

Thus I crippled myself and was condemned to post on message boards as my only source of amusment for all eternity.
To set the record straight...

If you look at hl1's cd you'll notice its only 262mb, the rest of the cd went to audio tracks. The current trend for in-game music is compressed audio files, which I imagine valve will be using wich will save quite a bit of space on the cd. So I highly doubt we're going to see hl2 on 6 cd's as some of you claim. My guess would be 2 cd's for game content, and maybe a tools cd. Or having the content on the 2nd cd if there is room. What about all those high quality textures and sounds though? One word, compression.
actually i don't give a crap how many cds, dvd, floppys, gigflops w/e its not like your going to be installing the game everyday
yea but think of the poeple who download it of stream ... lol at downloading 4 cds D:!

what will u guys buy ? The cd version or dvd ?

ill definatly be buying the DVD Version :D
The only major game that was released in the last year on a single disk that I can think of is Freelancer. Mafia, with no FMV's, was 3 disks.

I expect HL2 to be on at least 3 disks, possibly 4. Audio takes a ton of space and high resolution textures are definatly not tiny. The music might be compressed but all the speech will probably be raw wav files. Every 70 minutes of speech is another disk.
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
at least 4, 5 is more like it, there WILL be a dvd version in the collectors limited edition

Anyone seen the DVD version for pre-order yet ?, lets hope its available to order before sept 30th
Originally posted by another-user
id just like to point out that diablo2+lord of destruction is 4 cds. im thinking half life 2 is gonna be atleast 4, most likly more.
At least one of those CD's was nothing but movie files. Plus, the entire game was sprite based, meaning that they had a ton of animation frames. The actual install size of the game, however, including movies, is under 3GB. Without movies, it was maybe a gig.

The biggest parts of Half-Life 2 will be the texture files and sound files (both of which can be easily compressed). 3D models and level geometry take up surprisingly little space as they're basically just a list of coordinates.

Keep in the mind, the original Half-Life shipped on a single CD and had an install size of only 400MB (which seemed massive at the time. I remember having to delete stuff off my 1.2GB hard drive to make room for it!), so I would be surprised if Half-Life 2 was more than a 2GB install and will most likely ship on one or two CD's.

(And for those saying, "But Valve wouldn't compromise quality by compressing their textures and sound files!" the game is compressed when it is put on CD then decompressed at the time of installation, kind of like how you download a .zip file off the internet and then decompress it to use the contents. Also, sound files will most likely be .mp3 or another compressed format, as you can get very high quality MP3 files in a small space, especially voice files which can be very tightly compressed with little to no loss of quality.)
Speech will definatly not be compressed in Half-Life 2. You can not compress speech (or any audio for that matter) very much before losing data. Any data loss would effect the lip-sync of the characters, because they rely on raw .wav files.

I can say with 95% certainty that the game will ship on at least 3 CD's. Why in the world would there be a DVD version if it could fit onto a single CD?