Half-Life 2 going gold today?

The real question is how does the CS:S Beta effect the HL2 release, because remember people, CS:S is the HL2 multiplayer, so from this we can speculate that either:

1. Valve will wait until the CS:S Beta is finished to release.
2. Release HL2 and continue to upgrade the CS:S Beta until it is at the "retail level".
3. Release HL2 and wait until CS:S is completed and then unlock through Steam.
4. Cancel HL2, close the CS:S Beta, and go out and buy coffee and donuts.
either way it stays speculation,


The new patch really ****ed up my entire gameplay..
-weird textures
-glowing spots
-messed up text

and it was a big release this might be one of the final patches though,
but i see a larger opportunity that valvE will make the whole beta public to everyone....to keep us quite..and tweak a bit more on the source.

maximum reveneu of CZ is reached anyway:P
I'm going to stay up till after midnight so I can start tomorrows
Half-Life 2 going gold today? thread.

Then I'll be someone and wont have to be alone anymore... :p
With responce to that new patch it seems to be ok besides the fact that it keeps reporting that I'm attacking all these teamates on a FFA on server. Thats kinda annoying specially when it does it when your dead.
DrPowers said:
With responce to that new patch it seems to be ok besides the fact that it keeps reporting that I'm attacking all these teamates on a FFA on server. Thats kinda annoying specially when it does it when your dead.
Maybe that's because you're playing a team game... as a free for all?! :O
hl2 isnt going gold for a while probably, you guys are just giving yourself false hope off random things...

But didn't anybody remember what valve posted about HOW the gold announcement was going to be made? We have hints from these mods at different sites that point to them knowing about hl2 status. Valve said that when it IS gold they will release it on hl2.com and MANY other sites IE hl2.net planethalflife.com ect. They are definately getting ready for it.
i think the september 22 date on the magazine scan means thats when the new magazine with the half life 2 review will be in stores.
double steam bandwidth is probally for the CS source update. The thing on PHL is probally a test they we're doing for when it goes gold ( expecting it goes gold in a few days ) .

until valve says its gold, its not gold.
DelaZ said:
There are a couple of things happening that might point to a Half-Life 2 gold status today, or at least very soon.

1. The Half-Life 2 advertisement : IT'S DONE (here)
Notice the "ON SALE SEPT 22".

2. The Steam content servers bandwidth has increased from 4000 to 8000 Mbps today (here)

3. Planethalflife : "The countdown is on!" which was quickly removed and replaced by "Nothing to see here, Citizens. Move along, move along." (here)

4. It's September! Gabe Newell told us about the possibility that Half-Life 2 was going gold at the end of August (or at least a RC).

5. ECTS?

6. (The Half-Life 2 preload)

1.) The magazine confirmed that they would not be reviewing Half Life 2 this month.

2.) The bandwidth was most likely changed to cope with the people that will be downloading the latest CS:S update.

3.) I heard nothing of this, but it could just be the admins/mods testing out features on the site for when the game does go Gold (eventually).

4.) Valve has been wrong about dates many times.

5.) Err...ECTS?

The point is that instead of waiting for Half Life 2 to come to you, why don't you go out and do something else? I know you desperately want Half Life 2, but there's more to life (and more things to do while you wait) than just sitting in a forum, waiting for more speculation...
smacky said:
i think the september 22 date on the magazine scan means thats when the new magazine with the half life 2 review will be in stores.
double steam bandwidth is probally for the CS source update. The thing on PHL is probally a test they we're doing for when it goes gold ( expecting it goes gold in a few days ) .

until valve says its gold, its not gold.

Obviously it's not officially gold, but it wouldn't be stupid to believe it could happen today or tomorrow. Your argument falls apart with the PHL. They've been posting in the geiger counter for literally years now; they had no reason to "test" it. Obviously something is going on, as this has happened, Pi Mu has yet to respond, and other bits of evidence. Whether or not it is actual gold is yet to be seen, but we're all hoping!
MrBongo said:
1.) The magazine confirmed that they would not be reviewing Half Life 2 this month.

2.) The bandwidth was most likely changed to cope with the people that will be downloading the latest CS:S update.

3.) I heard nothing of this, but it could just be the admins/mods testing out features on the site for when the game does go Gold (eventually).

4.) Valve has been wrong about dates many times.

5.) Err...ECTS?

The point is that instead of waiting for Half Life 2 to come to you, why don't you go out and do something else? I know you desperately want Half Life 2, but there's more to life (and more things to do while you wait) than just sitting in a forum, waiting for more speculation...

I always find it ironic when someone tells someone else on a forum to get outside and do something else.. :|
The bandwidth increase came after the CS:S update

You don't test features on a live site.

No-one from Valve was at ECTS
MrBongo said:
The point is that instead of waiting for Half Life 2 to come to you, why don't you go out and do something else? I know you desperately want Half Life 2, but there's more to life (and more things to do while you wait) than just sitting in a forum, waiting for more speculation...

I love when people on the forums tell other people on the forums to go out and do something.

Irony! Irony, Will Robinson!

[EDIT:] Dammit Shuzer!! [/EDIT]
Pi Mu Rho said:
The bandwidth increase came after the CS:S update

You don't test features on a live site.

No-one from Valve was at ECTS

Do you actually know something we don't? I'm just curious. . :)
Bait said:
If we can't trust dates from Valve, and we can't trust ourselves, who the hell can we trust???

Jesus, our Saviour. :upstare:
he obviously knows something. Hes here defending the argument :)
Pi Mu Rho said:
The bandwidth increase came after the CS:S update

You don't test features on a live site.

No-one from Valve was at ECTS

You're dropping more hints than a Hustler article. If you're just taking the piss, it's kind of on the nose. (British slang.)
MrBongo said:
1.) The magazine confirmed that they would not be reviewing Half Life 2 this month.

2.) The bandwidth was most likely changed to cope with the people that will be downloading the latest CS:S update.

3.) I heard nothing of this, but it could just be the admins/mods testing out features on the site for when the game does go Gold (eventually).

4.) Valve has been wrong about dates many times.

5.) Err...ECTS?

The point is that instead of waiting for Half Life 2 to come to you, why don't you go out and do something else? I know you desperately want Half Life 2, but there's more to life (and more things to do while you wait) than just sitting in a forum, waiting for more speculation...

Yeah ok, I was wrong about the gold status, but I only speculated...
And while waiting for Half-Life 2 I'm developping a mod,
so I'm not really wasting my time and just sitting on my chair waiting for Half-Life 2.
Offcourse I desperately want Half-Life 2, so we can REALLY start the development ;)
MetalliMyers said:
I think you are all over-reacting because you want HL2 soooo bad. They just released a fair sized update for CS:S. I am guessing that HL2 will not go Gold until CS:S Beta is over. CS:S Beta is really a Beta test for the Source engine and multiplayer.

How do you know that the Beta dosen't end when the game ships out?

Just sayin...
I am one of the believers that Half-Life 2 will not be gold until CounterStrike is very stable. Yes, I know CounterStrike and Half-Life 2 are seperate entities in Steam but that doesn't mean anything. There is a part of the source code for both games that is common. This is the source engine. You have to understand how multiplayer is implemented in 3d engines to grasp why (I do because I'm working on my own 3d engine).

In single player, the engine has two continuous loops. One that takes care of reading the user input and updating the world (physics, Ai, etc); this loop will run maybe once every second. The other is a rendering loop that will execute non-stop, all it does is take the world and draw it to the screen. In multiplayer, however, your computer makes none of these calculations, at least if you're a client. Each client has two loops, one that sends its user input to the server and one that renders the world. The server receives all this input data, updates the world and sends a delta of this to each client (This is why the game world seems to 'freeze' when your connection is slow. You can still walk around but when you reconnect, you're reset to your last known location on the server.).

So as you can see, the singleplayer is basically the same thing as multiplayer. You have three loops in total and two are common to each mode. So until they get the main loop (AI, Physics, etc) fixed, both these games (CS:S and HL2) will be in beta and not gold.

(People in the business of videogames will notice that I simplified some parts but I felt there isn't any point to giving out all the details :))

When it's done :p

Funnily enough ;)
I am pretty certain that analyst got the November date from the EB, he isn't really an industry insider so I am 99% certain he did not get that info from Valve or Vivendi. Also since the dates the release dates given by retailers are basically just guesses on their part I would have to say that no one should believe that HL2 will be released in November based on that.
Nobody knows when the game will be released until it goes Gold, which could be anywhere between now and next year (or as long as Valve wants, really). So please, enough of these redundant threads speculating when Half Life 2 is being release/going Gold, otherwise I fear I may snap.
I thought the original post was fairly well thought out. Much better than the usual "Its going gold because my friend told me about it". He posted multiple sources, which all backed up his claim.
seinfeldrules said:
I thought the original post was fairly well thought out. Much better than the usual "Its going gold because my friend told me about it". He posted multiple sources, which all backed up his claim.
I thought that the massive bandwidth increase was the most intriguing :)
I thought that the massive bandwidth increase was the most intriguing

Me as well, the planthalflife post seems mysterious, but I have grown to disregard fan sites over the past few weeks. Although the increase could mean many things, it does seem to point towards a release of some sort.
merc said:
hl2 isnt going gold for a while probably, you guys are just giving yourself false hope off random things...


You guys are just punishing yourselfs getting these false hopes about HL2 I feel bad for you all, Its not coming out till late oct. early nov. maybe even later and no I dont have any proof of this but I mean comon look at the facts.....myself Im taking a break from this for awhile cause nothing is really gonna happen for a awhile...IMO.
Me personally am getting sick of these pesimists trying to get everyone else down with them. If they want to get caught up in the moment and HAVE FUN. Let them, the wait will only be shorter for them instead of an agonizingly long wait for the people that are bitching and complaining and saying "Oh you should be down here with me because you can't do what you want"

My 2 words for you.
Fuk Off.
Black-Falcon said:
Me personally am getting sick of these pesimists trying to get everyone else down with them. If they want to get caught up in the moment and HAVE FUN. Let them, the wait will only be shorter for them instead of an agonizingly long wait for the people that are bitching and complaining and saying "Oh you should be down here with me because you can't do what you want"

My 2 words for you.
Fuk Off.

And you are refering to who as a pesimist??

O and I just read thru what you just posted again black and that made no sense at all sorry....I thought I had bad grammer.
hes saying if people want to be happy let them and shut up.
OMG you either a dumbass or just a kid I wasnt saying not to be happy ...Im happy myself :E ... Im just saying that there is no point in getting your hopes up when its obviously not coming out for a awhile.
Agent.M said:
and no I dont have any proof of this but I mean comon look at the facts.....IMO.

So you don't have any proof... just facts.

Ok, what are the facts?