Half-Life 2 History Overview

People keep on arguing about whether gman or breen chose the crystal to use in the experiment in hl1. First of all let me state that I read somewhere officially (cant remember) that the crystal for the experiment is the same crystal that is at the end of hl1 in nihl's place. (valve meant to make this more apparent but never did) The 3 crystals on the wall that u have to destroy to kill nihl. (more evidence that nihl is under combine control, im guessing these crystals are used by combine to control him) But anyway, whoever made gordon use that crystal, whether it was breen himself or breen by order of the gman. Whoever it was, they knew what was going to happen because they got the crystal from xen that was in control of nihl. Now im guessing that breen didnt go to xen himself and pick up this crystal, so it was probably the gman. We know that the gman likes conflicts and wars and all that so he might have set all this up to take away control of xen from the combine. Thats why he says at the end of hl1 that he has xen under control, b/c gordon freed them from the combine. Who knows, perhaps gman will try to get control of earth next... (btw- gman is not gordon from the future, that is the supidest thing ive ever heard, they are def. two different characters, the writers at valve are not that stupid come on now, and i want to know where all this crap theory started so if someone could let me know, thatd be great)
simmo said:
We recently got word of a pretty nifty site which goes over the entire Half-Life story (which includes Half-Life 2), If your one of those who didn't understand the story or just, plain confused, take a look.[br][br]
[br]The site does contain some spoilers, so be sure you have finished to game first.[br]Head on over to the site here.

Once again, it's nothing but wild speculation and fabrication. For some reason, people are unable to just calmy explain the facts. They just have to include their own theories and suspicions, as if they were facts.

Furthermore, the news post should state that it's a site about speculation.
I think its a good run down, better than some I've seen eg: g-man is Gordon, his father, sister, sisters brothers milkman....
Correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't Raising the Bar indicate that there are Citadels in every major human city?
yes, it does...

but the city 17 one has the disruption thingy, that lets the towers teliport in...
Spartan said:
Once again, it's nothing but wild speculation and fabrication. For some reason, people are unable to just calmy explain the facts. They just have to include their own theories and suspicions, as if they were facts.

Furthermore, the news post should state that it's a site about speculation.

raising the bar confirms alot of his story...
chimpmunk said:
Xen was probably under Combine control, it's obvious, remember Nihilianth's (probably the xenian equivalent of breen) line: "their slaves, we are their slaves" ? Who else would that refer to? But after the death of nihilianth the border world was fred of Combine occupation, who turned their head toward earth.

Also the synths are just another combine assimilated species, it says so in raising the bar, and Striders are not synths , they are bionic machines.

P.s: Not all the vortigaunts joined the resistance on earth, only the ones who where already on earth, it's what raising the bar says at least.

Looking at some of Nihilanth's other quotes, I'm not so sure he means the Combine. For instance, Nihilanth says "Deceive you. Will deceive you." This could probably be narrowed down to interpretation as either Dr. Breen or the G-Man. But, when looking at another quote "You are man. He is not man. For you he waits. For you.", it becomes more and more apparent he is referring to the G-Man. I'm sure we can all agree that the G-Man's humanity is under careful scrutiny, and is all too suspicious. Not only that, but, as Nihilanth says "For you he waits." - Low and behold, the G-Man is waiting for Gordon right after Nihilanth dies.

This is obviously my own speculation, but nevertheless, some things to think about:

Nihilanth's warning of deception - could this be linked to a possible G-Man deception later on?

The slave bit - could the G-Man and his "employers" have anything to do with this?

Nihilanth also says "Win. You cannot win." - Excluding a literal interpretation to this, Nihilanth seems to be all but certain of his own demise (for example, the 'For you he waits' part). So, by winning, could he not be referring to his own death, but to winning in terms of Gordon's freedom from a possible G-Man threat?

But, I digress from pure speculation.

Oh, and I don't think these Nihilanth quotes are heard during the game - you'll have to discover them using HL Model Viewer or a similar program.
Mitch said:

plus a lot of things are ever so slightly wrong. all it seems to do is summarise main things that have been mentioned, and add some opinions/theories. this could still be vastly improved.
eg. I remember reading somewhere (official) there was more than 1 Citadel, this page states that there is only 1, in City 17. Also the years/dates seem a bit weird, I thought it was a bit further forward in the future.

If you bothered actually reading the info on the page before making your acusations you would learn this....

"The main Citadel is established in City 17. Other Citadels appear in other cities, seemingly out of thin air."

Which totally disproves your point!!!!!
oh man. thats so sweet. is it all true? how does this guy know all of it?!
Elite_Mongoose said:
oh man. thats so sweet. is it all true? how does this guy know all of it?!

A lot of it seems to be true (and confirmed by Gary McTaggert who said Mard said it was "pretty darn accurate")

Now someone on page1 said that he heard people who said HL2 doesn't have a plot... To that I say "wtf NEVER heard that before... If anyone says HL2 has no plot, then I want them to show me a game that DOES have a plot..." Of all the people I've talked to, never heard anything similar to that.

That is a good read/speculative article :)
Yay, my suggestion of the origin of the sample that caused Resonance Cascade got in! I feel so famous now! :D
If it could help something - Nihilanth said to you in HL that you're not alone. I guess he tried to tell us about the Combine.
Second thing is the speech by Dr Mossman about teleportation at Black Mesa East. Xen is the key to teleportation in our universe, however the Combine (who are from another universe according to Mossman) are unable to teleport 'locally' so to speak. Mossman says they are only able to Teleport to and from their universe, (the big teleporter Breen is using at end is to the Combines universe) and have to use local transportation once they're here (thats why they use Drop ships and dont just teleport). The teleporter you use in Nova Prospekt was built by Dr Mossman using Klieners/Vances research.....thats why Breen was so determined to try and get Vance/Kliener to come over to the Combine or kill them - they have knowledge of a technology that would give the resistance a big advantage over the Combine.

Nice. I never made that connection. :thumbs:
<RJMC> said:
so that means what he say is very close to the original plot?

i think so, i mean use common sense..
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Seems that he pulled a lot of the "facts" out of his ass,

Tell you what, why don't YOU create a time-line and post it on this web site? :thumbs:
good read. i wish valve would verify how much of that is true but the bastards wont do it :sleep: . part of me believes that valve doesnt even have the story put together let alone be able to 'verify' other theories.
Nice article, I don't know what's true and what's not but it sounds logical. But I find it strange why Dr Breen had betrayed humankind. Ok, because he did that he would not become a slave of the Combines but what's his life worth when he's the last human alive. He can't do anything nice.
shade70 said:
Hehe, I bet Gary will get his ass kicked if Gabe or Marc sees that post of his.
Valves first rule - never Confirm or Deny ANYTHING to do with Half Lifes story line :laugh:
It only confirms or denies things we know from evidence within the game, it doesn't reveal anything about the future plot or anything we didnt already know. it just consolidates it all.
riles said:
good read. i wish valve would verify how much of that is true but the bastards wont do it :sleep: . part of me believes that valve doesnt even have the story put together let alone be able to 'verify' other theories.
Well, by all accounts Laidlaw has put together a Half-Life "Bible" dictating what can and can't happen within the universe so it has continuity, etc. Apprently it's hundreds and hundreds of pages long..

This guy's guide is interesting although there's a lot that I don't agree with at all. But then that's just my opinion, just the same as that site is just his. A lot of it is probably going to be absorbed into the public imagination as "fact".
To bad HL2 doesnt tell the story at all and we need websites with rumors and speculation to try and understand what happend.

This thread is the clear proof that HL2 didn't tell the story at all, and even after Valve confirms it (if we are to belive they officilally did that) people are still confused.

Seems the whole game was an introduction to HL3, which probably will come a lot sooner than HL2 did, next year probably.
pblse said:
To bad HL2 doesnt tell the story at all and we need websites with rumors and speculation to try and understand what happend.

No, Half Life 2 (and Half Life) do not TELL the story, you live it. There was no explanation of the events at black mesa, no explanation of who the G-man was, whether the resonance cascade was planned, whether the Xen aliens planned an invasion, etc. Likewise, there is no real explanation of some of the events in Half Life 2 because the humans (including Eli and Dr Kleiner) would simply not know all of the answers. Also, do not forget that you (Gordon) have not been on earth for the last few years while all of this happened, so while everyone assumes you were present for the 7 hour war, portal storms, etc. (even though you "haven't changed a bit"), you were not. They do not bother to explain them because they assume you were there, and knew as much as they do (which may not be much).

I think there is no way to reveal more of the story before finishing Half Life 3 (and since we all know this is intended to be a trilogy, HL3 will naturally contain the final explanation for Xen, Combine, Breen, 7 Hour War, G-man, does Alyx want to do me?, etc. Those who say that Half Life 2 did not tell a good story did not stop to LOOK around them at all of the newspaper clippings, etc. And the reason that websites tel the story is because it is all in the GAME for them to find, those who need the websites are those that missed seeing the story bits in game because they ran through it too fast.

I for one love the way the let you find the story/history yourself whenever possible (talk to the vortigaunts for more exposition on Xen events for example). It made me feel more like a part of the story, than an observer.
MajorPayne said:
No, Half Life 2 (and Half Life) do not TELL the story, you live it.

ive been trying to tell people this for a LONG time but they just wont listen. THANK YOU for understanding why half-life's story is the way it is.
I think everyone understands the way a story developes in a game, it's not like watching a movie, of course not, the problem here is that there is no story at all, just vague stuff and hints that lead nowhere.

If your opinion is that this is enough then good for you, looks like most people don't agree including the guy that made that site.
This is the great part of the story being only half-told. Even when you're done playing the game, you can a) go back and look for more clues, and b) enjoy hours upon hours of discussion of people's theories and ideas. It's really fun seeing what people think and hearing the creative (though sometimes far-fetched) explanations.

I was initially disappointed that the game didn't completely explain everything, but I've come full circle and think they did it perfectly, because I'm really enjoying all the imaginative thoughts and discussions about the story.