half life 2 in europe on 1 DVD standard edition

Edcrab said:
Yay! Go DVD! I was hoping that would happen...

Now to determine whether I'd end up buying the CE anyway :sleep:

Exactly, the only reason I wanted the CE was the DVD :)
a dvd player costs less than eating at mcdonalds ffs... i dont understand americans. DVD is the future, who gives a shit out the speed of your CD-rom, who needs 52x anyway ? if everything was made on DVD it would be so much easyer. And what i dont understand is that i bought my first PC in 1999 , even then it came with a DVD player... now 5 years later people still dont have a DVD player in their PC... i wonder if they can even run HL2 on their machines.. must be old as shit.

you wanna play the latest games, get the latest hardware.. simple
smacky said:
a dvd player costs less than eating at mcdonalds ffs... i dont understand americans. DVD is the future, who gives a shit out the speed of your CD-rom, who needs 52x anyway ? if everything was made on DVD it would be so much easyer. And what i dont understand is that i bought my first PC in 1999 , even then it came with a DVD player... now 5 years later people still dont have a DVD player in their PC... i wonder if they can even run HL2 on their machines.. must be old as shit.

you wanna play the latest games, get the latest hardware.. simple

MANY of the latest games are still on CD. that is why many haven't upgraded to a dvd player yet.

oh and some of us that actually have knowledge of hardware, build our own machines instead of buying an overpriced pre-made system.
Damn, now I have to update!
Amen to that posey...cheaper(usually), more fun, and you KNOW what you are getting
ShadowFox said:
Why do publishers in the US have a fear of DVDs? Most gamers are chomping at the bit to get DVD versions of the games. It is rediculous.

i am wondering the same thing.
i was so disappointed that Doom3 was not available on DVD :(
Loke said:
This sucks, because I don't have a DVD-drive at the moment. ;( Guess I will have to wait for my new comp to arrive in December… Bah.
download it on steam and just enter the dvd version key
Yellonet said:
Delicious. Maybe we're getting a dvd because "they" don't give us packages here in europe (at least not in Sweden) any more.. we get the games in dvd-case nowadays :( Which sucks if you ask me. It just feels so cheap.

yeah thats the one downside i see in game distribution these days, most games come in just plastic DVD cases. which in a way is good, but sometimes; as with HL2 i want a proper cardboard box. which im pretty sure HL2 wont ship in, well at least i know HMV wont sell it in a box, just a black case. maybe if i order from amazon i'll get a cool box :afro:
poseyjmac said:
MANY of the latest games are still on CD. that is why many haven't upgraded to a dvd player yet.

oh and some of us that actually have knowledge of hardware, build our own machines instead of buying an overpriced pre-made system.

i have alot of knowledge about hardware , i bought my system because the price was right and the hardware was good. i can build my own one but it would only save me 200 bucks, and if i **** something up i can say bye bye to the money.
Yellonet said:
One of the reasons why "They" could make the transition to DVD-case was that no one makes nice big manuals anymore. We just get a pdf on the disk and a 8 page folder... that's gaming evolution for you.

hmm...there are alot of pple out there who still want their manuels (sniffing purposes :laugh: ) in a booklet version.. so i think thats one thing that needs to be impoved about the DVD-case.. make them accomodating for manuels/booklets etc.

now granted the console games have little booklets usually but i would prefer something a bit bigger... hmm.. i think my Opposing Force and BlueShift manuels can fit into a DVD-case.

edit: no my Opposing Force and BlueShift manuels do not fit into the DVD-case.. silly me... but anyway.. just a tad smaller and they would.
smacky said:
i have alot of knowledge about hardware , i bought my system because the price was right and the hardware was good. i can build my own one but it would only save me 200 bucks, and if i **** something up i can say bye bye to the money.

ever hear of warranties on individual parts? maybe its better that you buy pre-made systems lol.
Im real happy if this dvd thing happens. Having 6 discs would mean loads of idiots out there going on the steam forums saying ' i lost disc 3! now i cant install' With 1 to lose, its all, or nothing in one go!
Edge said:
Oh don't get me wrong I am American and proud of it.. but I know only 30% of the population have any freaking sense

so that's official then ;).
Why don't we all give a shit about "DVD instead of CD's" and buy HL2 through Steam. That way we only support Valve instead of the blood-sucking Vivendi. Let's make Gabe Newell say "Yay!"
smacky said:
i have alot of knowledge about hardware , i bought my system because the price was right and the hardware was good. i can build my own one but it would only save me 200 bucks, and if i **** something up i can say bye bye to the money.
Getting awfully defensive are we... wonder why.
Someone that "have alot of knowledge about hardware" wouldn't waste $200 on a prebuilt PC.
Yellonet said:
Delicious. Maybe we're getting a dvd because "they" don't give us packages here in europe (at least not in Sweden) any more.. we get the games in dvd-case nowadays :( Which sucks if you ask me. It just feels so cheap.

I prefer the DVD case, it's so much easier to rip out the disc and play than having to open a cardboard box and then some CD case...
Pjotr said:
I prefer the DVD case, it's so much easier to rip out the disc and play than having to open a cardboard box and then some CD case...

think he means u get the DVD case inside a cardboard box, like it used to be, u got the box, then inside was the cd in a cd case. that'd be better, just for authenticity and then a manual could be included as well as having a portable dvd case to hold the disc
poseyjmac said:
MANY of the latest games are still on CD. that is why many haven't upgraded to a dvd player yet.

which is why they keep releasing games on CD which is why people don't upgrade......

I don't get PC gamers... they don't mind upgrading their graphics card every six months, but they find DVD's scary new territory ;)

pyroCow said:
Damn, now I have to update!

internet access was commonplace before DVD players on pc's were; Steam is getting it old skool... or something :)
yeah but big boxes were very wasteful, took up a lot of space on shelves, were mainly empty space, cost more to make. DVDROM cases hold everything you need, smaller so easier to store, and im sure most people threw away the cardboard boxes anyway and just kept the jewel cases. I can't see a reason to have cardboard boxes personally.
smacky said:
i have alot of knowledge about hardware , i bought my system because the price was right and the hardware was good. i can build my own one but it would only save me 200 bucks, and if i **** something up i can say bye bye to the money.

oooook..... building a computer is very easy... it's pretty hard to F something up

the worst case scenario when building your PC is a faulty part, all you need to do in that case is return it
Wraithen said:
which is why they keep releasing games on CD which is why people don't upgrade......

I don't get PC gamers... they don't mind upgrading their graphics card every six months, but they find DVD's scary new territory ;)

well, a dvd player doesn't make games go any faster or look prettier. subtracting a few minutes from install time isn't a huge deal to a lot of gamers.
poseyjmac said:
well, a dvd player doesn't make games go any faster or look prettier. subtracting a few minutes from install time isn't a huge deal to a lot of gamers.

Not having *six* CDs lying around for a game is a big deal to me, and I think it would be to most people, however.

Someone mentioned EverQuest 2 on 10 CDs? That's crossed into sheer stupidity.
Iconoclast said:
Not having *six* CDs lying around for a game is a big deal to me, and I think it would be to most people, however.

Someone mentioned EverQuest 2 on 10 CDs? That's crossed into sheer stupidity.

i dont know about you, but i don't leave cds lying around, i put them in their jewel case, in the box and on the shelf.
poseyjmac said:
i dont know about you, but i don't leave cds lying around, i put them in their jewel case, in the box and on the shelf.

same ... i like to stay organized ... especially when i have hl2 ... my whole room will be spotless ... less clutter = less stress = more fun playing the game :naughty: :naughty:
god damn you cheap kids buy a dvd drive already... I got a combo cd rw/dvd drive from sony for $60 CDN... that was 2-3 months ago.. I think its like $40-50 CDN now.
Platinum said:
same ... i like to stay organized ... especially when i have hl2 ... my whole room will be spotless ... less clutter = less stress

I'm a freak when it comes to that too :laugh:
Ugh, it's so stupid that we still havn't moved to DVD. I can't believe people honestly prefer having 6 CD games than 1DVD, and having a one-time charge of $25.
Awsome, Now thats cool.

What was the package items for CE ?
mashed said:
They're going to have to use DVD sooner or later. If next-gen game consoles use Blu-Ray for games, there will be no other option. Still nice to see they don't even make the option available in the largest market.

No reason to give a publisher money when I pay the developers directly and just back up the GCF files on a DVD-R.

Don't console's need the data on the disc to be uncompressed so it can rip it off the disc quick enough so that the game does'nt stutter along, where as PC's dont need to and can fit more game onto a disc.

You american's get crappy little cd sleeves or the 'old skool' massive boxes for your games lol. So glad we get DVD's and standard DVD cases :P
AJ Rimmer said:
Does all of Europe get DVD?

Most probably. Alot of the games i've bought recently have been on a DVD, i don't see why they would'nt release it in the whole EU as DVD as UK is in EU (not part of though;) ) and they deal with EU as an area when it comes to release dates and stuff.
Alig said:
Most probably. Alot of the games i've bought recently have been on a DVD, i don't see why they would'nt release it in the whole EU as DVD as UK is in EU (not part of though;) ) and they deal with EU as an area when it comes to release dates and stuff.
WOHOO!!! :cheers: