Half-Life 2 has competition

STOP accusing each other now, the real problem of this thread is its title, see the word "competition". I mean people come in to read this thread with "competition" in their mind, how could people not start a war for christ's ****ing sake?!!!

now let's talk about mp2. I don't intend to compare mp2 with hl2, but sometime u have to compare things to see which is good in what or which is better. Since the pictures are all we know about mp2, we can only talk about its graphics. Man look at the lady in the picture, the part where her neck and her upper body connect looks too robotic; and her eyes look dead (not animated, no reflection, i first thought it's due to the picture, but i realize i'm right by lookin at other character's eyes). Just look at alyx's eyes in the video, u will know what i mean.

Now the old black man, see his hair and his beard, looks like they just create the shape then put a flat skin on it (the way Brassmonkey uses to describe hl2 characters' faces, obviously he's wrong, but he might use that on the mp2 characters' face). also the same dead eyes.

See Alyx's eyes and the shape of her face (aint she hot!!!)

From the pictures, the graphics just look average. Well they are still developping the game, mabye the graphics will look way better in the final product. so far I must give 6/10 to its graphics.

The story could rox or could sux as well.

Since we know nothing on its gameplay, so no comment on that. After I got all weapons in the max payne, I got bored of game very fast.
AgentXen you are a retard with inconstructive comments and no arguments to back up your opinion.

One thing failed to be mentioned about MP2 is that it will use the Havok physics engine like HL2.
I will give hl2 9/10 and doom3 9.5/10 for their graphics. I hate the v models of the guns in hl2 and I hate alyx's father's face (too flat) which is the worst made face I had seen in hl2 so far.

Look at barney's gun

Maybe they will fix it and put the higher quality models. Cuz I dont' want to customize all the skins like I did in cs.
Chris_D, I agree with you... Oh deary.

Crowbar... I'm sorry I keep replying to stuff you've said but the comment about Maxy's dialogue being "some of the best" you've seen left me incredulous... As much of a laugh as Max Payne was, the dialogue was so terribly awfully hammily BAD that it almost worked.

Edit: My comments from "The Official Max Payne 2 Thread" thread in off-topic.
"Am I the only one smelling an exact same game on a revamped engine with no new gameplay and Mona Sax (well I assume that's who the lass in the pictures is) looking like Courtney Bloody Cox?

It's shame really.

Max Payne 2: This time we've mastered rain effects!
That aren't as good as snow effects.
And don't have the same ambience.
And don't explain why no-one's on the NYC streets.
And... Erm... sounds good, don't it?"
and back to that lady in the picture, i don't think her mouth can move as well as alyx's mouth. man, see the way alyx talks to u, she's stealing ur heart
Originally posted by Chris_D
AgentXen you are a retard with inconstructive comments and no arguments to back up your opinion.

One thing failed to be mentioned about MP2 is that it will use the Havok physics engine like HL2.

lol now they are gonna counter that statement by saying that its not "heavily modified"
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
and back to that lady in the picture, i don't think her mouth can move as well as alyx's mouth. man, see the way alyx talks to u, she's stealing ur heart

You dont think? You cant judge how well the animation is if you have seen zero animation.
Originally posted by Reaper978
I thought that mp5k was a place holder for the mp7

yeah i think so too, cuz that gun doesn't look future or it just doesn't fit the context of hl2, man, the aliens are there. hanging out with that gun, the combine will laugh at u.
Originally posted by Reaper978
You dont think? You cant judge how well the animation is if you have seen zero animation.

ok no comment on how well her mouth can move(if the mouth moves well, they should make a porn game with it like the modders are going to do with hl2. but from those pictures, hl2 charaters looks better which is obvious. Isn't it ? On alyx's face, there's not only depth, shadow, light, glint, etc, but also the color( the color is not always the same, a bit pink, a bit white, a bit dark, i don't know how to describe) which make her 10 time more animated than the lady in the mp2 picture.
Max Payne 1 was a classic, nobody can deny that.
Max payne 2 will rock also i think, but not a match for halflife2
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
yeah i think so too, cuz that gun doesn't look future or it just doesn't fit the context of hl2, man, the aliens are there. hanging out with that gun, the combine will laugh at u.

Yes, it's a placeholder, but if I was up against an mp5k, I certainly wouldn't 'laugh' at it. It's still a damn fine gun.
Max Payne was a fun game, but it didnt have any replay value. Same thing over and over, the AI was dumb, and the Comic Strip story telling was as stupid as it could get. The dream sequences was also extremely...sucky
yeah i think so too, cuz that gun doesn't look future or it just doesn't fit the context of hl2, man, the aliens are there. hanging out with that gun, the combine will laugh at u.

Actually, The Mp7 and Mp5 rounds doesnt differ that much. If I remember correctly, only real advantage of a Mp7 over a Mp5 is the rate of fire and ammount the clip can hold.
half-life 2 already has compitition.... this is just more.... exept this is an ENTIRELY different kind of game so its not even relavent to compare the two... also cause max payne 2 is under EXTREMELY tight raps
jeeezes dont get horny over some pics ffs!!!
you have to play it
The original Max Payne was brillent and was the best no brain shooter that i have played but that is all it is, a no brain shooter, and so is no comparison to HL2

I loved the way it didn't take it's self too seriously (and i know people are going to say that the it did by using lines like "The sun went down with practised bravado" but that is just taking the p*ss out of the type of films it's based on)

And to the DSTY2001 MP has to be the game i have replayed the most simply because you can play it for 10 mins or couple of hours depending on your mood.

Alas, i think the sequel will be much the same but that won't be all bad
omg u guys are all ****ing morons.

"Hl2 owns max payne blah blah b lah"

**** neither game has even been released yet.

You thought MaxPayne sucked ? I guess u got stuck somewhere it was "TO hard" and u never finished the game. its prehaps the 2nd best "story" game i have ever played behind mafia.

Hl 2 will be awsome.
Max Payne 2 Will be awsome.

Get over yourself fanboys and stop being so ****ing one eyed.

Max payne was a breath of fresh air for the genre.

Dont auto say "IT WILL SUCK HL2 RULES ALL" geezus look at how that makes u look.
and YES i am looking foward to hl2 more than max payne 2.

But what can u say ?

HL2 = First Person Shooter
MaxPayne 2 = Third Person Shooter

Half Life 1 Was awsome
Max Payne 1 was awsome
''He had a bat and I was tied to a chair, pissing him off was the smart thing to do''

I loved Max Payne
Wow you guys are so stupid..(the ones who loyally stand by hl2 like its the best thing that's ever happened)
Max Payne was indeed a fun game.. It pioneered the bullet-time and was the best at it.. Who said it was tyring to be like the matrix?
Not even Enter The Matrix did a good job at it..

And The specialists is a good example of why max payne should remain a single player game

EDIT: I know UT had it before but never did it as well as Max payne.. plus it was a 3rd party mod
I'm also looking foward to getting HL2 so dont get me wrong..
max payne 2 is supposed to have physics as well
Originally posted by ferd
jeeezes dont get horny over some pics ffs!!!
you have to play it

LOL yes WERE the ones to talk... pshh :cheers:
max @#$$ same game different story. OOOOOO they updated the graphics and added some physics.
Originally posted by MoxPearl
You thought MaxPayne sucked ? I guess u got stuck somewhere it was "TO hard" and u never finished the game. its prehaps the 2nd best "story" game i have ever played behind mafia.
Max Payne was one of the ridiculously easy games I think I ever played. It was REALLY short and it scaled its difficulty to how ou were performing. Which is nice but it also means that it's all over within a week.
The plot was hilariously bad - but in a vaguely self-knowing way, so it can get away with it.
Fun game, but I agree with droper that it'll hardly be any different except prettier. It's gonna have to do something special not to be a simple rehash...

Edit: FAK3R, your sig is veeerrrry funny
hl2 has better multiplayer, and no one mods for max payne, although i loved the first game.

mods make the game after the initial levels are beaten
Originally posted by droper
max @#$$ same game different story. OOOOOO they updated the graphics and added some physics.
No offense or anything I really like hl and will be getting hl2
but the same can be said about hl2
here it is in true internet fashion of stupidity

An Edit version of droper's blatant stupidity
half life same game different story. OOOOOO they updated the graphics and added some physics.
I don't use this term much, but you're fanboys. Accept it, there are other promising games beside HL2. And remember, HL2 isn't out. It may still flop.

I'm looking very much forward to Max Payne 2, Deus Ex 2, DOOM III and the rest. HL2 is currently at the top of the list, but that does not diminish the others.

Max Payne was a little over the top in some of its dialogue, but it was supposed to be - I thought it was a lot of fun anyway. Maybe max Payne 2 isn't really going to be as groundbreaking as HL2, but I think it will probably still be a lot of fun.
^^^^^ or whatever
longest streak of fair minded posts in a while
... or maybe im just saying that :\
Maxpayne 2 of course , thats gonna be awsome. But its not on the same level as HL2 , its a different type of game. And I agree if I have to go through another level with a baby crying and me platform jumping Im finding a level skip code right away.
I love games with style... and Max Payne is near the top of the list for me in that category.

The graphic novels, drug-induced dream sequences, obtuse metaphors, jokes about the game itself (I love the dreams where Max thinks he is in a game), and the whole stereotypical nothing-left-to-lose story fit together so well.

It's not a game for the average gamer... to get the whole effect you have to appreciate all of the parts.

Please die in horrible pain.
Like... now....
hl2 and max payne are 2 completely different games. The only thing they have alike is......well nothing really.

Try not to compare 3rd person action modern games with first person sci fi games. it just dosnt work out.
From what I have read, Max Payne 2's story sounds like a re-hash of the first game (which I liked by the way). He is framed for the murder of his partner and goes on a killing spree in order to find out who really committed the crime. On the same note, Max Payne 2 uses the same engine as the first game, it has just been heavily glossed over, kind of like the Quake 3 engine was a glossy Quake 2. Computer gaming world mentioned that character's faces look more realistic in MP 2 than in Half Life 2, but that is only when they are not moving any "muscles". Don't get me wrong, I am still looking forward to M P 2, but Half Life 2 is going to be way better and more original.
Character's faces MORE realistic than HL2!? How is that possible? :eek: