Half-Life 2 Gold details...


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Hey all i am an ATI coupon holder and have preloaded all of the "Preloads" onto my PC.. my question is if i purchace the HL2 Gold pack over steam am i still able to preload HL2 or do they get disabled and get deleted???

Im trying to figure out if i will have to wait for the retail pack to arive at my door or can i just start playing when it hits retail and recive the GOLD pack when ever...

Thanks guys...
Damn that post title is very misleading...

I thaught it was about hl2 going gold...
unfortunatly u dont get a cd...its just the media files which u have preloaded on your computer...the things you ordered in your GOLD package will come 6-8 weeks as steam has said.
As soon as it's available for play, you can immedietly play it.
oh ok so you dont recive any cds... that sucks... :cool:
frusion said:
yeah kind of....but u get to play it immediatly :) :thumbs:
but i do anyways (ATI coupon holder...)

Gold isnt really worth it... i might go silver for hl1 and dod source... :dozey:
"immediatly" as in, as soon as its gold? or as soon as its retail?
Steam users get to play HL2 the second its retail so at 12:00AM the day it goes retail is the exact date it goes live on steam from what I herd... :bounce:
prolly have to wait till 12AM pacific though :(
yeh probebly...
pacific time is valve time zone?
yes...and they probably have to wait for the pacific also bc thats the 'earliest' time zone in the us
so us eastern coasterners (wow that's really not a word) will have to wait until 3 AM? i'll take my retail box copy at 12:01 thank you very much.