Half-Life 2 going gold today?

Agent.M said:
I have nothing wrong with people being happy Im happy :E ,dont be dumbasses... Im just saying that there is no point in getting your hopes up when its obviously not coming out for a awhile.

we are all in the same boat, we all don't have any proof of when the game is coming out. so then there are those who think it will be october on, some people think it will be in late sept. none of us are wrong or right(yet).

you said yourself you have no proof of the release date. if you did, people wouldn't tell you to shut up for being a pessimist. if you want to bring down the hopes of others, at least make it useful and realistic by citing some proof. if you don't have any, then thats no good to anyone.

there is no 'obviously' because valve is not obvious about anything.
Biozeminade said:
So you don't have any proof... just facts.

Ok, what are the facts?

I shouldnt have said facts I dont have any hardcore facts, with HL2 I dont believe in a thing called "fact" anymore, what I was refering to was the pc mag with the its done in it about HL2 which is not out for another 2 issues, css beta is still on going, most retailers have nov. now for a release date (yes I know never go by retailers but still), ummm had some other valid points but I cant think of them off the top of my head right now, no need kids to get all pissy and get your panties in a bunch, granted I think we are getting closer to GOLD just not as close as I thought we were and if that makes me being a pesimist than F U 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: Once again for those of you that dont understand english I guess....Im not trying to bring anyone down or be a pesimist (hell I was battling other "pesimist" on these forums just a month ago myself) Im just saying that you shouldnt get your hopes up anymore...IMO like vavle has already stated when "Its done" we will know and Im sure HL2.net will be one of the first so stop trying to read so much into everything...there im done Ill say no more time to hit up the clubs! :smoking:
Okay, on your last statment on your post. You say that "When its done we will know". Whos to say that maybe there telling HL2.net and all of the other sites but keeping them under NDA's so that they can all have their media of GOLD, etc. done? I mean c'mon, if you can't smell somthing fishy going on, you must work around fish alot or be one yourself. :laugh: but still i think somthing is up.
Man , i don't believe in nothing no more....i'm going to buy some EA games

The biggest piece of evidence of all: this thread is still open AND it's still in general HL2 discussion. Something is definitely afoot...
kaellinn18 said:
The biggest piece of evidence of all: this thread is still open AND it's still in general HL2 discussion. Something is definitely afoot...
I think Icarus is just taking a breat for a few days :bounce: . Nothing is afoot! There is zero afooting!!
Mr-Fusion said:
I think Icarus is just taking a breat for a few days :bounce: . Nothing is afoot! There is zero afooting!!

Oh there is definitely afooting. You just can't see the afooting. I deride your afoot detecting abilities!!!
I've got to concentrate concentrate concentrate.......

I've got to concentrate concentrate concentrate........
Mr-Fusion said:
I think Icarus is just taking a breat for a few days :bounce: . Nothing is afoot! There is zero afooting!!

Wait a second, hold up, stop the presses....I think for once Im gonna have to agree with Mr. Fusion on something :laugh: :cheers: ...ok Im really going this time ;).
I think we are..

I think we are jinxing the game and should just let Valve work and get the game out and hopefully it will be out in a few weeks to a month and I also think they should no longer tell us dates until the game is gold and not before. :borg:
skull24 said:
I think we are jinxing the game and should just let Valve work and get the game out and hopefully it will be out in a few weeks to a month and I also think they should no longer tell us dates until the game is gold and not before. :borg:

If CS:S is gonna be on the HL2 retail disks then surely HL2 wont be Gold until the beta has closed.
If CS:S is gonna be on the HL2 retail disks then surely HL2 wont be Gold until the beta has closed.

hes right there, and when people keep sending bug reports.. it will take more time.. but i since the size and numerous changes that have been made in the last patch. it all makes sence they want to go gold soon,

dont forget that there will be a mininum of 2 weeks after it has gone gold, to ship all of those CD's

I'm not very familiar with the game developement process, but do they actually announce when a beta phase is over? Or does a gold announcement usually happen a week or two after a beta patch?
most betas aren't public, so there's no particular procedure to be followed.
Presumably, the beta will end, Valve will send off another release candidate, and (hopefully) VU will approve it. Then they announce Gold.
Why I was wrong and Half-Life 2 will not go gold (yesterday)

1. The Half-Life 2 advertisement : IT'S DONE (here)
Notice the "ON SALE SEPT 22".
Doug Lombardi :

I believe the editors of that magazine took a guess when they went to press.
Rest assured, either Gabe or I (or both) will be sending up flares when HL2 is done.


2. The Steam content servers bandwidth has increased from 4000 to 8000 Mbps today (here)
The bandwith was probably increased for the Counter-Strike Source update which was released around 6 pm that day. The bandwith was also increased around 6 pm...


3. Planethalflife : "The countdown is on!" which was quickly removed and replaced by "Nothing to see here, Citizens. Move along, move along." (here)
They were probably just testing out something for the release of Half-Life 2...

4. It's September! Gabe Newell told us about the possibility that Half-Life 2 was going gold at the end of August (or at least a RC).
Well, not to be pessimistic, but Valve has never reached any deadlines lately.

Valve was not present at the ECTS.

6. (The Half-Life 2 preload)
The Half-Life 2 preload only includes finished textures and models like everyone knows.
There is also a shared HL2 gfc file who is probably also used by the CSS beta... Which means they are still updating the source engine itself. So I guess we wont see HL2 untill the CSS beta is finished.
Valve is going to want CS:S to be absolutely perfect before they bundle it in with HL2. And right now CS:S is far from perfect. That should be your gauge for how far HL2 is off. Considering the communities response to the latest update, I'd say CS:S is a ways from being 100% polished, therefore making HL2 THAT much further away. October - November is my projection. ;)
Screw CS Source, I hate CS. The only game I want is HL2. I say they release the single HL2 bundle only, then once CS:S is 'done', WHICH IT NEVER WILL BE, release the full bundle. Personally, I just want to get to work on my mod, not have to wait another 2+ months for CS which I'll never play.
didn't they say the hl2 is going to release at summer. or i just heard that in my dream
Jeg vil - personligt - også vædde på, at vi først ser en gold efter CS: S beta. Vi snakker vel en 2-3 uger.
I hope Valve isn't seriously thinking about finishing CS:S before releasing HL2. CS:S will never be finished, as someone already said.
Frutkola said:
Jeg vil - personligt - også vædde på, at vi først ser en gold efter CS: S beta. Vi snakker vel en 2-3 uger.

Translated from Danish:

I would also - Personally - Bet that we dont see gold, until the cs:s beta is finsihed, guessing it will be 2.3 weeks
i think the logic like no css == no hl2 make sense to me now. cause the steam thing. it just made my head steam :thumbs:.
what the hell ! all i'm trying to do is to get log in. and after i tabed [enter] my computer gave up on me. i think there is still a long way to make all their ideas to go smoothly as they imagine. and omfg(bme screaming and shouting throwing his head to the wall) mean there certainly going to be more time on our waiting. like king arthur once said to his knights in the movie "if this is going to be our destiny, so be it!". Amen to that hl fans.
Me: Gabe, will half-life 2 go gold today? plz answer

Gabe: Here's an easy answer, no.
Obviously...since the day this thread was started is now over. That doesn't mean it won't go gold soon.
I think they'll keep the promise of releasing the game in september.
for now it is. but in the future, who knows what will time bring to me.
I also think it will be released this month. I don't really have anything of worth to say; I just don't want to be a zombie anymore :)
razorblade kiss said:
Not nearly long enough. Some Beta tests last months and months. ex: World of Warcraft.

There's a huge difference between MMORPGs and FPSs. I think one or two weeks of beta testing would definately get rid of the last of the Source related bugs in CS:S.
Feath said:
There's a huge difference between MMORPGs and FPSs. I think one or two weeks of beta testing would definately get rid of the last of the Source related bugs in CS:S.

1 to 2 weeks more from today yes, if their lucky. Then another month for almost every single bug in HL2 to be stomped. Then gold. Then release. October. Happy Holloween.
Title of this thread: Half-Life 2 going gold today?
Thread started on Sept 1st
Today is Sept 2nd

You've already lost my friend. But im sure there will be another thread with the same title open sometime today.
razorblade kiss said:
1 to 2 weeks more from today yes, if their lucky. Then another month for almost every single bug in HL2 to be stomped. Then gold. Then release. October. Happy Holloween.

I thought they'd already squashed all the bugs in Hl2? I was under the impression we were just waiting on CSS, guess not...