Half Life 2 , if you got any reason not to dload the beta


Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
yep, stealing and hacking is bad mmkay.
but dloading pron and mp3s and games is fine.

i think most people that dload the beta will actually buy the game.
i now i will, i wont dload the beta not because of any moral bullsh-t but because i want the best damn experience.
(like im staying away from ROTK trailers this time)
ive dloaded alot of games but ive bought the ones i really like, half life , diablo, tie fighter , grim fandango, etc

movies is the same, do you think i want to watch rotk in divx cam smr ? or proper cinematic experience?
and im sure im not alone.
Originally posted by nimh
now i will, i wont dload the beta not because of any moral bullsh-t but because i want the best damn experience.

Hmm - same here.
Hehe, i wont download it 'cause im on 56k and my dld time for it would be:

124hours 24 minutes 32seconds

Hehe, im sure a few of us have this problem .... :(
i haven't downloaded the beta, i don't download mp3's or games and i'm 18 so it's legal for me to download porn so kiss my ass:cool:
yeah yeah, just remember the prowler is a lot bigger than the headcrab:devil:
I don't download it because I want the game like Valve intended us to play not some crappy beta with lot's of stuff missing. I don't want to give the cracker any credit for hacking Valve either. The only reason why he hacked Valve is because of attention (he's not some heroic rebel like some people think) and by downloading it you grant him that attention. Well, f*ck him!
im just waiting for the game....if valve says its officialy delayed untill april i will consider downloading it........
some people can download the beta, and play it just to check out the physcis and check out the graphics etc.. playing the e3 levels in no way spoils the plot for you, since youve already seen it. there are plenty of ways to play the beta and not spoil it for yourself. if you wouldn't be able to control yourself though, then its good that you don't download it. but some of us want to see the technology in action and take hl2 merely as a tech demo.

the guy doesn't get any extra attention if you download it. he has already gotten a lot of attention from people that dont download it, like esteemed websites. NOTHING is impacted by you downloading the beta, except it fuels your hype for the game even more and seals the deal of you buying it and (in my case)telling others about how excited you are about it thus providign more sales for valve.. but hey whatever you keep saying to yourself to get a good night sleep, more power to ya.
I dont' trust it.

Surely Valve had a virus scanner. gosh the hacker got part such an advanced peiec of technology?

but go ahead. open your pc up to some person with a tiny wi**ie and a need for power to make up for the inadequcy, by breaking into others computers and stealing their hard work.
I want to play the finished game like Valve intended it to be played (don't give much of a shit about VU, sorry), and definitely don't want any spoilers. I don't care much for moral either, but this is an exception. Half-Life totally changed the way I look at modern PC-games, and I want to honour Valve for doing this. I will always pay for that which matters to me. other crap, designed only to bring the developers more money (TR:AOD anyone?), is a definite stay-away-from...

kids: Every time you play the HL2 leak, God kills a Valve worker... :/
Originally posted by nimh

i now i will, i wont dload the beta not because of any moral bullsh-t but because i want the best damn experience.

Its a matter of loyaltee for me...Valve has earned my respect, and I am choosing to stand by them.
Re: Re: Half Life 2 , if you got any reason not to dload the beta

Originally posted by Parasite
Its a matter of loyaltee for me...Valve has earned my respect, and I am choosing to stand by them.

I babble too much... you said what I tried to say, in only one sentence :P
CMON people. The shit has hit the fan and its not our job to clean it up! The Alpha is out there. Yes... its true... and its not viruses in it. (don't ask) I am so sick and tired of all you hypocritical monkeys out there that stick to being so ****ing politically correct. Fine Flame me to hell if you like. But i am really sick of all these posts saying that this shit is bad.

ITS BAD! Its the worst thing that thats happened to the gaming industry you morons. But its not helping the situation. I'm gonna let you in on something. Some of you understand this and some of you don't. Those that don't will eventually come around.


What i do know is this; Its gonna be the most sold game ... if not ever... then in the last couple of years. Valve is going to have so much dough that they will all be settled for life!

I'm not going to go into how bad this situation is. Its bad. I don't need to talk about that. What i want to say is this. If you don't want to download the alpha. Then don't. If you want to... then go ahead, be my guess. I'm not going to blame you or call you an asshole. This is a free world. You can do it and get away with it. Its out there.

Final words: ITS OUT THERE AND HAS THE SAME EFFECT LIKE A COCA COLA COMMERCIAL ON THE MOON! Every monkey that reads the press is going to buy this game to see what the fuzz is about.


nice analogy :)


perhaps not... only time will tell. One thing is absolutely sure though. it will affect the sales, either in a good or a bad way. there is no way in hell that this sort of thing will go unnoticed economically.

ITS BAD! Its the worst thing that thats happened to the gaming industry you morons. But its not helping the situation.

absolutely true. But we're all curious, we're all a little afraid of how all this will turn out in the future. We all feel a need to discuss it all with other people. Even you, or otherwise you wouldn't have written that post. THIS, is all about communication, not really about the leak itself. We all have our own opinions, and the whole essence of a message board like this is to express those opinions, either in a civilized and subtle manner, or shouting it out in caps so that it's more noticable.
CMON people. The shit has hit the fan and its not our job to clean it up! The Alpha is out there. Yes... its true... and its not viruses in it. (don't ask) I am so sick and tired of all you hypocritical monkeys out there that stick to being so ****ing politically correct. Fine Flame me to hell if you like. But i am really sick of all these posts saying that this shit is bad.

Here here
Originally posted by Nathaniel
kids: Every time you play the HL2 leak, God kills a Valve worker... :/
If that's true, consider the Valve office nuked.
yeah... Guess I should change "Valve worker" to "Forum Headcrab" or something :)

hmm... "15 minute edit limit has expired"
Agreed. I was just tempered. No CAPS. But my message stands. The game is going to have a positive effect on sales. Heck its all over CNN for christs sake. How many games have this attention in the mainstream press?

Its going to sell like Evian to thirsty white men that just crossed the sahara desert. (nice analogy too ;) )

I know. I love this forum. And i actually love that i am pissed of at all these people. And this situation No forum has ever provoked these responses in me. This forum popped my cherry ;) But really.

I tried the Alpha and its shit (well.. it depends). Theres no story. You just play around. Its like a tech demo. Thats all it is... and to be quite frank i wanted the game even more! It was a giant billboard in my brain! Although i wanted the game badly before all this shit... now i want it a little bit more.
I'm bursting open from the inside, wanting to play HL2 so bad! :)

I haven't tried the alpha yet, and I'm not sure I will... If I do try it, I'm only going to check out the techdemo map, since I mostly just want a becnhmark to see if my computer will handle the (probably not yet fully optimized) game.

And hell yeah! does this forum rock :)
emotions everywhere, and you should have seen the discussions back when HL2 was being officially announced :D
oh, those were great times... great times, indeed... *wanders off in his nostalgic dreams*
I agree with Ruben. The leak only makes me want the actual game even more. Allow me to demonstrate with this carefully constructed graph:
What that graph tells me is that your interrest in the final game is just as high right now, as it was when it was first announced...

although I guess your point is that it's still rising, and will become greater for every day that passes. correct?

Nathaniel ~ Who just looooves to nitpick :D
ROFL .. that is some funny shit! Its like that ... follows the same graph. yea i remember those days. Those days when it was announced. My whole day just lighted up with sunshine! My girlfriend actually asked me if i really was faithful to her, cuz it seemed i had fallen in love with someone else the days after the announcement ;)
Um why do some of you nerds think you owe valve your respect? If it was a free game, then yes, it would qualify. Instead, they want your money, $50 to be exact.

This produces a tremendous amount of profit for them, when in fact they could sell the game a lot cheaper while making a more respectable profit. Keep pretending they respect you all, because if they really did, you'd see a much lower price. In other words, they are GREEDY. Just like all the big game companies like EA that only want your friggin money.
haha, that makes me laugh :)

If all they wanted was money, they wouldn't be making HL2 at all. They used the cash from HL1 to start working on HL2.

and if they're greedy, then you're cheap. If you had made a game like HL2, would you not want to get payed for it? Of course the price is a bit high, but you have to remember that all costs for advertising, publication and developing come into the revenues for the game. developing PC software isn't exactly cheap, you know?

EDIT: ...and could you please define what makes us nerds, and what makes you not a nerd?
Yeah they are greedy (in a good way). Everyone is greedy. Every company needs to make a profit. And these guys make money doing something they like to do, and i salut them for it. Thats capitalism for you. If you don't like it then don't buy it. Pure and simple. The game is not expensive. Cmon. really. To me the game costs just about 1 1/2 hours sitting on my ass at the office. And think about it.

Most of the money goes to the middle men, taxes (depends on where you live) Only a percentage goes to Valve, and they are not the ones that sets the price of the game. The market economy does. The money you pay for the game goes to supporting them and their families. I earn my money doing something and the world spins. Money makes the world go round. No denying that fact.

EDIT: I AM A NERD an my woman loves me for it! Thats my money maker ;)
that's a very accurate graph... do you have a tendency to make graphs about things like these? :cheers: