I know this is my first post but this error is making me mad as I want to play the game without a crash.
I decided to put my 3 college prep classes of programming/debugging to some use.
Many of you know about THIS, the well known and common hl2.exe/datacache.dll error. It seems to happen on select systems and there is no real fix for it.
I decided to look into it.
Every time this crash happens the game creates a minidump file and saves it in
Program Files/Steam/steamapps/Username/whatever game it crashed in
Mine is named "Steam__3056__2007_5_19T0_23_50C14968"
You can open it with a notepad file but it won't make really any sense. So I downloaded windows debugger to analyze it and here is what I found.
I just used the .ecxr and !analyze -v commands
It looks like it's a problem with the engine.dll. I think that this is something wrong with the Source Engine on Valve's behalf and we will half to await a fix.
As for memory could not be read problems I think that's a stability problem or faulty RAM.
I may be totally wrong here but I am sick of not being able to play a game I rightfully bought!
I am also going to download Visual studio C++ and use that and source sdk/base to see what else I can find from this minidump file and maybe possibly a fix!
Which might require engine modding/dll modding which probably = VAC ban.
I will maybe submit findings to Valve.
Seems to me it really is an engine problems
1) It's in ongoing issues
2)Go to google and type Hl2.exe error and look thread hundreds of threads with no real fix
3) maybe the programmers are being real lazy and a fix would require a whole reworking of the source engine so valve won't release any statement on it and the only thing they will do is put it as "ongoing issues"
they don't deny just have not made a statement on it
I decided to put my 3 college prep classes of programming/debugging to some use.
Many of you know about THIS, the well known and common hl2.exe/datacache.dll error. It seems to happen on select systems and there is no real fix for it.
I decided to look into it.
Every time this crash happens the game creates a minidump file and saves it in
Program Files/Steam/steamapps/Username/whatever game it crashed in
Mine is named "Steam__3056__2007_5_19T0_23_50C14968"
You can open it with a notepad file but it won't make really any sense. So I downloaded windows debugger to analyze it and here is what I found.
I just used the .ecxr and !analyze -v commands
It looks like it's a problem with the engine.dll. I think that this is something wrong with the Source Engine on Valve's behalf and we will half to await a fix.
As for memory could not be read problems I think that's a stability problem or faulty RAM.
I may be totally wrong here but I am sick of not being able to play a game I rightfully bought!
I am also going to download Visual studio C++ and use that and source sdk/base to see what else I can find from this minidump file and maybe possibly a fix!
Which might require engine modding/dll modding which probably = VAC ban.
I will maybe submit findings to Valve.
Seems to me it really is an engine problems
1) It's in ongoing issues
2)Go to google and type Hl2.exe error and look thread hundreds of threads with no real fix
3) maybe the programmers are being real lazy and a fix would require a whole reworking of the source engine so valve won't release any statement on it and the only thing they will do is put it as "ongoing issues"
they don't deny just have not made a statement on it