Half life 2 is around the corner will you buy???

2-3 copies...

2 Normal (1 for me, and 1 for my brother)
1 collectors edition
PvtRyan said:
What kind of gamer are you if you don't even want to spend money on your hobby?

ummm, a smart "gamer".....hahaha hehe ehhh, jk

I got the ati coupon anyway, so I'll use steam and have them send me a copy. hopefully ati doesn't fuk me over.
MadGuy said:
First im gonna wait to see the very first posts in these forums by people, who have bought the game :)
if they say its totaly awesome, I will buy it.

Listen man...EVERYBODY will say it's totally awesome. The only people who will not say that are people who do not like FPS.
disruptioN_ said:
I'm willing to pay money for this game. It looks freakin awesome.

I'll probably end up buying the collector's edition.
Me <3 HL2.

Ya, we all know you are nothing compaired to the value of 3 HL2 copies
dream431ca said:
Damn. I think this game will break sales records!

Yeah, the Half-Life name alone will bring in astronomical sales. It'll be interesting to see the figures from the first month or so.

As for buying the game, absolutely. I've been waiting (along with the rest of you) since just before E3 2003 when I first heard about a sequel to Half-Life. There's always a way to get it legally either by importing it or getting it through Steam.
Am i getting it!? What kind of question is that!!??
Of course I am! I reserved a copy after the Sept. 30th delay, because i knew it would get even more popular after the delay. :)
Jadewolf5675 said:
But yeah, HL2 definetly deserves to be bought. Valve deserves it. I might DL doom 3....but probably will buy it

Oh, Valve deserves it but Id might not? Not quite following your logic here.
i wouldn't get it off of steam... i want to cd/dvd in my hand.. it makes me feel errr safe. How much later do u think the special edition will be released after the standard game?
Pirating games is extremely stupid, as opposed to downloading music, mainly because I respect game developers and publishers much much more than the RIAA. Also, its pretty hard to play MP with a pirated game :p
All fans of VALVe will buy it. There'll be little to no warezing downloads of Half-Life 2 for sure, I mean, being that they won't buy the game after downloading the warez.
I guess I'll do the subscription thing for one month so I can play the game on release, and within that month I'm gonna search throughout the country for the collectors edition ;)
Comreak said:
I think anyone who buys through Steam will pretty much get it at the same time as everyone else. There's no reason to let certain regions get it before anybody else.

Buuuuuuut: You'll save time camping in front of the store the night before release and tripping right on the sidewalk in front of your house (shame on you!) banging your head. You just h4XX onto teh olde int4rweb and start playing feeling extremely l447
I'll get the SE version. Possibly the other versions as well (sp-only and whatever) if I can find money for that, just for the heck of it ;)

As long as the game / games in general come on CD's / DVD's, the risc (sp?) of it being warezed is quite large. Someone will always get a copy early. IF the game were to be released on STEAM-ONLY, I guess it would be a lot harder to distribute it to the "warezmarket". Unless it will be as easy to gain access to the full game as when people cracked the hexcoding of last year's E3 movies, that Valve uploaded to us.
Of course I will buy it, the first copy I see, and when they bring out a boxed set, and a collectors edition a gold edition, a platinum edition a special edition and a game of the year edition I will buy those too!!!
Goombatommy said:
Special Edition - definitely. Possibly a G-Man box for my brother.

hehe thats EXACTLY what IM doing :) :cheers:
big fat chunky rusty HL2 special edition for me, and a G-man box for my lil bro.
Mr. Redundant said:
hehe thats EXACTLY what IM doing :) :cheers:
big fat chunky rusty HL2 special edition for me, and a G-man box for my lil bro.
damn! u guys r rich :angry: ......... jk ;)

OT: I need 2 buy a new PC first so I'll probably play the game at my cousin's PC :sleep:

BTW: sry 4 the double post :stare:
Hah, no, of course not...

Not when I get it for free! *hugs IGN's Win Your Wishlist sweepstakes*
The only question for me is whether I buy special edition or normal.

As for buying via Steam - will the servers be able to handle all the traffic of many, many people downloading it the day it comes out? Gabe seemed a little anxious about this in an interview I read...
Good lord... when I last checked this topic last night it had 2 pages, and I assumed it wouldn't get any bigger because it's such a stupid question.

I was wrong.

I'm planning on buying the collector's edition... I'm far too obsessed with HL2 to just download it off Steam.
I bought a radeon, so i have a free hl2 coupon.. already mailed it.. so i get free copy :)
anyone know how much the regular versions are going to cost vs. the special editons? because if the disparity is too great, Doom 3 will be worth more than a fancy box.
Let me check really quick, rocketman...

Planet Half-Life says probably $50 for the regular, $80 for the special. when I say reg. i mean the one with MP, not the crappy SP-only one.
Seppo said:
I download couple of their songs and then if I like it go to the store and crab their CD. This post has almost nothing to do with the thread title.

Yeah I crab CD's too.
I'm thinking I'm prolly going to download hl2. Just seems more attractive right now. I like the idea of just starting it up as soon as it's released. I used to be one of those people who were like, I must have a box, but now it's not so big of a deal to me and being able to play it the second it comes out is more attractive.