Half-Life 2 going gold today?

razorblade kiss said:
1 to 2 weeks more from today yes, if their lucky. Then another month for almost every single bug in HL2 to be stomped. Then gold. Then release. October. Happy Holloween.

Another month? The Valve estimated bug free date was over two weeks ago, which was the same day that CS:S was meant to preload. It was preloaded later (which makes me think that that was the actual bug free day). The CS:S beta is the last phase of Valve bug finding before they send it to Vivendi.

I don't see why they need to be lucky to get CS:S bug free. The amount of Source related bugs can be written down on a small piece of paper.
It's a lot safer to say it's not going gold than to say it might go gold. Winning this lil'battle isn't a great victory.

Besides I would rather have hoped and not haved than to not hope or have. My sentences are goofy. It's the 2nd. I was born this day. It was a bad day on this planet and it's going to be for a very very long time.

Out of my voodoo experience I am leaning on the game not going gold or anything today. Nothing that good has happened on Sept 2. Sorry. It's just very unlikely.

: on a side note : I have a 12 of Rickards cooling in the fridge so it can't be all bad.
i wonder why the mods allow such diverse locations for everybody here, after all 640x480 is not a location
I changed my location to I am here..........................you are there so it moved all the info to the left. Then I got a PM from Chris D to shorten it because people with a lower resolution were getting scroll issues side to side.

So I changed it to what I have now. People apperently sent in complaints that it was messing up with their RES. It's was fun!

Hey, I was hoping just as much as the next HL2 fan for it to be Gold yesterday, but I just knew that it wasn't going to happen.
Feath said:
I don't see why they need to be lucky to get CS:S bug free. The amount of Source related bugs can be written down on a small piece of paper.

We don't have any idea how many Source related bugs there are. We know what they've fixed, but only Valve has the list. It could a mile long for all we know. I hope it isn't, but....
Democritus said:
We don't have any idea how many Source related bugs there are. We know what they've fixed, but only Valve has the list. It could a mile long for all we know. I hope it isn't, but....

I think the fact that we report the bugs means that we have some idea; and I've looked around the message boards and there aren't THAT many. A lot of the bugs are CS related.
Feath said:
Another month? The Valve estimated bug free date was over two weeks ago, which was the same day that CS:S was meant to preload. It was preloaded later (which makes me think that that was the actual bug free day). The CS:S beta is the last phase of Valve bug finding before they send it to Vivendi.

I don't see why they need to be lucky to get CS:S bug free. The amount of Source related bugs can be written down on a small piece of paper.

Bug testing is somehting that cannot be predicted. Or given a certain amount of days left, until its completely bug free. They missed their first release date by 1 year. Do you think they would care about another month or two if it means making the game perfect? Trust me, they will stop at nothing to get this game being mint. So I stand firmly by my October release date. Gold? Maybe it will go gold Late september.
Translated from Danish:

I would also - Personally - Bet that we dont see gold, until the cs:s beta is finsihed, guessing it will be 2.3 weeks

Damn! en dansker :D
Nah, I bet once people stop seeing huge bugs in the CS:S beta, they'll go gold. The CS:S beta will probably carry on until HL2 release day, when people can play CS:S anyway.
Kangy said:
Nah, I bet once people stop seeing huge bugs in the CS:S beta, they'll go gold. The CS:S beta will probably carry on until HL2 release day, when people can play CS:S anyway.

You're hope will serve as fuel to many HL2 fans. keep it up.
...I am waiting for the soccer like annoucement "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooLD" what a beautiful play by Valve. Up the left and a split 'D' the fans didn't see that coming!
wonkers said:
...I am waiting for the soccer like annoucement "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooLD" what a beautiful play by Valve. Up the left and a split 'D' the fans didn't see that coming!
But then "oh no the ref has disalowed the goal, maybe next month" :)
how about gold rightttt...............NOW!!!???........now? how bout now?.......mmmmm errrrrrrrrr *hides for a sec*.............NOW?! damn it
The game will be gold when Valve says it's gold. The announcement will be posted on many websites, including the official half-life2.com site. Hold your horses until then, guys.
That's absolutely true, but still.. there is a possibility about someone blabbing about it when Valve told them to be tight-lipped.

Like the ATI guy perhaps, or that Australian magazine, or any number of silly "news" items to come about in the last few days/weeks.

Though all of these things do seem to keep around the same time frame. My thinking is similar to Chris_D's in that it would be out in 5 weeks or so.

But there's also the possibility that Valve won't announce gold at all.
Would it not be the biggest shock ever for the game to just kind of appear on shelves all of the sudden.

Of course someone would surely tear the pod, and therefore spill the beans. Still, it's something to consider (?)
no way, if it was being boxed in factorys that news would leak.
ukfluke said:
no way, if it was being boxed in factorys that news would leak.

not if gabe has his factory of chained down monkeys packaging it!!! yea....monkeys cant talk....
yep i confirmed it

Damn it's a pretty bad photochop if you ask me. Maybe tomorrow I'll put up a really cool one. Oh, forgot, going away on an Island vacation tomorrow.

Please, Valve, don't announce GOLD until I get back!! Please, please, please.

Everyone with me now.... Please, Please... hey, what's wrong with you guys, say it with me!!
i say we all boycott half life 2 so valve gets scared and decides to release it :thumbs:
Here's a thought that's not quite worthy of a new thread, but is kinda relevant to this thread...

Would you rather Valve had kept it's collective mouths shut about the existence of Half Life 2 until now? A month or two from announcement to release and no delay, theft, or impatient nail biting, but no entertaining forums or huge community or entertaining speculation/conspiracy threads like this one(!)

Might make an interesting poll
That's kinda what they did. Except they blew the release date by......alot of months. And now they are left with releasing info of the game on a slow and painful schedual.
That's what I was thinking at first, but a year's delay can't be all bug and anti-cheat fixing. September 30th 2003 was just never going to happen. ;(

Now though? Well that's a different story. I hope :monkee:

PS. there was no reason for the monkey. I just thought it looked good.
Would you rather Valve had kept it's collective mouths shut about the existence of Half Life 2 until now? A month or two from announcement to release and no delay, theft, or impatient nail biting, but no entertaining forums or huge community or entertaining speculation/conspiracy threads like this one(!)


It's all because of the leaked alpha that its delayed :(

1. Half-Life 2 did not, in fact, go gold yesterday when this speculative thread was created.

2. Since then it has grown to almost 200 posts.

3. Over 50% of said posts are spam or flaming or simply ridiculous.

Question built upon above observations:

Why the hell is this thread still open?
Lucas Art's Star Wars: Battlefront went gold recently, and is expected to be in stores September 21st.

Soooo, if HL2 is going to make this month, they better hurry up. If this is the industry standard of how long it takes from going gold to being on the store self, that is.
I decree that everyone should stop talking about:

Half-Life 2 release dates
Old Half-Life 2 BINK videos
Old Half-Life 2 Screenshots

That way this forum would be completely useless.

Stop being such ******s about what people talk about -- at least people talk about shit here.
I don't know about you, but I don't like to talk about or talk about shit.
Hey, if we just keep this tread going, eventually it will be true.
HIGHLY doubt that sept. is gonna happen but if it does I will be extremely shocked and plesantly supprised.