Half-Life 2 Interview - Gamespy

I was particularly interested to hear him talk about how there is not only the combine and the freedom fighters, but there is in fact a rivalry betweent the aliens and the military presence.
Also mentioned is the fact that you can gain allegiences or something similar from some smaller factions in the city. No details unfortunately.
Doug Lombardi:For folks who want the ultimate experience, they'll want the latest ATI card, and the fastest processor available from AMD or Intel.

Ouch! Theres marketing for you folks!
I agree with the ATI thing...but where else is one going to get a processor?
Apparently Valve had a deal with ATI. A few ppl asking Gabe about hardware were recommended to buy ATI 9800.
Thus why HL2 was the big show at the ATI booth at E3.
Technically you can't do better than a 9800 Pro anyway. (If Nvidia's is faster its by about a nanosecond and really doesn't matter.)
That's some solid info. Now when he referred to a "3D skybox" does that mean we'll see skies like Morrowind or Stalker in Half-Life 2?

I also like the fact that the levels aren't going to be necessarily linear, allowing the player to explore and find his own way through.

And he mentioned that at different points, the player will be able to ally with different factions. Does this mean there will be some branching in the storyline?
We can really only hope.
That would sure change things up though, wouldn't it?
Yes Skybox sky it's like in Morrowind. I hope they will make a 3d object moon as in MW - that effect is stunning.

Nonlinearity sounds well. HL 1 was fun as hell but as hell it was linear.

I think allying with faction refers to having aliens on your side. Or maybe, like in KOTOR, you get to join the Dark Side and help Combine ??

And as for tech stuff, I recall that same question about framerate was asked by somebody with Radeon 8500 and the answer was positive. So maybe they just get paid to glorify ATI and in reality GF will do fine.

Gabe has said that it doesn't matter WHAT brand of card you have, only the amount of power. So a comparable Nvidia and ATI should have comparable performance.
I just want to play the game rather smooth and rather nice...and not go bankrupt in doing so :) I recall how royally s^&#wed were ATI owners with MGS2....
the one new tidbit of information... they have a night scene, with clouds moving over the moon...that gives me a good feeling in my bones...knowing there's more to the game than the E3 demo.
ya think!? lol. what we dont know is we are all in for some HUGE suprises. the e3 demo shows 30 mins (maybe less if you minus the tech demo and gman) of a 35+ hour game. do the math, we have a TON to look forward to.
we knew there was a night scene its in the e3 demo.
What i dont understand is in the docks you get the crowbar so that must mean the beggining of the game.
And in the lab you dont have a weapon and she hands you one.
Does that mean you can run around without a gun or there is a twist in the story where you start over with no weapons.
Anyway great interview
Man, if there will be two endings to the game, I will die from happines :D
I have to keep reminding myself that we haven't seen nearly anything of the game yet too. It does make you go nuts with anticipation though.
What i dont understand is in the docks you get the crowbar so that must mean the beggining of the game.
And in the lab you dont have a weapon and she hands you one.
Does that mean you can run around without a gun or there is a twist in the story where you start over with no weapons.
Anyway great interview

For god's sake, docks is just set up for E3. It's not an actual level. Same goes for the Kleiners lab scene. You can see there's nothing behind the wall when the strider breaks through. I bet 5% of this is actually for the game and the rest is just set up for E3.
Originally posted by Dagobert
For god's sake, docks is just set up for E3. It's not an actual level. Same goes for the Kleiners lab scene. You can see there's nothing behind the wall when the strider breaks through. I bet 5% of this is actually for the game and the rest is just set up for E3.

Funny i seem to recall the e3 demo voice over the guy saying :
"That was the source engine now lets see HL2 the game".
To me that means everything else is in game maybe not finished but in game.
All it means is that is more how all the things they mentioned in the tech part tie together into an actual game, and what the flavor of HL2 will be like.

It doesn't mean scene for scene those are things you WILL find in HL2.
When he said, "Now let's see the game," it's reasonable to assume he meant, "Now lets look at an example of what the gameplay will be like" and not "Now here's a level from the actual game."

Anyway, did anybody catch his description about the textures having physics properties? I knew about that before, but I didn't realize it actually assigned so many properties automatically! Based on his description, I'm guessing if it looks like we can move it or destroy it then we probably can. Now that's just too cool!
Do you really think that valve would bother with setting up that huge complicated dock sceane if they didnt intend to use it for nethin but a 30 sec demo. Same goes for the DR Kleiner sceane. That is extremely complex as is every other scene we have seen.

For example the one where he talks or the character farther gregory. HE is clearly talking of an in game character that will be used.

blah blah blah.........................

etc. You get the idea. I am gona go now, and if you people dont accept that this was made Last September, it will be in the game and does not represent the final product when i get bk. Mark will be *indifferent*

this was a rable post. Please ignor the stupid bits :p
"...and Half-Life 2 will ship with full multiplayer gameplay for at least 32 players."

Is it just me, or is that the first time I've heard such an official response on multi-player? Last I heard, there were still rumors that HL2 would not contain any multi-player, per se, but rather TF2 would be the multi-player element.

-Mr. Bildo
Yeah, the amount of work that went into the scenes and dialog for the E3 demo is massive. It would be extremely expensive to not use that in the game. You can pretty much be guaranteed that almost everything you saw in the gameplay videos will be in the actual game.

However, it would've been simple for them to just add a crowbar to the docks scene.
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
Do you really think that valve would bother with setting up that huge complicated dock sceane if they didnt intend to use it for nethin but a 30 sec demo. Same goes for the DR Kleiner sceane. That is extremely complex as is every other scene we have seen.
Good point. However, it is a distinct possibility that we haven't seen those environments in their proper context. In other words, while that dock level may wind up in the final game (although I'm still skeptical, myself), it most likely won't look or play anything like we've seen in the demo.
Originally posted by dscowboy
Yeah, the amount of work that went into the scenes and dialog for the E3 demo is massive. It would be extremely expensive to not use that in the game. You can pretty much be guaranteed that almost everything you saw in the gameplay videos will be in the actual game.

However, it would've been simple for them to just add a crowbar to the docks scene.

dear god do some people not listen to anything that is siad.
both those scenes are hardly complex, well not for the Source engine anyhow which is what they have been saying all along. Alyx speaking is just here put wihta bit of animation and told what to say and the source facial animation processing does the rest.
i rekon the docks scene mihgt be in the game but there certainly wont be where you pick up a crowbar (as you said however) as in another movie from E3 gordon had a shotgun. Infact i wouldn't be surprised if none of the areas we have seen SO FAR would be included since it would probably only take one of the coder a bloody day to make the docks scene being source is so damn modder friendly etc.
one thing we do know that is in the game is the grounded boat where gordon is with the crowbar in the water..... and there has been no movie for that as far as i know.

unreal had some cool skies...i like the multilayered stuff.

not the most realistic but the coolest looking.

ut2k3 has godo stuff too