Half-Life 2 going gold today?

GPRT said:
The magazine saying 'its done' has confirmed that they will not be reviewing HL2 this coming issue.
Ye, but that doesn't mean it's not finished

I really find the PHL thing very curious...
you guys know there is an ignore feature right? it works well
wonkers said:
I shay it's shmelting as vee shpeak. It's GOOOOoooooold.
LOL! Hilarious use of referencing Goldmember.

My fajer will be happy once HL2 goes gold.

/got nuttin.
Mountain Man said:
And dates from Valve are not to be trusted. Either way, we lose.

(Obvious joke, I know, but somebody had to say it.)

I was going to say the same thing. Basically, ALL dates are lies.
DelaZ said:
There are a couple of things happening that might point to a Half-Life 2 gold status today, or at least very soon.

1. The Half-Life 2 advertisement : IT'S DONE (here)
Notice the "ON SALE SEPT 22".

2. The Steam content servers bandwidth has increased from 4000 to 8000 Mbps today (here)

3. Planethalflife : "The countdown is on!" which was quickly removed and replaced by "Nothing to see here, Citizens. Move along, move along." (here)

4. It's September! Gabe Newell told us about the possibility that Half-Life 2 was going gold at the end of August (or at least a RC).

5. ECTS?

6. (The Half-Life 2 preload)

I do give you credit, however, for taking the time to gather evidence and present it in an easy to read format -- a rarity around here....
september 21st for US
september 24th for UK

Increase in bandwidth is probably due to the awful response of people being about to download the base files.
The signs just point to the fact that we'll be hearing good news soon...
cadaveca said:
september 21st for US
september 24th for UK

are u a valve programmer or why should i believe you ?
cadaveca said:
september 21st for US
september 24th for UK


Alright, I will mark your words. It's sigged.
LISTEN! How can HL2 go GOLD when technically it is still being Beta tested through CS: Source?
They can "beta test" CS:S long after the game goes gold and patch it over steam. Not a very hard concept to grasp.
MetalliMyers said:
LISTEN! How can HL2 go GOLD when technically it is still being Beta tested through CS: Source?

CS:S is a netcode and compatibility test. HL2 is single player. They're entirely different. Any multiplayer issues that arise in the Source engine needn't be concerned with the single player version of HL2. Seeing as how Steam can update and fix these issues, and they'd only be directly related to multiplayer.
MetalliMyers said:
LISTEN! How can HL2 go GOLD when technically it is still being Beta tested through CS: Source?

HL2 = single player game.
CS:S = multiplayer game.

now, how does CS:S beta have any bearing on HL2 being gold or not?
impunity said:
HL2 = single player game.
CS:S = multiplayer game.

now, how does CS:S beta have any bearing on HL2 being gold or not?

because it comes with HL2, and it will have an effect on the sales. this is why vivendi won't allow an incomplete part of the product to be boxed and sold.
poseyjmac said:
because it comes with HL2, and it will have an effect on the sales. this is why vivendi won't allow an incomplete part of the product to be boxed and sold.

They have said that Cs:s will not affect the release of Half-life 2. Besides it seems like it's finishing up anyway. I predict they'll let us play it until. or close to, the full release
Pliskin said:
They have said that Cs:s will not affect the release of Half-life 2. Besides it seems like it's finishing up anyway. I predict they'll let us play it until. or close to, the full release

where have they said this?

anyway i don't want to beta test CS:S after buying the game, i want a good working copy
poseyjmac said:
because it comes with HL2, and it will have an effect on the sales. this is why vivendi won't allow an incomplete part of the product to be boxed and sold.

that has no effect on HL2 going gold, that has an effect on HL2 showing up in stores.
impunity said:
that has no effect on HL2 going gold, that has an effect on HL2 showing up in stores.

thats a contradiction. a gold copy is what they sell at stores.
Wait, dont you get it....Theres a reason theres a shared source content gcf file in the cache. The shared content is the engine, so they can patch it all up as much as they want. All they need to do on release is link or unlock it so you can play HL2. Both CS:S and HL2 are running on the exact same engine, so any updates between Gold and you installing the game will already be applied when HL2 has finished installing/downloading.

This is just speculation, but it seems a very logical choice for valve.
poseyjmac said:
thats a contradiction. a gold copy is what they sell at stores.

they're seperate games, it just so happens that cs:s will be bundled with hl2. but they will show up as two seperate entities in steam.

HL2 = single player game = seperate from cs:s = can go gold without cs:s beta being done.
Ok people, you want the truth ill give it to ya.

The Gold date is set for.......drum roll.........wait what are we talking about again?
But, I thought they were still making revisions on the Source engine through the CS:S Beta

F it, nobody really knows when it is going gold. It goes gold when it goes gold.
MetalliMyers said:
But, I thought they were still making revisions on the Source engine through the CS:S Beta
And i thought there was a maximum 4 line standard for sigs.
they never said CS:S will come in the box with steam, did they? HL2 can go gold and get published, etc. Then they can just release the final CS:S via steam to hl2 owners.

Steam is a marvelous program, if it werent for steam, we would have to wait for CS:S to be finished up.
so you guys are saying that they are also beta testing hl2 in the cs:s beta, just because its the same engine? in that case hl 2 is far from done .... :laugh:
impunity said:
HL2 = single player game.
CS:S = multiplayer game.

now, how does CS:S beta have any bearing on HL2 being gold or not?

uh think abt your post....maybe CS:S is the HL2 multiplayer...
the HL2 game is done, and when beta completes, the games gonna turn golden.
Umm, why would you have such an all round nice computer metal, But have a crap video card?
It's not a crap video card...

I bought that video card because I didn't want to spend my life savings on a top o' the line card in January.
The rest of your computer was a life savings kicker.

Why stop on the video card?
who cares if you got 300 watt speakers, and a lcd monitor with 12 ms response time?? weee