Half-life 2 Is Not Coming September 30th!!!

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Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
Ok look most of the awesome games get delayed.

Halo PC > Delayed 3 years
Doom 3 > Delayed nearly 2 years
Far Cry > Delayed several months
Black & White 2 > WHo Knows, several years
Breed > Atlease 1 year
Chrome > Several Months
Max Payne 2 > So far 1 month

Need I go on? I think not. The point is Half-Life 2 is NOT COMING September 30th, which is extremely disapointing, especially the fact that Valve won't even say anything about it being delayed. Personally I think the reason for the delay is one or more of the following:

Steam not being ready
Vivendi wanting to release near holidays

Puts on Flame Suit and tries to hide...


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VALVe delayed hl1 a year, they may have learned from their mistakes.

BTW, Vivendi doesn't control the release, so they can't 'wait' until the holidays.

Other then that I TOTALLY believe you..haha.
*me shoots through flame suit with Flame Suit piercing bullet*

Now you were saying? :p
hold on dudes, dont flame him, he is an idiot, its not his fault, lets just take him out to the garden, and give him both barrels.
Originally posted by Lobster
hold on dudes, dont flame him, he is an idiot, its not his fault, lets just take him out to the garden, and give him both barrels.

Waste of ammo.
thats because awesome games take time to make.. and developers dont estimate good enough... half life has been nearly 8 years in the making. i think thats enough time.

dont make any assumtions yet... cus when you ass-u-me... you make an ass out of u and me.
[Pulp Fiction] Say "delayed" again. SAY "DELAYED" AGAIN! I dare you, I double dare you, mother****er! Say "delayed" one more goddamn time! [/Pulp Fiction]

Originally posted by Lobster
hold on dudes, dont flame him, he is an idiot, its not his fault, lets just take him out to the garden, and give him both barrels.

you mean wheel barrows? think he can push two of em around?
You, obviously, are a pessemist ;) Just BECAUSE other companies release things late, doesn't mean VALVe will.

I would not BLAME Valve for delaying it, but we'd all be happy if it comes out the 30th.
wow great, because other games were delayed it means all games will be delayed. nice deductive reasoning dr kleiner
Beneath the Flame Suit I have the Master Chiefts Armor.


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they are really cool wheel barrows... full of hl2 display cases with EBGAMES KNOWS EVERYTHING painted on the front.
Originally posted by Kschreck
Beneath the Flame Suit I have the Master Chiefts Armor.

*me gets Covenant tank*


In all seriousness, try to have just a LITTLE faith. A lot people have lost faith in the release date, and I think they need to just keep an open mind a little. I say, if we don't have any info by Thurday or Friday...start worrying.

it goes like this

Flame Suite
MC armor
harmless kitty

You Wont Hurt A small kitten will you?
Originally posted by Cheetarah654
wow great, because other games were delayed it means all games will be delayed. nice deductive reasoning dr kleiner
har har har. Just what I was thinking.
*Drops nuke on any type of body protection you may have*

What was that? :)
Originally posted by Whezzy
it goes like this

Flame Suite
MC armor
harmless kitty

You Wont Hurt A small kitten will you?

Some people would....I wouldn't.....unless it happened to be a rabid kitty that tries to bite me...then I might have to do something. :p
My left knee is twitching. That means the game is NOT delayed. The knee is NEVER wrong.
i would kill a Kitty.......and little piggies too....

Originally posted by Rasmoh
[Pulp Fiction] Say "delayed" again. SAY "DELAYED" AGAIN! I dare you, I double dare you, mother****er! Say "delayed" one more goddamn time! [/Pulp Fiction]


that had me rolling! :p
Originally posted by RabidMeatloaf
*me shoots through flame suit with Flame Suit piercing bullet*

Now you were saying? :p
Looks like the arena is trying to revive itself in this thread.

Seriously though, you can't be sure its delayed yet. If there is still a possibility that it can come out on time then you can't be 100% sure its delayed.
After seeing the title I was all ready to enter the thread and close it but in all honesty, given his research on other games he's not presented such a bad case.
Shut up, You have no evidence to proove the game wont come out. Your just trying to piss people off. The Radeon 9800XT and 9600XT specs were confirmed today, along with the fact that they will be released September 30th... including Half Life 2. So dont waste a thread next time just posting information everyone already knows.
Sorry D33 if this is not a good post. I'll try not to post anymore of the such.
Originally posted by Whezzy
it goes like this

Flame Suite
MC armor
harmless kitty

You Wont Hurt A small kitten will you?

If it's an annoying meowing kitty that wakes your ass up at 5:00am wanting to go outside and you have to throw things at it just to make it go away for five minutes..then....yeah.. gladly..
Originally posted by OtherLight
Shut up, You have no evidence to proove the game wont come out. Your just trying to piss people off. The Radeon 9800XT and 9600XT specs were confirmed today, along with the fact that they will be released September 30th... including Half Life 2. So dont waste a thread next time just posting information everyone already knows.

that's sweet, but
LINK? :afro:
The point is Half-Life 2 is NOT COMING September 30th, which is extremely disapointing

well im glad thats a fact, because I thought it was a random persons mere speculation based on past games release dates.

This is the implicit argument Fragmaster makes. The logic goes something like, 'HL2 will not come out when we first thought it would because games never do'. It's remeniscent of many Douglas Adams bits.

Among the many innovations Valve has made with HL2 is an attempt to fix this problem. They swore off giving any date before they were 95 percent certain, to the extent of not even disclosing the games existence. Did we ever hear 'late 2003', or 'Q3 2003', or even 'September 2003'? THAT is something that happens with every game...except this one. Maybe Valve will miss the 30th--these things can't be predicted that closely--but there's no way it will be more than a month after that. Considering they gone to this much trouble to spare us the agony of interminable waits, it would be contradictory for them to have any significant delay now without telling us.
Originally posted by mknlb50
Metroid? :afro:

Okay so ya. No proof it is delayed means these threads should stop. Unfortunatly that won't happen so i'll just keep twidling my thumbs until the 30th.
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